The BJP-led NDA is set to form its third successive government at the Centre with the Lok Sabha election results showing a strong performance. The BJP is poised to win 291 seats, with the INDIA bloc at 234. Despite the BJP's victory, the party will need support from allies to ensure stability. Notable wins include the clean sweep in several states and the successful campaign in Odisha.
- The BJP secured 240 seats, falling short of the expected number but maintaining a lead over the Opposition.
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured a third term, but the party will rely on coalition partners for a stable government.
- Several other parties also secured seats, marking a diverse representation in the Lok Sabha.
The Odisha government confirmed 30 deaths due to sunstroke this summer season. With cases reported across the state, authorities are investigating alleged sunstroke deaths. The government is monitoring the situation closely, especially in regions experiencing high temperatures.