The Shark Bite Biz Podcast, hosted by David Strausser, focuses on personal, professional, and business growth, with a particular emphasis on navigating challenges during the ongoing global pandemic. The show features interviews with CEOs, VPs, Managers, and Small Business Owners who share their expertise and insights. David Strausser, a member of the Forbes Business Development Council, leads discussions on various topics such as the future of call centers post-Covid, featuring guests like Richard Blank of Costa Rica's Call Center.
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David Strausser, the host of Shark Bite Biz Podcast, is an expert in leveraging technology to drive growth for small businesses. Originally from Pottsville, Pennsylvania, David's journey led him to Mexico, where he honed his skills and established Strausser Consulting Services to help American companies expand into Latin America. His success in business development and consultancy projects with companies like P.I.N.T., Inc. and Kodenshi AUK showcases his ability to create new opportunities for growth.
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David's expertise extends beyond business development to technological innovations, especially in border-crossing technologies. His work as the "Consejero Binacional" to the Secretary of Tourism for Baja, California, Mexico, highlights his impact in modernizing processes for American tourists visiting Mexico. By facilitating digital solutions for tasks like obtaining fishing permits online, David has demonstrated his commitment to enhancing efficiency and convenience through technology.
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