In August 2024, BASAkalimatan Wiki (BkW) launched an initiative to preserve the Banjar language through digitalization. The event aimed to engage youth in preserving their mother tongue and local cultural wisdom. Participants included college and high school students from various regions, who completed 500 example sentences and took part in a sentence writing competition. The winners were announced, and presentations on the importance of preserving the Banjar language were delivered by key speakers.
The Governor of South Kalimantan Province, along with representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, attended the official launch of the digital dictionary of the Banjar language. The event highlighted the significance of preserving regional languages in the digital age and fostering cultural heritage. The introduction of the digital dictionary symbolizes a step forward in language preservation efforts and cultural connectivity.
Emily Magaziner, the Public Diplomacy Officer at the United States Embassy in Indonesia, participated in the Wikithon at SMAN 1 Banjarbaru. The event was vibrant and engaging, with students showcasing their knowledge of the Banjar language through competitions and interactive sessions. Emily expressed her satisfaction with the enthusiasm and participation of the students, emphasizing the importance of preserving the Banjar language.
Newsletter BASAkalimantan Wiki August 2024 (ENG) - Flipbook by Fleepit