The Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary Chapel & Grotto 195 Roy Rd North Jindong, Busselton
THE HOLY ROSARY CHAPEL & GROTTO by Luisa Bove The Beginning In 1979, after my healing in a prayer meeting and the conversion of my husband, Luigi, we were filled with many, many more blessings and miracles. We were currently living on the farm where great signs in the sky started to happen, which filled us with dismay and wonder at what was happening and what it all meant. For example, the moon was following us wherever we walked, the sun after a while started to do the same, and the stars also walked with us. One morning, as we were praying beside a little tree, trying to understand the meaning of all this, the moon behind the clouds left the sky and was plunging down upon us. We embraced one another in fear and prayed even more, asking Our Lord to help us. Suddenly the moon drew back into the sky behind the clouds again, and disappeared. After that, every morning we would go under this tree to say the Rosary, because we understood the moon was the sign of Our Lady being with us. Meanwhile, this old friend from a prayer meeting gave us a little statue of Our Lady and we considered where we would put this. Because of what happened under the tree, I felt that was the place where we would place Our Lady in the branches.. But when we were looking at the tree, we saw it seemed inadequate with its three small branches.
out it was not practical at that point for obvious reasons. So, we decided to pray to conceive how this could be done. After we asked Our Lady - where she wanted to be, my eyes went to the desired level; I noticed a tiny branch which I asked Luigi to cut down, even though there seemed no logic in this. However, when he went to do so, and peeled back the bark in preparation for cutting a hole with the axe, there it was waiting for Our Lady's statue, the little aperture - the hollow to take the statue... just as she had planned! We continued to go every morning to pray the Rosary and create a little garden surround in her honour. Meanwhile we had decided to call our new Shrine - Our Lady of the Rosary. The lady who donated the statue however, questioned this, preferring Fatima or Lourdes. To settle the question, we said we'd put the three titles in a hat, and repeat this three times again. Incredibly enough, when each of the pieces of paper at the three locations were drawn, each time Our Lady of the Rosary came out - confirming it was Our Lady's wish! After that we asked our parish priest Monsignor Downey to bless Our Lady's little shrine. But as he was going away, he asked us to postpone for his return and to coincide with the celebration of Christ the King. We agreed to this and it took place 21 November 1980. Monsignor Downey led the Rosary with about 100 people from our parish and surrounding areas. That day a Protestant lady asked for a miracle - which she was granted! And she later became a Catholic. Because of the celebration that day, we received 'phone calls and letters to thank us - expressing how much it meant to them.
because it was a Marian shrine and that was her month. He replied: "By all means we will!" and we did. Once again we received a great response from those who'd attended, testifying to the graces they'd obtained. There were at least a hundred, joined by the Catholic primary school students. Because of the wonderful graces and blessings, we felt we had to keep having these celebrations in May and November. This continued for a few years, until ultimately it remained only in May. However as time went on, the workload increased enormously, while Luigi's health went down. This meant I had to care for him, as well as our farm duties, plus arrange and host the numerous busloads of people who'd travelled from Perth, and other country areas, swelling numbers to a few hundred. On these occasions, we would have a hired tent in which our parish priest would say Holy Mass for the pilgrims. After this we would process around the paddock with the Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady held aloft on a flower strewn base carried by four men, while we recited the Rosary. The Peppi tree where Our Lady wanted to be placed for veneration.
100 people from the parish and surrounding areas. "...But the Priests must now begin to act, through them I want to return to the midst of my faithful, because it is with them, gathered about My Priests, that I wish to form my invincible cohort..." (1st November, 1973).
eventually took its toll, and I found it becoming extremely painful and seemingly too difficult to continue. After these days, I was usually confined to bed with my whole body aching, and felt I could no longer continue. Thus I asked God increasingly: "Is this really your Will — or mine?" And would He please show me as I was reaching the end of my physical limits. On that final occasion, having reached this stage, I drifted off to sleep again in the early morning during which I had this vivid dream. In it I saw the gates of our property all opened wide, with people streaming in from all over. Then a voice spoke, which I am sure was God's which said: "Yes!" Meaning, it was His will for me to continue, because it was His work. I jumped out of bed and then realised I was pain free!! And my heart was filled with this incredible euphoric deep peace throughout my soul and body. With all that I was convinced it was God's will and so we have continued until this present day as I write (15 November 2002).
Meanwhile, in 1987 we were asked to make some remembrance of the Marian Year and thus decided to build a physical grotto so the priest could say Mass in this, instead of hiring a tent each year. After its construction, our permission was sought by others to pray a monthly Rosary in the grotto which we readily agreed to. But this developed until we were frequently praying a daily Rosary there and numerous visitors would also come during the week to pray there.
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