SNNHS Student Handbook

SNNHS Student Handbook

Summary of SNNHS Student Handbook

SNNHS Student Handbook

DepEd Mission, Vision, and Core Values

The Department of Education's mission is to provide quality education in a safe and motivating environment. The vision is to have Filipinos who love their country and contribute to nation-building. The core values include being God-fearing, pro-people, environmentally conscious, and patriotic.

School Official Programs

The handbook outlines several official programs at SNNHS, such as the Mano Po Program that promotes respect, the 91102 Program to ensure hydration, the Pass the Hat financial assistance initiative, and the English-Filipino Policy to enhance language skills.

School Rules and Guidelines

The handbook details the proper school attire guidelines for different classes, including specifications for uniforms and civilian clothes. It also emphasizes security and orderliness, requiring students to always carry their identification cards and follow specific procedures for lost IDs.

SNNHS Student Handbook - Flipbook by Fleepit

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