The Love of a Sultan

The Love of a Sultan


The Love of a Sultan - Summary


Ellie finds herself in a distressing situation, recalling how she ended up in the Sultan's seraglio and the harsh reality she has been living for the past 11 years.

Life in the Seraglio

Ellie's parents were part of a nomadic tribe, and due to circumstances, she was sent to live in the Sultan's seraglio at a very young age. She survived by hiding and living like a ghost, hoping for her family to rescue her, which never happened.

Encounter with the Sultan

After years of hiding, Ellie is finally noticed by the Sultan, who had previously neglected her due to her young age. The Sultan's sudden interest in her beauty leads to a disturbing encounter that leaves Ellie fearful and desperate for escape.

Uprising in the Palace

Amidst the Sultan's advances, a revolt led by Prince Heinley erupts in the palace, creating chaos and an opportunity for Ellie to possibly escape the seraglio and experience freedom for the first time in years.

The Love of a Sultan - Flipbook by Fleepit

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