BrandMe! Spotlight - Nicole Peterhans



NICOLE PETERHANS Nicole’s passion for energy healing came about from her own transformation from feeling bound to her limiting beliefs as an introvert and HSP, but making the decision to work on herself opened up a new path for supporting other people like her to feel empowered, feel seen and heard and most of all embrace their unique and authentic inner confidence. Read this very eye opening and honest interview that will inspire you to look deeper into finding the real you. B r a n d M e ! L i n k e d I n V i s i b i l i t y Ne t w o r k i n g G r o u p FEATURE EDITION | JULY,2024 Spotlight


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Meet Nicole Peterhans Energy Alignment & Mindset Coach Nicole is passionate about helping HSP’s (Highly Sensitive Person), Empaths and Introverts to shift their fears and limiting beliefs that hold them back to live their full potential and be unconditionally themselves. For years she held herself back, put other people’s needs first and didn’t dare to venture outside of her comfort zone. She felt she was hiding within those self-imposed boundaries. However, she couldn’t ignore the voice deep inside, that kept nudging her, that kept telling her that she too, could achieve more. Having released the confinement of her own fears and insecurities, she has experienced what it means to live life with confidence and feel empowered within herself. Nicole said, “I now help my clients look at what shapes their current life, what stops their dreams and puts blockages in their path, by unravelling their core wounds, and their conscious and subconscious limiting beliefs. We look at the origins of their wounds, and the subconscious agreements that were made, with the deeper intention to learn a lesson. We look at the patterns that set up their reality, that are based on those old wounds, perceptions and beliefs, and transform the old energies, so that a new reality will be established, that is based upon true values, and beliefs, and that will open the path for their soul desires to be unleashed/revealed and ready to be lived.” Read Nicole’s interview to learn more about her amazing journey and her passion as an energy alignment and mindset coach. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Nicole Peterhans Page 2

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Personal Journey

What inspired you to start your own business? Honestly, I never thought I would have my own business. That was about as far of a thought as me ever going to the moon. However, having gone through my own healing journey, and seeing how much I was able to transform, I was inspired to help others experience this same freedom. Before my transformation, I could have never imagined that it was possible for me to reach this level of confidence, to be true to oneself, to feel empowered and stand in my own power, and to speak my truth. I then knew I had to make it my mission to help people awaken to their unique self also and experience that same level of freedom! Can you share a significant turning point in your professional journey that shaped your path? I am relatively new in the working world, and especially the solopreneur world. Before my husband and I became empty nesters, I was a stay-at-home mom, and I loved every minute of it. However, as a mom, an HSP and nurturer, my life was very much focused on others. My children’s and husband’s needs came first, and then mine. I was living my life to provide the best possible life for my loved ones, which I don’t regret one bit, but in the process, I neglected myself. Once I realized that, I started to look at the underlying patterns that stirred me in that direction. It was not just that I wanted to give myself into this total service to others, but it was also built up on a lack of self-respect, a fear of conflict, ‘people pleasing’ aspects, limiting beliefs around ‘not being wanted’, etc. Being kind of a neat freak in every aspect of my life, I started to dig deeper into these layers, and began to uncover the roots that led to those behaviors and unconscious patterns. With my passion for energy healing, I began to shift and transform every limiting belief, self-sabotaging pattern, and all the fears that held me back to truly embrace myself and allow myself the same space, attention and time that I granted so freely to others. Slowly but surely, I found the way back to who I truly was and was able to reconnect with my authentic self and allow myself to be equally important as everyone else around me. That’s when I realized what my purpose in life was: to help other HSP’s, who feel trapped in their limiting beliefs and fears, to step into their full potential and allow themselves the same amount of attention and visibility as they allow the people around them. Before my transformation, I could have never imagined that it was possible for me to reach this level of confidence, to be true to oneself... BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Nicole Peterhans Page 3

Personal Journey

Experience & Skills

What do you think makes you do stand out from others in your profession? I go deep in my healings, usually deeper than the clients know they need to go. I tune into their Higher Self and listen at a deep level, to find the root causes, and do not just work on the symptoms that show on the surface. I don’t let the person off the hook, until the issue is resolved. I provide a beautiful space of balance of the heart and skill. My approach to my work is down to earth and straightforward. During the healing process, difficult emotions often come up and inconvenient truths must be faced. I allow space for my clients to digest these revelations, while at the same time making sure that they are not still energetically and emotionally attached to them. “During the healing process, difficult emotions often come up and inconvenient truths must be faced. I allow space for my clients to digest these revelations, while at the same time making sure that they are not still energetically and emotionally attached to them. ” What is the most important skill you think you have developed since starting your business? Listening to my intuition! There is a lot of noise out there, and a lot of wellmeaning advice on how to run a business. I have done quite a few courses and classes with coaches with high promises. There are always a few gold nuggets in those courses that can be applied. But at the end of the day, I realized that I must follow my own truth, listen to what is in alignment for me. I strongly believe that only when you are in alignment with your own beliefs and values, will the flow come, whether that is in business, or in any other parts of your life. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Nicole Peterhans Page 4 Page 4

Experience & Skills

Entrepreneurial Insights

Can you share a valuable lesson you’ve learned from a setback or failure in your business? I would say it ties back to the above question: Follow my intuition. The less I am listening to what is important and works for me, and the more I just follow what I am told from well-meaning coaches, the more I disconnect with who I am and what I am aligned with. As an example: Early on my entrepreneurial journey, one of my coaches had us do FB lives. That was at the very beginning of my solo-entrepreneur journey, and I was in no way ready to do something like that. I felt uncomfortable and was clinging to my notes, which showed in my appearance and energy. How do you focus on building trust with your clients, so they open up to you? In my line of work, we go deep in very personal matters. I am known as being sensitive, empathic, a good listener and non-judgmental. I look at every issue in a very pragmatic manner: This is something that happened in my client’s life, and all that is left now is to clear the energies around it; the limiting beliefs, the negative thought patterns, the leftover emotions that build up to the issue. The only thing that matters is that the client energetically disconnects with these patterns and can move forward on their path, and not the negativity that was held within or was encountered. I had to tackle my fears of ‘being seen’ first, and only then could I venture out more. I still do not particularly like being ‘live’, but in the meantime have had the opportunity to be on several podcasts, which has helped me overcome this fear. Work Life Balance What are your three must haves to manage work-life balance and avoid burnout? As an HSP I can easily get overstimulated. It’s important that I meditate and ground myself in the morning before I start work and reground after a session with a client. I also need time to disconnect from the busyness and activities of the outside world. Therefore, I schedule time for myself where I focus my thoughts on something very different from my business and clients. Going for a walk in nature, read a book, knit (yes, that’s one of my other passions), or enjoy my connections with friends. An inspiring talk over lunch or a coffee chat energizes and revitalizes me. And I purposely do not have the Social Media apps on my phone, only on my computer. So, when I am not on my computer, I will not be pulled into the business side of my life. What are some strategies you use to stay productive and focused on your priorities? Being an HSP, and a giver, boundaries are very important for me. My biggest challenge was to honor and respect my time. Not going over in a session with a client but stop at the allotted time. I also schedule my social media time in my calendar for the week, so that I don’t lose myself in the endless offerings of the different platforms. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Nicole Peterhans Page 5

Entrepreneurial Insights

Personal Growth and Development

How do you continue to learn and grow personally so you can be more impactful professionally? I continuously work on my own personal growth and expansion by exchanging sessions with other energy healers on a regular basis. I read a lot of books about metaphysical topics and transformation, listen to meditations and transmission, or attend workshops with some of my teachers. And of course, working with my clients constantly provides new insights. Who inspires you when it comes to their confidence and success in business? Actually, it is somebody from the music world: Sinead O’Connor. I admire her courage and bravery, and how she stood up for what she saw as injustices in the world. She spoke her truth and didn’t care what other people thought about her. She didn’t let herself be restricted and didn’t cave to the demands of the higher ups in the music industry. She stayed true to her own path and what she believed in. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? There are no wrong choices, there is no failure, but everything in life is a lesson! If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self? Don’t worry what the others think about you and believe in yourself! Everyone is different, and nobody ever knows the exact reason of why you do what you do. Authenticity and Consistency How do you ensure authenticity in your personal brand? As an empath I am very much in tune with my values and beliefs. Doing or saying things against my inner truth is almost impossible, it’s almost as if I had an inner break that stops me from going against it. How has your personal brand influenced the perception of your business or professional achievements? By being in touch with my values, beliefs, and the ‘why’ of my business, I can convey a consistent message that speaks to the people who identify / are looking for help in that area. Bonus Question - Choose one of the following to describe how you see your personal brand now or in the future: Fearless > Authentic > Confident > Exceptional > Successful (BrandMe! FACES) Fearless was my chosen word for 2024. To me it sets the foundation for the other four words. To be fearless was what I needed to start this journey into entrepreneurial ship. Honestly, I never wanted my own business, but the path opened for me in this direction, and I needed a lot of courage many, many times to get myself to where I am today. Fearlessness taught me to be confident and step into my authentic self. It also pushes me to be exceptional and embrace success in my business and life. Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: HealMe: Email: BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Nicole Peterhans Page 6

Personal Growth and Development

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