Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh passed away at the age of 92 due to age-related medical conditions. His sudden loss of consciousness led to his demise, despite resuscitative efforts. The Central government announced a seven-day period of state mourning, honoring his contributions to the nation as a two-term Prime Minister. Singh's political career spanned several decades, where he served as Finance Minister and later as the 13th Prime Minister of India, known for his economic reforms and global diplomacy.
ISRO is gearing up to launch the NVS-02 satellite in January 2025 aboard the GSLV, marking their 100th mission. The upcoming missions in 2025 aim to strengthen the NavIC system with advanced features. The successful launch of PSLV-C60 carried payloads like SpaDeX, with plans for the Chandrayaan-4 mission to include docking processes for a successful lunar mission.
After four decades since the Bhopal gas tragedy, the disposal of toxic waste materials at the Union Carbide factory is underway following the MP High Court's order. The waste will be transported to Pithampur for safe disposal under strict supervision to prevent any adverse environmental impact. Efforts are being made to ensure proper incineration and disposal of the remaining waste materials.