The Design and Analysis of Algorithms exam for B.Tech students covers various topics such as Hamiltonian Cycle, Backtracking, Branch and Bound Technique, and more. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, theoretical questions, and problem-solving tasks.
- The exam includes questions on algorithm running times, complexity analysis, sorting techniques, and graph algorithms.
- Students need to differentiate between Recursive and Iterative Algorithms, understand the Master's Method, and solve recurrence relations.
- Stable Sorting Algorithms, Divide & Conquer Strategy, and Binary Search Algorithm are essential topics covered in the exam.
- Students are required to demonstrate knowledge of sorting algorithms like Insertion Sort and Heap Sort.
- Understanding concepts like Prims and Kruskal's Algorithms, Huffman Coding, and Dynamic Programming is crucial for the exam.
- Problem-solving tasks involve scenarios like the 0/1 Knapsack Problem, Shortest Path algorithms, and Backtracking for specific problems.