Savjeti nositelji međunarodne zaštite

Savjeti nositelji međunarodne zaštite


Savjeti nositelji međunarodne zaštite

Administrativni savjeti iz prakse za obradu pacijenata pod međunarodnom zaštitom

LEGAL FRAMEWORK PERSON UNDER INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION = a refugee in the sense of the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees that has been granted asylum or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Croatia. The healthcare provision for such persons in Croatia is regulated by the Act on Mandatory Health Insurance and Healthcare for Foreigners in the Republic of Croatia. Persons under international protection (and their family) are entitled to receive the full scope of healthcare as persons insured under the mandatory health insurance. Their status is verified by an identity card issued by the Ministry of Interior. The cost of healthcare is covered from the National budget.

NEZAPOSLENE OSOBE POD MEĐUNARODNOM ZAŠTITOM: Unemployed persons under international protection fall under insurance category T, with residence address as stated on their identification card. Patients are required to bring a copy of their identification card to every visit. Invoicing procedures include a list of all diagnostic-therapeutic procedures, a copy of the patient's ID, a list of all examinations from the current month, and the patient's medical history. Prescriptions are categorized as "blue" or "red," and referrals are managed similarly to insurance category A.

ZAPOSLENE OSOBE POD MEĐUNARODNOM ZAŠTITOM: Employed persons under international protection are classified under insurance category A, with the same residence address requirement as for unemployed individuals. Invoicing procedures follow the standard guidelines for Croatian nationals. Prescriptions and referrals are electronically sent to the pharmacy, with "red" referral notes and e-appointments available.

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