SNNHS Student Handbook


DepEd Mission, Vision, and Core Values………………….…..3 School Official Programs….…………………………………...….4 School Rules and Regulations…………………….……..………5 Proper School Attire…………………………….….……….…..5 Security and Orderliness…………………….……….……...6 Punctuality and Class Attendance……..……….…….......7 Food and Health-Related Policies…………………….…….8 Solid Waste Management………………………..….…….…8 General Statement of Conduct Among Students………...10 Supreme Secondary Learner Government Officers……..…11 Agreement Form……………………………………………….…….12 SNNHS Loyalty Hymn……………………………….……………...13 SNNHS March……………………...…………………………………..14 2



To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where: Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner. Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for THE DEPED VISION We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation. As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders. CORE VALUES Maka-Diyos Maka-tao Makakalikasan Makabansa 3



I. Mano Po Program D erived from the “pagmamano” culture of Filipinos, this program aims to show respect to the teachers, authorities, and elders in the school. Its goal is to develop a studentry equipped with essential values by bowing towards the elderly, pressing their forehead on the elder’s hand. Whenever they come across teachers and authorities, they are highly encouraged to do the “pagmamano” to honor them. This serves as a stepping stone in order to flourish a value-laden learning institution. This practice must be sustained, if not made as an identity culture of the school. II. 91102 Program T o ensure that students, teaching and non-teaching staff always stay hydrated during their stay inside the school, the 91102 Program requires them to drink water from their own tumblers as the bell rings at 9:00a.m, 11:00a.m, and 2:00p.m, respectively. The school discourages the use of single plastic to minimize plastic waste and adapts to an environmentally friendly learning institution. III. Pass the Hat (Financial Assistance) S tudents with a warm heart for their schoolmates can voluntarily share any amount to their fellow student whose immediate family member/s passed away. Students who want to show their support for their schoolmate/s may also voluntarily share any amount to the contestants who represent the school in the different regional, national, and international competitions. The financial assistance program is purely VOLUNTARY. IV. EFP (English-Filipino Policy) I n order to improve literacy in English and Filipino, students are encouraged to converse in either English or Filipino at all times when inside the school premises. This is to enhance their vocabulary and reading prowess. It allows students to express their thoughts and ideas while learning about the English and Filipino language. Through this, students can express themselves comfortably using both languages. 4



I. Proper School Attire In accordance with DepEd Order (DO) No. 065, s. 2010, wearing of school uniforms shall not be required in public schools; however, students with existing uniforms may continue using them, if they so desire, given that they follow the following guidelines: School Uniform for Junior High School Regular Class Type A Type B Male - White polo shirt with school logo Male - Round neck shirt with school logo and and dark pants (preferably slacks) jogging pants Female - Gala with ribbon and dark Female - Round neck shirt with school logo blue skirt and jogging pants SPA Class Type A Type B Male - White polo with SPA logo and Male - Round neck shirt with school logo and dark pants (preferably slacks) jogging pants Female - Gala with SPA ribbon and red Female - Round neck shirt with school logo checkered skirt and jogging pants STE Class Type A Type B Male - White polo shirt with school logo Male - Round neck shirt with school logo and and dark pants (preferably slacks) jogging pants Female - Gala with SSC necktie and Female - Round neck shirt with school logo and jogging pants school logo and blue checkered skirt School Uniforms for Senior High School Students Round neck or collared shirt with school logo and pants (preferably dark pants) SCHEDULE: Type A - Monday, Thursday Type B - Tuesday, Friday 5


Note: For Wednesday, students are allowed to wear appropriate

and decent civilian clothes. The following must be avoided: Ripped Jeans Shorts Short skirts/dresses Cropped tops Spaghetti dresses/tops Sleeveless Tops Clothes with plunging necklines • Students’ haircut must always be decent and proper looking. • Coloring or dying of hair is allowed in a way that is decent for students. Bright colors such as pink, blue, green, red, etc. are NOT ALLOWED. Only dark hair colors and highlights are allowed. • Applying a minimal amount of makeup is allowed. • For females, wearing NOT ALLOWED. • For males, wearing of earrings is NOT ALLOWED. • Gender-Based Clothing: Students are encouraged to dress according to their gender, and not gender preference. multiple earrings/piercings is II. Security and Orderliness A. Officially enrolled students must have and always wear their Identification Cards upon entering and throughout their stay inside the school premises. In case the ID gets lost, the student must present a signed letter to serve as their Gate Pass until they are issued a new one. B. In accordance with SSLG Resolution No.2023-18, students must fill up an Affidavit of Loss to be submitted to the SSLG and pay an amount corresponding to their level of offense for the school to process their new identification card. 6

Note: For Wednesday, students are allowed to wear appropriate

C. Bringing firearms or deadly weapons, cigarettes or vapes,

alcoholic drinks, and illegal drugs inside the school premises is strictly PROHIBITED. D. Only bonafide students and employees of San Nicolas National High School are allowed to enter the campus. Visitors must sign the logbook at the Guard House. E. Students without driver’s license are NOT ALLOWED to drive any vehicle into the school campus. Students with driver’s license will be given stickers for their vehicles for recognition and identification. F. The possession and consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited in the school premises. Any attempt to bring such substances onto the school grounds will result in serious consequences. III. Punctuality and Regular Class Attendance Students are required to enter the school premises before 7:00 in the morning and 1:00 in the afternoon. They are required to attend the flag-raising ceremony every day and the flag retreat every Friday at 4:0p.m. Students are dismissed at 12:00 noon from their morning classes and 4:00p.m and 5:00p.m from their afternoon classes, in accordance with their class schedule. Leaving the school premises during school hours is STRICTLY PROHIBITED pursuant to the Truancy Ordinance. For Senior High School students who have vacant periods before dismissal, they must present their IDs and class schedule to the designated security guard for confirmation before they are allowed to go home. Co-curricular activities may go beyond 5p.m until 7:00pm only. For activities required to go beyond 7:00pm, the teacher incharge must seek permission from the Office of the Principal and prepare a waiver for the parents of concerned students to sign. 7

C. Bringing firearms or deadly weapons, cigarettes or vapes,

IV. Food and Health-Related Policies

Students are REQUIRED to bring their own tumblers to lessen the accumulation of plastic wastes inside the school campus. Each section must have its own water jugs that they may use and refill at the Water Refilling Station. Students may refill their water jugs during their vacant period/s and recess to avoid the interruption of classes. *Notes: • Canteens will no longer sell food with plastic packaging. Likewise, selling of bottled water is highly discouraged/strictly prohibited. • Only water jugs are allowed to be refilled at the Water Refilling Station. • Refilling of tumblers, washing of hands or other materials, spitting, and brushing of teeth are NOT ALLOWED at the Water Refilling Station. • Eating junk food is PROHIBITED. V. Solid Waste Management The Solid Waste Action Team (SWAT) and Youth for Environment in School Organization (YES-O) Officers will be monitoring the proper disposal of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes inside the school campus. The SWAT will be composed of elected Homeroom SWAT Officers. They shall have their organization’s election at the same time as the other identified clubs in the campus. Students must practice proper waste segregation and refrain from littering waste. Wastes such as broken glass, cans, glass bottles, cartons, and hazardous materials are to be placed at the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) located near the Drop-off Point. 8

IV. Food and Health-Related Policies

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