During this week, Paroisse Notre Dame des Causses will be hosting various religious events and ceremonies, including masses, meetings, and prayers. On Sunday, the 11th of October, a special mass will be held at the church of St Pie x Bozouls, along with a funeral service for Josette Lacan and René Costes. The week will also include a profession of faith mass in Espalion and a prayer session with the rosary at Salle st Joseph Bozouls.
On Monday, the 12th of October, there will be a meeting of the liturgical teams to prepare for the masses of Toussaint, along with a collection for a solidarity basket. The week will continue with events dedicated to various saints such as St Wilfried, St Géraud, St Juste, Ste Thérèse d’Avila, Ste Edwige, and St Ignace.
The week will culminate with the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time on the 18th of October, featuring masses at the church of St Pie X Bozouls, a catechesis meeting, and a special anniversary mass for Auguste Boudou. Intentions for this day include Paulette Catusse and René Mouysset, as well as a baptism ceremony for Lia Da Costa.