Computer stamps catalog - tome 1

Computer stamps catalog - tome 1

Computer Stamps Catalog - Tome 1


In the preface of the catalog, the author provides an overview of the content, which includes the history of calculating tools, the evolution of computers, computer applications, and the impact of computer technology on society. The catalog is designed to assist collectors of computer stamps and is structured by country and subjects, with prices listed in euros. The author also includes a section on abbreviations used in the catalog to help readers navigate the content more easily.

The catalog is organized by country, starting with Albania and providing details on stamp issues related to famous inventors, science, international events, and technological advancements. Each entry includes the year of the issue, the name of the stamp, catalog number, price, face value, and references to other stamp catalogues. The author collaborates with collectors from Belgium, Italy, and Israel to compile a comprehensive collection of computer-related stamps from various countries.

Algeria is another country featured in the catalog, with stamp issues covering topics such as automation, telecommunications, science education, and information technology. The stamps showcase a variety of themes, including control centers, LED technology, personal computers, and youth empowerment through technology. The catalog provides a valuable resource for collectors interested in the intersection of philately and computer history.

Computer stamps catalog - tome 1 - Flipbook by Fleepit

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