9 Day master mindset challenge

9-Day Master Mindset

9-Day Master Mindset


9-Day Master Mindset

Hey There!

Master Mindset Explorer! Welcome to your passport to personal growth and a new mindset. We're delighted you're joining us on this journey! We all need to change our mindset in order to achieve the success we want. Did you know you can take charge of your mindset right NOW! I like to challenge you for 9-days a healthier way of thinking. ABOUT ME Dr. McKenney is also a prolific author and speaker. S h e h a s p u b l i s h e d n u m e r o u s a r t i c le s a n d b o o k s o n psychology, personal development, and mindset t r a n s f o r m a t i o n . H e r w o r k s a r e w i d e ly r e s p e c t e d i n the academic community and among practitioners. Additionally, she is a sought-after speaker at conferences and workshops, where she shares her insights and expertise with a broader audience. and glad to share this 9-Day Master Mindset Challenge with you. My goal is for you to have a healthier mindset. . WHY THE MASTER MINDSET? The "9-Day Master Mindset Challenge, Isn't just any journal; you’ll find prompts that ignite your imagination, and challenge your old mindset. It's where you'll reflect, experiment, and nurture that growth mindset. Dr. Loi J. McKenney

Hey There!


WELCOME PAGE You’re in charge of your mind. Are you ready for the challenge? Keep an open mind & remember it’s all about you. GET IT OUT OF YOUR HEAD We all have goals and aims, and we all have an idea 1 of what we would like our lives to be like. Get the dream out of your head, and make it a reality WHAT GOT YOU ON THE EDGE 2 Living on the edge" means to live a lifestyle that involves taking risks, facing uncertainty, or experiencing extreme situations CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS 3 What many people don’t realize is that they can actually become more blessed by changing their beliefs. NO MORE SECRETS 4 If you tried of secrets, you must STOP NEGATIVELY SECRETS about yourself. LET IT GO To Let it Go you must be willing to change your 5 mindset on what has happen and release it. IT OK TO CHOOSE YOU We live in a society where choose you is a selfish act, 6 But to help other you must choose yourself first. STOP HOLDING BACK 7 Are you tried of holding back how you feel? while others are releasing their feeling. THE LIFE YOU WANT 8 Building the life you want is a journey that requires clarity, planning, and persistence MEDITATE ON GOD’S WORD Meditating on God’s Word is a transformative 9 practice that deepens your relationship with Him and enriches your spiritual life.



r hapte 01 Get It Out Of Your Head


Mood Tracker


Mood Tracker


r hapte 02 What Got You On The Edge


Chapter: 2

2 What Got You On The Edge Living on the edge" means to live a lifestyle that involves taking risks, facing uncertainty, or experiencing extreme situations. Some people may "live on the edge" because they like the thrill of adrenaline, while others may do so because they have no choice or want to challenge themselves. Some people "live on the edge" because it’s dangerously or recklessly without regard for the consequences. It can also refer to living in a way that challenges oneself or pushes oneself to the limits. When you have survived so many hard things in life, you are more likely to have panic attacks and possibly nightmares. You might find yourself more irritable or withdrawn in your relationships. Another thing that you might notice is that you're more "on edge" than you were before the event(s), or more jumpy than those around you are. Because your brain's primary job is to keep you alive, your brain stores all "threat" information in your nervous system, which keeps your body in a perpetual state of "on guard". This makes you extra sensitive to sounds, smells, and even non-verbal expressions of those people around you so that you can quickly shift into "fight, flight, or freeze" responses if needed. When you find yourself on the edge start to exercise, take a walk, read the bible, and call an encouraging friend to get your emotions off the edge.

Chapter: 2

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