In the debate on whether the dead are conscious, it is crucial to consider the origins of this belief. The concept of the dead being in a state of consciousness has gained traction over time, but its validity needs to be examined in light of the teachings of the Bible. The scriptures clearly state that the dead do not possess knowledge in death, debunking the idea of man's natural immortality and consciousness after death. The ancient doctrine of man's continued consciousness in death has its roots in pagan beliefs and the deception initiated by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, sowing the seeds of immortality of the soul. This false belief has led to the worship of dead men as gods and continues to influence misguided teachings today.
(Source: Page 1-5)
The origin of the belief in the immortality of the soul and consciousness after death can be traced back to the deceitful words spoken by the serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden. By contradicting God's warning of death upon disobedience, the serpent introduced the idea of immortality in sin, enticing humanity with the false promise of becoming like gods. This initial lie, the first ever told to humankind, laid the foundation for the erroneous belief in the soul's immortality and continued consciousness after death. The perpetuation of this deception throughout history has led to a departure from the true faith and an acceptance of doctrines influenced by demonic forces.
(Source: Page 5-9)
The insertion of the lie about the immortality of the soul and consciousness after death into Christian doctrine is described as diabolical, originating from the deceitful schemes of the father of lies. The seductive nature of these teachings, which contradict the clear scriptural truth about the state of the dead, is warned against in the Bible. The influence of seducing spirits and doctrines of demons in promoting false beliefs about the nature of the soul and the afterlife is highlighted as a significant threat to the integrity of faith. It is essential for believers to discern the origins of such teachings and align their beliefs with the unadulterated truth revealed in the Holy Scriptures.
(Source: Page 9-11)