In order to request training or project assistance for Transmission Electron Microscopy at UT Southwestern Medical Center, users are required to complete a Training Request Form or a Project Request Form. It is essential for users to have their samples ready before requesting training, provide a brief presentation of the project with details on the tissue type, and include images of the desired sample orientation and references. The recommended sample size is 1mm3 or 120-200 nm vibratome sections for optimal results. Fixation procedures, including the type of fixative and perfusion, as well as sample preparation steps, such as dehydration, staining, and infiltration with Epoxy Resin, are crucial for successful imaging. Ultramicrotomy involves trimming the block face, cutting thick and thin sections, staining, and collecting on grids for imaging. Once the project is completed, users can choose to be trained for imaging or opt for the facility to perform imaging at an increased rate.