Elementary English Syllabus

Elementary English Syllabus

Elementary English Syllabus


The Elementary English Syllabus for elementary schools in Papua New Guinea, developed by the Department of Education, focuses on teaching English as a second language to children in their early years of education. The syllabus emphasizes foundational skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, with set standards for children to achieve before entering primary school. The curriculum aims to elevate literacy standards at the elementary level, providing a crucial basis for future learning.


The development of the syllabus involved collaboration with various stakeholders, including the Technical Working Group, Syllabus Advisory Committee, Board of Studies, teachers, and educational institutions. Their collective efforts have contributed to shaping the content and principles outlined in the syllabus, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in the education system.

Rationale and Aims

The rationale behind the syllabus underscores the importance of early English language development, particularly for children learning English as a second language. It draws on assessments like the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and recommendations for improving reading and writing skills. The syllabus aims to introduce English effectively, enhance literacy standards, prepare students for primary school learning, and cultivate a positive attitude towards English education.

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