In January 2025, the Blackbox Theatre on the campus of the College of the Florida Keys presents "Tango in the Dark," a captivating production featuring a cast of seven world-class artists, including the PointeTango Dance Company. This thrilling show combines the sensuality of Argentine tango, elegant classical ballet, and dramatic acrobatic feats, telling a story of love, loss, and connection set against the backdrop of a city enveloped in shadows of nightfall. With live music by the acclaimed Payadora Tango Ensemble and captivating video projections, audiences are transported to the vibrant streets of Argentina, experiencing a unique and unforgettable tango experience.
PointeTango Dance Company, led by choreographer and dancer Alexander Richardson and lead dancer Erin Scott-Kafadar, is known for pushing boundaries in dance by merging the intimacy of Argentine tango with the precision of classical ballet, creating a new dance vocabulary known as "pointetango." They are the only dance company in the world to perform authentic, improvised Argentine tango on pointe shoes. Their innovative work has been showcased internationally on cruise ships, in theatre festivals, dance film projects, and stage shows, earning them numerous awards and accolades.
In 2024, PointeTango produced a live 2-hour production of 'Tango in the Dark' at the prestigious Grand Theatre of London, receiving rave reviews and further establishing their reputation as a groundbreaking dance company. Critics have praised their performances as a harmonious blend of grace, precision, and innovation, unlike anything seen before in the world of dance.