Codes of Behaviour






1 NPCL GENERAL CODE OF CONDUCT Membership of the Naval Point Club Lyttelton is a privilege and carries with it a responsibility to uphold our reputation and not engage in conduct that is unbecoming of a member, brings the Club and its members into disrepute or is contrary to the Constitution or by-laws of NPCL. Members and visitors shall: a. Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. b. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background, or religion c. Be fair and considerate in all dealings with others d. Be tolerant of other users of the facilities and waterways e. Behave in a manner that ensures the reputation and standing of NPCL f. Behave in a manner that ensures the health and safety of staff, members, and visitors g. Behave in a manner that respects the physical property and facilities provided by NPCL h. Behave in a manner that meets the high standards of social behaviour which are customary and traditional for sailing and powerboat events i. Not abuse or cause offence to members, staff, and visitors. Any member bringing the club into disrepute may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the NPCL Constitution. Any visitor breaching this code may be asked to leave the premises. 2 NPCL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERACTION WITH CHILDREN Naval Point Club Lyttelton is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and youth who use our services. Our volunteers will always treat them with respect and understanding. To ensure children and youth are kept safe from harm, the following code of conduct for interacting with children and youth applies. This code of conduct applies to all volunteers and persons working with children and youth in our organisation. The standards of appropriate behaviour include: a. Be ethical, fair, and honest in all their dealings with others. b. Treat all persons with respect and courtesy and have proper regard for their dignity, rights and obligations c. Always place the safety and welfare of children/youth above other considerations d. Comply with The Naval Point Club Lyttelton’s constitution, rules and policies including this Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy e. Operate within the rules and spirit of the sport f. Comply with all relevant New Zealand laws, particularly anti-discrimination and child protection laws g. Be responsible and accountable for their conduct h. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their abilities, gender, religion, or cultural background i. Appropriate behaviour; j. Language – no swearing, derogatory terms, sexual jokes/innuendos k. Relationships – no special favours /relationships, acting in accordance with role l. Physical contact – only if necessary due to nature of activities and age/abilities of children and youth NPCL Codes of Behaviour – Version 1.0 – 27 August 2020 Page 1 of 3


m. Cultural Diversity – respect for all people regardless of cultural identity and cultural

practices/behaviour; yachting and sailing are proximity sports which warrant a level of contact, whereby light clothing is also warranted. There will be some form of contact made between people as this is inevitable due to the nature of the sport. n. Bullying and harassment – The Naval Point Club Lyttelton does not tolerate bullying or harassment by anyone, including amongst children/youth o. Behaviour management and discipline – corrective practices are not punitive, humiliating, or aggressive. p. Illicit substances – staff , volunteers and all other persons shall not use or be affected by the use of drugs or alcohol while in the presence, engagement and caring for children and young people from the time they pick up to the they time they drop off. q. Drugs and alcohol – staff , volunteers and all other persons shall not use or be affected by the use of drugs or alcohol while in the presence, engagement and caring for children and young people from the time they pick up to the they time they drop off. This includes prescription medications that affect mental alertness and capacity. r. Photography – staff, volunteers and all other persons shall not take, publish, or distribute photographs of children and youth without the express permission of the youth or their parent depending on age. s. Electronic communication - staff, volunteers and all other persons shall not use email, telephone, and internet communication with young people without the express knowledge of the youth’s parent or guardian. In the event that the code of conduct for interacting with children/youth is breached, actions will be taken in accordance with our organisation’s procedures for managing breaches of the Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy. 3 NPCL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERACTIONS BETWEEN CHILDREN Members and visitors who are children and young people agree to: a. b. c. d. Abide by this Code of Conduct Play by the rules Respect the physical property and facilities provided by NPCL Treat all other children and young people as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of others e. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other members or competitors, deliberately distracting, or provoking other competitors is not acceptable or permitted f. Be a good sport. When playing or competing, applaud all good plays whether they are made by your crew or competitors g. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background, or religion 4 NPCL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR MARINE SPORTS EVENTS a. This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Club marine sports events including competition sailing events, navigation and other powerboat events, Waka Ama, Paddling, sail cruising events and powerboat cruising events. b. The Code of Conduct is additional to any requirements of the Racing Rules of Sailing, Club participation rules, safety declaration, release and indemnity and acceptance of conditions for any event. c. All participants in Club events including the skipper, crew and guests agree to conform to the high standards of social behaviour which are customary and traditional for sailing and powerboat events. NPCL Codes of Behaviour – Version 1.0 – 27 August 2020 Page 2 of 3

m. Cultural Diversity – respect for all people regardless of cultural identity and cultural

d. The following behaviour is considered inappropriate and will not be permitted during Club

events: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Participation in any illegal activity, including possession or consumption of any illegal substances, or the supply of such substances, the supply of alcohol or tobacco to minors, stealing or destruction of property of any kind or conduct of a gross, obscene or loud nature ii. Swearing, abusive language and/or action against another competitor or participant Loud or excessive noise which may result in the disturbance of other participants, other marine users, or members of the public The display of any material, signage and/or wearing of any article of clothing bearing profane, suggestive, or improper words or designs A legal alcohol limit of 0.05 applies to all skippers on the water during a Club event other than skippers of Club vessels and volunteers where a zero-alcohol limit applies. In an event where alcohol is authorised by the Club to be served it is the responsibility of the skipper to ensure the rules regarding responsible service of alcohol are followed and to keep crew and guests alcohol levels at a safe and responsible level both on and off the water during such an event The environmental protection of all harbours and waterways is of vital concern to the Club and littering or discharge of waste material from a vessel is not permitted Parents (or other custodians) shall always be responsible for the conduct of persons in their care under 18 years of age. The Skipper is responsible for the restitution of damage to any property or equipment by any child, crew member or guest from the skipper’s vessel during a Club event Protests regarding disputes in relation to competition may be made, as relevant, in accordance with the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing, the Sailing Instructions and the Club Navigation event rules and conditions. Complaints regarding the organization or administration of an event may be directed, in writing, to the Club Manager Physical and/or verbal abuse of any nature directed against staff, event officials or volunteers is not considered appropriate and is not permitted e. Complaints and/or reports concerning failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may be referred to the Club Manager or Board for consideration and if applicable disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the Club’s Constitution. NPCL Codes of Behaviour – Version 1.0 – 27 August 2020 Page 3 of 3

d. The following behaviour is considered inappropriate and will not be permitted during Club

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