Entertaining Angels Programme

Entertaining Angels Programme


Entertaining Angels Programme


Grace, a former vicar's wife, finds herself in a new phase of life after losing her husband, home, and job. When her eccentric missionary sister Ruth returns, unexpected revelations force Grace to confront her past. The play, "Entertaining Angels," debuted at The Chichester Festival Theatre and has since enjoyed a successful UK national tour. The story is filled with shocks, secrets, and laughter, set in the garden of a vicarage. The production involves meticulous stage design, including the creation of a stream on stage, all to complement the stellar cast's performances. The playwright, Richard Everett, emphasizes the evolving nature of a play during rehearsals and performances. The play explores universal themes like love, family, belief, and relationships, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

The director reflects on the process of selecting and falling in love with a play, highlighting the universal themes and emotional depth of "Entertaining Angels." Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, praises the play for its humor and emotional depth, particularly in the portrayal of the character Grace. The production also features Latin phrases, biblical references, and gardening tips intertwined with the characters' stories. The cast members share their insights and experiences portraying complex characters facing personal struggles and growth throughout the play. The Guildburys Theatre Company, known for its high-quality productions, stages the play with a talented cast and production team, creating a memorable theatrical experience for the audience.

For more information, visit Entertaining Angels Programme.

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