The Module on labour and human rights and international labour standards is a collaborative effort between the International Labour Organization, the Commission on Human Rights, and the European Union. It aims to address concerns related to labour rights violations, particularly focusing on freedom of association and protection of the right to organize. The publication of this module is a response to the observations and recommendations made by various committees and missions regarding labour-related issues in the Philippines. The partnership between ILO and CHR aims to enhance technical cooperation and capacity-building support to promote social dialogue, compliance with international labour standards, and better responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The module consists of 14 sessions covering various topics, including human rights concepts and standards, the role of unions in the labour movement, international labour standards, freedom of association, collective bargaining, case studies on human rights challenges for labour, labour dispute resolution, international remedies, business and human rights, special economic zones, and CHR's mandate on labour rights. The training is designed to equip CHR staff with knowledge and skills related to labour rights, ILO conventions, and national laws on workers' rights. It also addresses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by offering virtual training options.
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The primary objective of the ILO-CHR module is to integrate labour rights and freedom of association into the human rights mandate of the CHR. By enhancing the capacity of CHR staff and personnel in applying a labour rights perspective to human rights issues, the module aims to strengthen the protection of workers' rights as fundamental human rights. The collaboration between ILO and CHR underscores the shared belief that workers' rights are human rights, emphasizing the importance of upholding dignity and justice in the workplace.
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