Izindoni_ARPL2017A_Task 7: Reflection_Illegal Mining in Riverlea

Izindoni_ARPL2017A_Task 7: Reflection_Illegal Mining in Riverlea

Summary of the Investigation on Illegal Mining in Riverlea

Contextualizing of the Site

The investigation focuses on illegal mining conflicts in Riverlea, South Africa, through the perspective of Marxist Criminology and Land Rights Distribution Patterns. It delves into the history of mining in the region, the economic and political aspects, and the impact of neoliberalism on land ownership and crime.

Source: Page 1-6

Physical Space in Riverlea, Region G, CoJ

The history of Central Gold Mine, its ownership, bankruptcy, and the subsequent conflict over mine rehabilitation and land usage are explored. The abandonment of the mine led to disputes between stakeholders, affecting the surrounding settlements like Zamimpilo Informal Settlement and Riverlea Suburb.

Source: Page 2-3

Economic Space

The economic challenges in South Africa, high unemployment rates, and the impact on the poverty line are discussed. The minimum wage standards and their implementation, along with the vulnerability of the population to exploitation and crime due to economic hardships, are highlighted.

Source: Page 4-5

Izindoni_ARPL2017A_Task 7: Reflection_Illegal Mining in Riverlea - Flipbook by Fleepit

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