Masonry Brochure


We are proud to present The Willcox Collection and hope this brochure will help you decide upon the perfect memorial for your loved one. Throughout these pages you will find a range of memorials that are of exceptional quality, suitable for both cemeteries and churchyards. The options of material and design are almost endless. Adding designs or ornamentation to your memorial will allow you to create a unique and personal tribute to your loved one. We offer an extensive range of emblems, designs and ornaments for you to choose from. You will find the most frequently requested designs in the pages within this brochure. Alternatively we have skilled craftsman and artists who can produce bespoke designs to meet your personal taste. We hope you find a design that you like within this brochure, however, should you need any advice or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. 2



The range of memorials and designs has greatly increased over the years and we understand that making the right choice can be daunting. We hope that this brochure will help you select a memorial that reflects the person to be commemorated. If you would prefer a bespoke design, then please contact us to see how we can help create the most fitting memorial for you. THE WILLCOX COLLECTION 4 INSCRIPTION WORDING 5 MATERIALS 6 CEMETERY MEMORIALS 8 RUSTIC & HAND CARVED MEMORIALS 20 FULL LENGTH KERB SETS 28 BOOK MEMORIALS 34 HEART MEMORIALS 38 CHURCHYARD MEMORIALS 42 INDIVIDUAL MEMORIALS 46 CHILDREN’S MEMORIALS 50 CREMATION MEMORIALS 54 VASES 58 ORNAMENTATION 60 BRONZES 62 DECORATIVE GLASS CHIPPINGS 63 3



Some things to consider before making your choice:R EG U L AT I O N S Churchyards and cemeteries have regulations that govern the permitted size, material and design of memorials. Your local burial authority can supply this information and your stonemason should also be able to assist. M AT E R I A L S Within this brochure you will find headstones made in granite, marble and a range of natural stones. Before making your decision, it is important to understand some of the characteristics of these materials. Granite is the hardest of materials and will weather better over time however some granites are more porous than others and will tend to show variation in colour when wet. Other examples such as Marble and Sandstone are beautiful materials when new but being soft and quite porous will darken and change their characteristic as the years go by. Some people are happy to see this natural change but others less so. We can offer guidance on all these materials and discuss their suitability for your needs. LETTERING You will see different examples of lettering as you read through the pages of this brochure. Most common is gilding, using gold leaf and painting. Other options such as ‘sand-blast only’ are also available. Once again, we can advise you on the options available. MAINTENANCE Understanding the maintenance requirements of different materials may help you to make the right choice at the beginning of the selection process as well as ensuring that your memorial stays in the best possible condition for years to come. Your needs are as unique as the person’s life you are commemorating. Our expert advice and guidance will help you make the choices that are right for you. 4



Finding the right words for your memorial can be difficult. This section offers some guidance which we hope will help. EXAMPLES Below are just a few common inscriptions - Please be aware that Churchyard and Cemetery regulations may restrict your inscription choices. If you are not aware of the restrictions that affect your memorial we will do our best to help. The layout below shows a typical inscription Lead A brief introduction Name Lines Usually the largest font-size T IN LOV I N G M E M O R OF Y STANLEY JONES Date Lines A LOV I N G H U S BA N D, FAT H E R A N D G R A N D FAT H E R CHER RED MEMOR OF IES ISHED MEMORIES I N LOV I N G M E M O RY O F D EC E M B E R 1 9 3 5 - F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 0 Personal Description SU REA Showing the dates of Birth, Death or Age Often describing the relationship of the departed Epitaph Words devoted to the departed FOREVER IN OUR THOUGHTS To h ave k n ow n yo u Wa s a p re c i o u s g i f t “To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die” “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched but are felt in the heart” “Sadly missed along life’s way, Quietly remembered every day” “Life is not forever, Love is” 5



CORAL GREEN T E R RACOT TA R E D HASSAN GREEN ENGLISH TEAK B L AC K G RANITE TROPICAL GREEN CHINA PINK GA L A X Y BLACK EMERALD PEARL XIAMEN PINK B L AC K P EARL RUBY RED AU R O RA A L P I N E BROWN TWILIGHT RED L AV E N D E R B LU E O L I V E G REEN IMPERIAL RED B LU E P E A R L To ensure that your memorial remains an everlasting tribute to your loved one, we use only the finest quality materials. Please note that the colours shown are for illustration only. We have tried to make them as representative as possible but they cannot be portrayed exactly. 6



ABBEY GREY Y E L LOW SA N D STO N E G L EN A BY GREY BIRD W E L S H S L AT E DA R K G R E Y KARIN GREY N A B R ES I N A AVO N G R E Y CELTIC GREY P O RT L A N D STO N E FLINT GREY SURF GREY B R E N N A STO N E WA RW I C K G R E Y LUNAR GREY CA R RA RA M A R B L E GREY SANDSTONE Being natural products, colour will vary from memorial to memorial, making each one unique. S I LV E R G R E Y 7



BRZ2044I WG1 WG3 HS 27”x2I”x3” Base 3”x24”x12” A classic design featuring bronze praying hands. HS 27”x2I”x3” Base 3”x24”x12” A bronze cross and rose ornament decorates the headstone and a stopped splay base provides room for additional lettering. Blue Pearl Black D100 BRZ004 WG2 BRZ002 Abbey Grey HS 27”x2I”x3” Base 3”x24”x12” A painted resin ornament adds to the memorial. RSN005 D101 CHR1902I D102 WG5 Black D103 WG4 Black HS 27”x2I”x3” Base 3”x24”x12” A traditional ogee headstone with a sandblast and painted crucifix scene. The night sky is inset with crystals. 8 HS 30”x24”x4” Base 4”x30”x12” A contemporary take on the traditional ogee shape, featuring a hand painted scene (bespoke scenes welcome) across the top.



Galaxy Black HS 27”x2I”x3” Vases 4”x6”x6” Base 3”x24”x12” A bronze rose complements the reflective galaxy granite. BRZ1984 WG7 Lavender Blue HS 27”x21”X3” Base 3”x24”X12” The individual markings on this granite mean no two are ever identical. The base is shaped to match the top of headstone. WG8 Bahama Blue HS 30”x26”x4” Base 4”x30”x12” A spray of painted lilies feature on the headstone which sits on a centre splay base. WG9 Avon Grey HS 30”x24”x3” Base 3”x30”x12” This oval top headstone has scotia shoulders and chamfers which are matched on the base. 9


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