Interior Architecture Design Portfolio

Interior Architecture Design Portfolio


Interior Architecture Design Portfolio

Project 01: Form Manipulation

In the first project, the focus was on using solids and voids to create an interesting shape related to a cube. Students explored manipulation techniques such as subtraction, interlocking, and overlapping to understand how smaller elements come together to form a complex whole. The project highlighted the power of form manipulation and the importance of exploring concepts deeply.

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Project 01: Initial Designs and Process

The initial concept for Project 01 revolved around finding peace within chaos, but adjustments were needed to enhance light manipulation. The design process involved trial and error until the final structure was achieved, emphasizing the journey from concept to realization.

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Project 02: Wearable Sculpture

In Project 02, students worked in groups to expand the cube concept into wearable sculptures that could fit a single person. Building on the form manipulation techniques from Project 01, the focus shifted to incorporating human anatomy into the designs. The goal was to create functional sculptures that integrated art tools storage within the structure.

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Interior Architecture Design Portfolio - Flipbook by Fleepit

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