Schemas of play 2025.

chemas of Play

chemas of Play

S What Are Schemas? Schemas are repeatable patterns of actions and behaviours that children follow or become fascinated in as they play, explore and find out about the world around them, figuring out how things work. Some common examples of schema behaviours are when children enjoy placing items in lines or transporting objects from one place to another. It has been recognised by researchers and theorists that schemas start very early on in children’s development and several schemas may be developing at the same time. Schemas represent current understanding and knowledge and as children develop, investigate and explore, new information will modify their schema play. Over time, children are likely to explore different types of schema more than once with their actions and behaviours becoming ever more complex and sophisticated. By recognising, supporting and then extending patterns of behaviour and thinking, educators and caregivers can plan an exciting and challenging learning environment to support children’s schematic interests and learning. Connection Children exploring the connection schema will be interested in how things join together and separate. They may enjoy taking things apart, putting them back together and linking items together. Transforming Positioning Children exploring the positioning schema will be interested in placing and aligning objects (or themselves) in an order or sequence. Enclosing Children exploring the enclosing schema like to contain things using borders and enclosures, often creating enclosures around objects, themselves or during markmaking activities. Transporting Rotation/Circular Children exploring the rotation/circular schema will show fascination with things that move, spin, rotate and turn. Children exploring the transporting schema will be fascinated by moving themselves or objects and discovering how things around them can be transported from place to place. Orientation Enveloping Children exploring the enveloping schema enjoy the feeling of ‘disappearing’ and may like to hide themselves and objects so they cannot be seen. Children exploring the transforming schema like to change and combine materials. Children will explore changing the appearance of objects or themselves and transform substances. Trajectory Children exploring the trajectory schema will be fascinated by how things move and respond. They may be moving their bodies or objects in horizontal, vertical and diagonal movements. Children exploring the orientation schema will be interested in looking at themselves, objects and the world around them from different angles, places and positions. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of learners in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks, and only proceed if it is safe to do so. Please be aware that learners under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects; for example, even the shallowest amount of water can be extremely dangerous.

chemas of Play

onnection Schem

C a What Is the Connection Schema? Children exploring the connection schema will be interested in how things join together and separate. They may enjoy exploring things by taking them apart and putting them back together again as well as linking different things together. Children will be learning about: • cause and effect; • push and pull forces; • size and shape; • fine motor skills; • observation, prediction and estimation. Activity Ideas • weave coloured ribbons or wool through a trellis/laundry basket/tennis racket • sing songs and play circle games that include physical contact, such as ‘Ring-a-Ring O’ Roses’ • create nature crowns (attach sticky-back plastic onto a strip of card for children to stick natural treasures onto) • attempt to rescue small world animals trapped in items with different fastenings (zip wallet/suitcase with padlock and key) • build models by joining two different objects together, such as modelling dough and lolly sticks • create collage pictures in photo frames, sticking and layering collage materials You may see children: • trying to connect, link, join and tie objects together, such as joining train tracks; • taking things apart or into pieces; • opening and closing things and exploring fastenings on clothing; • initiating physical contact with others (holding hands/linking arms); • repeatedly connecting and disconnecting objects, such as magnets. Resource Suggestions • train track, magnetic train carriages • clothes and shoes with fastenings • magnetic building blocks, marble runs • locks and keys, large nuts and bolts • glue, sticky/washi tape, sticky-back plastic • string, ribbons, strips of paper, pipe cleaners • hole punches, treasury tags, sticky notes • lacing cards, laces, wool, beads, pasta • wooden inset puzzles, coloured plastic links • mirrored stacking pebbles, log slices, cups • join magnetic train carriages together on train tracks and use horseshoe magnets to disconnect trains from the tracks • create wind chimes by threading items (large beads/old keys) onto string hanging from a horizontal stick and hang over a tree branch Vocabulary Join, build, bend, take apart, separate Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of learners in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks, and only proceed if it is safe to do so. Please be aware that learners under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects; for example, even the shallowest amount of water can be extremely dangerous.

onnection Schem

nclosing Schema

E What Is the Enclosing Schema? Children exploring the enclosing schema like to contain things using borders and enclosures. Children will create enclosures around objects, themselves or during mark-making activities. Children will be learning about: You may see children: • body awareness and a sense of self; • putting resources away in unusual places; • containing things; • wrapping up or hiding objects/themselves; • organising and controlling their environment to build a sense of security; • grouping resources together and wanting separation between them; • filling and joining their enclosures; • drawing or painting closed shapes; • size, shape, volume and measurement. • building fences or boundaries around the play space. Activity Ideas • make a zoo, wildlife park or farm and create different enclosures for the different animals • build a castle using cushions, blankets, boxes and blocks for children to hide or play inside Resource Suggestions • pillows, blankets, netting, scarves • den-making resources (pegs and tarps) • blocks/construction materials • twisting objects (pipe cleaners, wool and ribbon) • draw circles or other enclosed shapes • cardboard boxes, tubing and piping • create enclosed play areas using curtains, fabric or furniture • stacking cups, nesting dolls • roll items down tubes and pipes to explore how items fit within other items • small world animals and fences • add different-sized containers to the mud kitchen for children to fill, empty and mix materials • mark-making and craft materials • role-play outfits (gloves, hats and wigs) • hammocks, tents and tunnels • use empty picture frames and loose parts for children to arrange items in a confined space • create rivers using natural materials to obstruct and alter the flow of water • look through viewfinders, microscopes or binoculars Vocabulary Inside, outside, wrap, hide, together. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of children in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks. Please be aware that children under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects.

nclosing Schema

nveloping Schema

E What Is the Enveloping Schema? Children exploring the enveloping schema like to hide themselves and objects so they cannot be seen and enjoy investigating the feeling of ‘disappearing’. They will often dress up, wrap themselves in blankets or conceal objects under covers or containers, in paper or under messy materials. Children will be learning about: You may see children: • size, shape, volume and measurement; • hiding important or valuable objects; • fine and gross motor skills, including spatial awareness and visual tracking skills; • hiding themselves in small or unusual places; • object permanence; • wrapping themselves, dolls and toys with fabric, clothing or other materials; • organising and controlling their environment to build a sense of security; • scientific skills, such as predicting, estimating and problem-solving. Activity Ideas • covering paper with their drawing or painting; • hiding and burying their hands or objects in different materials. Resource Suggestions • freeze hidden objects in ice for children to melt and release • containers (shoeboxes, cases, tins, jewellery/treasure boxes) • use paint rollers and paintbrushes to cover surfaces/drawings/paintings • paper and tape (wrapping paper, cellophane) • create glove or sock puppets to use in pretend play • sensory bins, messy materials (sand, paint) • bury ‘treasures’ in messy materials for children to use fingers/toes to find them • make homes for pets or create homes using natural materials for animals outside • make tunnels and dens and pretend to camp outside by adding sleeping bags • use boxes for children to hide inside or use them to create imaginative spaces • den-making resources (pegs, tarps, tents) • bags, wallets and purses • bandages, ribbons, muslins, sensory scarves • sheets, pillowcases, blankets, sleeping bags • dressing-up clothes (gloves, hats, cloaks) • dolls’ clothes, dolls and teddies • nesting and posting boxes, shape sorters • wrap up toys using large sheets of paper and sticky tape or blankets and fabric • use modelling dough to wrap and hide objects for children to uncover and pick out • play games, such as hide-and-seek, lotto, pass the parcel or peek-a-boo Vocabulary Cover, hide, under, over, gone. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of children in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks. Please be aware that children under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects.

nveloping Schema

rientation Schem

O a What Is the Orientation Schema? Children exploring the orientation schema will be interested in looking at themselves, objects and the world around them from different angles, places and positions. They may enjoy looking behind them, from above and upside down as well as exploring different heights and perspectives. Children will be learning about: • spatial awareness; • gross motor skills, including balance and coordination; • size and distance; • taking risks, predicting and problem-solving; • perspectives, angles and viewpoints. Activity Ideas • create a castle or safari role-play area that includes binoculars and cardboard boxes with peep holes You may see children: • moving their bodies into different positions, such as climbing onto furniture; • looking at things from upside down; • looking through objects, such as tubes and binoculars; • playing with toys under tables; • looking behind them as they walk and run; • fascinated with the reflection of objects and themselves. Resource Suggestions • build vertically (attach building brick base boards to the wall or under a table) • wooden planks, crates, tyres, tunnels, nets • set up obstacle courses that involve children moving over, under and through resources, including tunnels • binoculars, kaleidoscopes, cardboard tubes, magnifying glasses/sheets • create a dark den (a large tray on a stand with material over the top) • attach different materials to cardboard frames or tubes (coloured cellophane/ bubble wrap) • visit a park or woodland, with supervision children can climb trees and roll down hills • feet painting (children lie down, dip their feet into a paint tray and paint onto paper attached to a wall/fence) • child-safe mirrors, reflective balls, light table • sensory scarves, chiffon material, streamers, small parachute • swing, hammock, slide, guttering, trampoline • box/sheet with holes cut out, tent • magnetic building blocks, building bricks • children’s ladder, climbing frame, step stool • yoga mats, foam mats, cushions • small world vehicles, garage, ramps • go on a minibeast hunt with magnifying glasses and a children’s camera • set up a ball drop activity (children’s ladder/ step stool, guttering and ball-pit balls) Vocabulary Up, down, climb, hang, position. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of learners in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks, and only proceed if it is safe to do so. Please be aware that learners under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects; for example, even the shallowest amount of water can be extremely dangerous.

rientation Schem

ositioning Schem

P a What Is the Positioning Schema? Children exploring the positioning schema will be interested in placing and aligning objects (or themselves) in an order or sequence. They may enjoy stacking/balancing toys and experimenting with the position of their bodies in play. Children will be learning about: You may see children: • patterns, shape and symmetry; • rolling, stacking or lining up objects/toys; • the importance of place and position; • ordering items by colour or size; • sorting, ordering and grouping quantities; • tidying, gathering and organising; • visual discrimination and concentration skills; • placing items in ‘unusual’ places; • fine and gross motor skills. • creating a particular order/sequence for everyday activities/routines. Activity Ideas • create chalk line trails on the floor outside for children to move and balance along • add loose parts for children to create patterns or use in their small world play • add different-sized blocks/boxes for children to create structures, lines or to stack vertically • provide experiences for children to ‘park’ toy vehicles or ride-ons outside • position and press natural objects into clay tiles, such as shells, leaves or petals • use coloured dry pasta to thread onto string to create a patterned necklace/ bracelet Resource Suggestions • containers, hoops, stacking cups/dolls • washing line, pegs, role-play clothes • sorting trays, 2D/3D shapes, tangrams • balance beams, tunnels, climbing frames • number lines/frames, measuring tapes • small world animals, dinosaurs, cars, trains • small world bridges, roads, road mats • threading shapes, beads, peg boards • construction sets, building blocks, dominoes • sticks, leaves, pine cones, pebbles, flowers • sing songs/play games that involve movement and direction, such as ‘follow the leader’ • set up a role-play flower shop for children to arrange and rearrange flower bouquets to ‘sell’ Vocabulary Under, above, on top, next to, line. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of learners in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks, and only proceed if it is safe to do so. Please be aware that learners under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects; for example, even the shallowest amount of water can be extremely dangerous.

ositioning Schem

otation/Circular Sc

R hema What is the Rotation/Circular Schema? Children exploring the rotation/circular schema like to move, spin, rotate and twist objects or move their bodies in this way. Children will be learning about: You may see children: • how things move/turn/spin; • turning taps on and off; • cause and effect; • playing with objects that spin or move round and round; • spatial awareness and body positioning; • developing a fascination with wheels, cogs or dials; • balance and coordination; • spinning themselves round; • how to make round, circular or oval marks. • watching objects that spin, such as washing machines. Activity Ideas Resource Suggestions • roll themselves or objects down slopes • balls, hoops, tyres • twist ribbons and scarves • containers with screw lids • explore hoops in different ways (by rolling them on flat surfaces or spinning them) • old clocks, watches and springs • stir, whisk and mix materials in the water tray or mud kitchen • set up a tinkering table to explore twisting and turning with keys, locks and spanners • provide circular mark-making opportunities, such as pendulum painting • rings and bracelets • ribbon or bandages to wind around objects • spoons, salad spinners and whisks • paint rollers, rolling pins and tubes • disco balls or rotating light projectors • toys with moving parts (vehicles, yo-yos, windmills) • circular/rotational drawing toys • make natural mobiles to hang from trees and watch them rotate in the wind • play parachute and circle games, such as ‘fruit salad’, ‘duck, duck, goose’ or ‘pass the parcel’ Vocabulary Move, spin, round, turn, twist. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of children in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks. Please be aware that children under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects.

otation/Circular Sc

rajectory Schema

T What Is the Trajectory Schema? Children exploring the trajectory schema will be fascinated by how things move and respond. They may be moving their bodies or objects in horizontal, vertical and diagonal movements. They will also be interested in objects that move by themselves. Children will be learning about: • cause and effect; • how objects move across a space in different ways; • body awareness and strength; • forces and direction; • taking risks. Activity Ideas You may see children: • moving their arms/legs/bodies in horizontal and vertical movements, such as kicking; • deliberately pulling, pushing, dropping and knocking over objects, including food; • observing and experimenting with the movements of running water; • throwing objects and watching them move through the air; • climbing and jumping. • set up obstacle courses that involve children moving over, under and through resources, such as crates and tunnels • create ramps (wooden blocks/planks) for children to explore pushing cars or balls down • set up games that involve throwing or rolling objects at targets, such as skittles • outside, hang up a white shower curtain for children to paint using spray bottles containing coloured water • add water play resources, such as guttering and sieves, to investigate how water flow can be affected and changed • play simple ball games, such as kicking a ball into a net or throwing a ball into a bucket Resource Suggestions • feathers, pom-poms, leaves, flying discs, paper aeroplanes • sensory scarves, ribbons, streamers, flags • bikes, scooters, balance bikes • marble run, dominoes, building blocks • watering cans, spray bottles, tubes, funnels • balls, beanbags, shuttlecocks, bats, target boards • bubbles, small parachute, yo-yos • pull-along or wind-up vehicles • wooden planks, crates, tunnels, guttering • hoops, tyres, skittles, cotton reels • explore rolling conkers/ball-pit balls around in a small tray containing blobs of paint • play parachute games that involve soft objects whooshing into the air, such as craft feathers/dry leaves Vocabulary Move, throw, drop, jump, direction. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of children in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks, and only proceed if it is safe to do so. Please be aware that children under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects; for example, even the shallowest amount of water can be extremely dangerous.

rajectory Schema

ransforming Sche

T ma What is the Transforming Schema? Children exploring the transforming schema like to change and combine materials. Children will explore changing the appearance of objects or themselves and transform substances by investigating what happens when different materials are mixed together. Children will be learning about: • cause and effect; • creating new things by exploring what happens when substances are mixed together; You may see children: • deconstructing objects, cutting and tearing things apart; • combining, mixing and mashing materials; • how to solve problems and develop thinking skills; • covering objects or themselves in different substances, such as water or paint • how to observe changes over time; • engaging in messy play to explore how they can effect change; • engaging and using their senses. Activity Ideas • make gloop or slime, exploring runny and firm consistencies and mix in loose parts • add petals, leaves and fruit slices to the water area to make potions, soups, and smoothies • use sensory bottles to mix different materials and watch them settle • make modelling dough together and explore how it can be manipulated and moulded • grow different plants using seeds and bulbs and watch them transform over time • create role-play food in the mud kitchen area using seasonal natural loose parts • add dressing-up clothes to role-play areas for children to wear to transform into different characters • interested in growing and seasonal changes. Resource Suggestions • dressing-up clothes, scarves, hats and masks • shape cutters, silicone moulds and rolling pins • modelling dough, clay, sand, mud, water, ice, paint • mixing bowl, spoons, ladles, whisks, juicer • potato masher, pestle and mortar, garlic press • bubble wands, bubble mixture • different types of scissors, hole punches • textured materials, such as paper, card, tissue paper and foil • plant pots, soil, seeds • investigate how messy materials interact with each other, such as sand and water • use crafting tools, such as hole punchers, to make marks and changes to paper Vocabulary Mix, stir, mash, join, change. Disclaimer: To ensure the safety of children in your setting, it is your responsibility to assess what adult supervision or appropriate safety measures are required when carrying out any of these activities. Supervising adults should check for allergens and assess any potential risks. Please be aware that children under the age of three will need to be supervised at all times due to potential hazards with handling and exploring sensory objects.

ransforming Sche

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