St. Joseph



Altar Servers…………………………...Derrick Hawthorne Jr. Altar Society…………………………………..……………...Vacant Bereavement……………………………………...Pamela Barnes Bldg. & Grounds Mgt..…………..…………….Walter Frazier Choir Director……………..……………….……………...Lillie Key Finance Chair……..………………………….. Robert Pettaway Hospitality & Ushers……….………………….Sharon Malone Legion of Mary………….…………………………….Pam Barnes Liturgy….………….………………………….……...Ruth Pettaway Media & Public Relations…….……….….…….Greg Cyprian Outreach Ministry……………………….….Rosalind Wallace Parish Council………..……………..…….………..Yolanda Long RCIA………….………………………..Deacon Ronnie Hathorne Religious Education …..……………………….…Marva Carter St. Joseph School Alumni……………...……..Shawn Bivens Stewardship…………………………………….…....Keith Brewer Youth Ministry ……..……Tara Evans, Marshae DuCloux MINISTRY OF WORSHIP  May 19 Lector……………………………..…Dee Davis Altar Servers……….………....Kendall Rudolph Malachi Barnes-Pratt, Brooke Bunn  May 26 Lector.……………………..….Barbara Mitchell Altar Servers…Terry Motley, Mitchell Beckford Khai Malone-Spencer  June 02 YOUTH SUNDAY Lector.………………….…………Brooke Bunn Altar Servers………….....Khai Malone-Spencer Terry Motley, Khloe Malone-Spencer MAY CELEBRANTS THOUGHTS & REMINDERS Lord, Bless the Children Keep In Prayer Our...Ill & Homebound Parishioners Ms. Fredna Betton Ms. Lillie Hayes Mrs. Oradee Whittaker Crishaun Blackmon Mrs. Pat Reed Mrs. Thomasine Brown Please sign the Healing Prayer Book to list ill parishioners). Dai’lyl Mathis Mack Weatherford "Lord Jesus Christ, bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time. May this day be the step toward a life-long love of the Eucharist. Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship. Thank you for their innocence and goodness". Congratulations to Dai’lyl, son of Julian & Sarah Frink and to Mack, son of Brandon & Becky Wallace. Continue to pray for the Holy Spirit continues to be their guiding light. Please join them for a reception in the parish hall immediately following Mass. May 12, 2024 Collection: $1,881.00 Attendance: 90 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Parents desiring baptism for their children are encouraged to contact the Pastor at least two weeks in advance to arrange for the required preparation class for parents and godparents. Sacrament of Matrimony: Any parishioner seeking marriage must contact the Pastor at least six (6) months prior to the desired wedding date. Mass of Christian Burial: When a funeral is to be celebrated, please contact the Pastor before contacting the funeral home. Funerals are not permitted on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation. Readings for Seventh Week of Ordinary Time Today is Teacher Appreciation Day!!! Teacher Appreciation Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you today for all of our educators, teachers and administrators who have dedicated their lives to educating our children, youth and adults. We thank you for the ways they have inspired us, motivated us, challenged us and guided us into greater know-ledge. Along with instructing us in academic subjects, we thank you how our teachers have equipped us with the tools we need to be able to grow and achieve. In their classrooms we have learned how to communicate well, how to cooperate and work with each other and achieve levels of excellence and follow our dreams. 1st – Deacon Hathorne 2nd – Katherine Browne 6th – Katherine Callier 7th – Daphne Diaz 8th – Lee Jackson 9th - Josephine Betton 13th – Kelsey Streeter 14th – Christian Wilder 18th – Hilda Carroway 19th – Darlene Brewer 21st – Clara Smith 26th – Brielle Turner 29th – Jaylan Dewberry 31st – Kierra Brewer Mrs. Windola Thompson Mrs. Irene Grove Christian Roberson Mrs. Clara Smith Mr. Rickey Balasco We pray especially that you will bless our teachers and administrators with your help and grace. Fill them daily with encouragement by showing them specific ways that their teaching efforts are making a difference in their students’ lives and in the world. Keep their classrooms safe from all threat of harm. Give them the resources and teaching tools they need to do their jobs well. Give our teachers the wisdom, training and support staff they need to deal with students with learning disabilities, learning differences, health problems, handicaps, behavior problems and difficult home lives. Give them the grace to discipline students fairly and effectively. Provide times of rest and renewal for our teachers. Bless their health, their home lives and their spirits. Provide for their financial and emotional needs. Nurture their faith. Protect their health. Prosper their work. Help our teachers know today and every day how much we appreciate their dedication to educating and equipping us with the knowledge and skills we need to succeed in life. We pray these things in the name and spirit of Jesus, the Good Teacher. Amen If There Were No Teachers, All Other Professions Would Not Exist May 20—May 26, 2024 MON 20 Memorial of the Blessed virgin Mary, Mother of the Church First Reading: Genesis 3:9-15, 20 Gospel: J ohn 19:25-34 TUE 21 First Reading: J ames 4:1-10 Gospel: Mar k 9:30-37 WED 22 First Reading: J ames 4:13-17 Gospel: Mar k 9:38-40 THU 23 First Reading: J ames 5:1-6 Gospel: Mar k 9:41-50 FRI 24 First Reading: J ames 5:9-12 Gospel: Mar k 10:1-12 SAT 25 First Reading: James 5:13-20 Gospel: Mar k 10:13-16 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity SUN 62 First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Second Reading: Romans 8:14-17 Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 WHAT’S GOING ON 2024 GRADUATES RECEPTION–next Sunday May 26! Please join them in the parish hall following Mass to congratulate all of our GRADUATES and wish them well! CONDOLENCES AND PRAYERS—to Mr. & Mrs. Herman (Teresa) Alexander and family, for the loss of her brother, Mr. John Houze, whose Homegoing Celebration was held here Friday, May 17. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for God to give his family comfort and peace. MOTHER’S DAY BASKET WINNER– congratulations to Metra Turner, the winner of the basket raffle sponsored by the KOPC Ladies Auxiliary #210. THE JR. KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER, BRANCH 210- are having a "silent" bake sale. Baked treats can be picked up Sunday, May 26th at St. Joseph Parish after 9:30 am Mass. To bid or for more information, text 251-355 -2820 with the item(s) you wish to bid and price. Highest bid wins. Winners will be notified via text on May 25th. The following items suggested bid price: 4-Homemade Sour Cream "Pam" Cakes..$40 ea., 2-1lb Homemade Pralines..$25 ea., 1-Homemade pan of peach cobbler..$20, 1Burndt Cake.....$20, 1 doz. homemade brownies...$15. See flyer on outside bulletin board. THE JUNIOR KNIGHTS BRANCH #210– are having a Virtual Carwash fundraiser to attend the Gulf Coast Jr. Conference, March 10th-June 30th at Tidal Wave Car Spa. 2024_jr knights VOCATIONS–please pray for all those discerning a vocation. May the Lord bring them peace and clarity of heart. MPR DIGITAL CALENDAR—all ministry or committee heads are asked to please send all meeting and event dates to ALL Ministries must also communicate with MPR for fliers, social media, and any public relation needs. AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE: ENIGMA (Even Now I Give Myself Away) - today is the last meeting for the spring session! Please encourage your young men 8th -12th Grade to attend this Fellowship Night., at the CYO Hall, 11 N. Lafayette St., 4-6 p.m.Open Gym/Open Practice, 6-7 p.m.-Home Cooked Dinner, 7-7:30 pm—Program. Sponsored by Fr. Victor Ingalls. PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH- Community Lawn Fest Saturday, June 1, 2:00-9:00 pm and Sunday, June 2, after Mass! Join us for Live Music, Food & Drink, Raffle, Money Doll! #A Little Bit Loud! #A Little Bit Crazy! #A Whole Lot of LOVE!!! DRAWDOWN 6:00 pm, Saturday, June 1. Tickets—$100 each, Grand Prize: $8,000.00! Included- ALL you can eat crawfish or 2 dinners and 2 drinks. See Flyer on outside bulletin board for more info.


St. Joseph Parish, Maysville

1703 Dublin Street ▪ Mobile, AL 36605 YOUR AD GOES HERE Staffed by the Josephites and Dedicated Lay People of St. Joseph Parish Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2024 Reflection What is the Right Way to Live in the body? We pray that with the help of the Spirit, we may be effective witnesses testifying to the person of Jesus Christ Providing a Beacon of Hope In the Maysville Community Parishioners: PLEASE patronize the businesses that advertise in our bulletin. Let them know that you saw their ad in our Sunday bulletin BULLETIN AD PRICES: Personal ads (cost per week) Up to 32 characters………...……...…$7.00 Up to 64 characters………….....…...$12.00 Business Ad (cost per month) Business card………………….....….$25.00 1/8 page…………………..……...…$50.00 1/4 page…..……………….………$100.00 1/2 page……………...…..………..$250.00 Full page……………..………….....$430.00 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Bura Aloysius Koroba, S.S.J…….……..…...Pastor Mr. Ronnie A. Hathorne..…..………………....…Deacon The Josephites & Dedicated Lay People……....Staff CONTACT INFORMATION OFFICE……………………………....(251) 473-3761 Come Holy Spirit RECTORY ……………………………...…251) 473-0223 FAX …………………………………….…..(251) 473-3768 E-MAIL …… WEB ………..……..… FACEBOOK:.…………..............StJosephsMaysville TWITTER…. ……………………...……StJosephMaysvil YouTube……………..…………...St. Joseph Maysville MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass …………..…………………….….9:30 AM Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday..………...5:30 PM Thursday & Saturday….……………….…....8:00 AM Holy Days Of Obligation…...………..………6:00 PM First Friday Adoration……...4:30 PM —5:30 PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Sunday ……………………….…………..8:45 – 9:15 AM (or by appointment) In the letter to the Galatians, we hear about works of the flesh and works of the Spirit. The flesh, says Paul, is immoral, impure, lustful, jealous, and hateful. In contrast, the Spirit is kind, patient, generous, faithful, gentle. Is this reading telling us that there is something explicitly wrong with our human bodies? Do we have to overcome our skin and bones to focus on the Spirit? But when Paul writes that human flesh “has desires against the Spirit”—what if we thought about the big “S” Spirit and big “B” Body? The movement of God in the world and in our hearts that produces peace, kindness, generosity: that Spirit doesn’t know hatred or abuse, of ourselves or of others. It is not the individual human body that must be overcome: It is all our bodies, our human tendencies, and the society we create together that breed inaccessibility, harm, and injustice. The other option for a second reading for today, from 1 Corinthians, provides the vision of this beloved, Spirit-led community: Differences aren’t just embraced, they’re necessary. Our differences allow us to manifest the different gifts of the spirit. Regardless of gender, religion, country of origin, ethnicity, or ability. Each member of the Body of Christ is different, and crucial. In a time of such intense violence and injustice across the Earth, we each must do our own unique part in exactly the bodies we’re in. Whether you are a student, a parent, an artist, an activist, a religious brother or sister, every individual has a role to play in resisting the lure of power and combatting hatred and greed. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION When the time of Pentecost was at hand, all the disciples were in one place. But then, each was given a unique gift to speak to a specific, diverse audience of the good news. Each of us has flesh that speaks, whether verbally or not, exactly what those God has placed around us most need to hear. Religious Education Class …..After Sunday Mass RCIA Classes– Wednesday………………..10:00 AM WORD SEARCH (“This excerpt is reprinted with express permission from U.S. Catholic. You can read the complete version at the following URL: THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS Sunday……………..…For Mrs. Clara Smith (B’day) CHOIR REHEARSAL Monday…………..…………………….…………..6:00 PM MAY: THE MONTH OF MARY Ways to Honor Mary this Month Pray the rosary Daily Say the Hail Mary throughout the day Practice Charity for the Love of Mary Pray for those who are struggling today and ask Our Lady to pray for them.  Reflect- Deepen your relationship with her by reading a Marian book as a prayer     “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed” Luke 1:46-48 Please join us after Mass to pray the Rosary in the church next Sunday, May 26, in honor of Mary, Mother of the Church. Copyright—Sermon4Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

St. Joseph Parish, Maysville


Altar Servers…………………………...Derrick Hawthorne Jr. Altar Society…………………………………..……………...Vacant Bereavement……………………………………...Pamela Barnes Bldg. & Grounds Mgt..…………..…………….Walter Frazier Choir Director……………..……………….……………...Lillie Key Finance Chair……..………………………….. Robert Pettaway Hospitality & Ushers……….………………….Sharon Malone Legion of Mary………….…………………………….Pam Barnes Liturgy….………….………………………….……...Ruth Pettaway Media & Public Relations…….……….….…….Greg Cyprian Outreach Ministry……………………….….Rosalind Wallace Parish Council………..……………..…….………..Yolanda Long RCIA………….………………………..Deacon Ronnie Hathorne Religious Education …..……………………….…Marva Carter St. Joseph School Alumni……………...……..Shawn Bivens Stewardship…………………………………….…....Keith Brewer Youth Ministry ……..……Tara Evans, Marshae DuCloux MINISTRY OF WORSHIP  May 19 Lector……………………………..…Dee Davis Altar Servers……….………....Kendall Rudolph Malachi Barnes-Pratt, Brooke Bunn  May 26 Lector.……………………..….Barbara Mitchell Altar Servers…Terry Motley, Mitchell Beckford Khai Malone-Spencer  June 02 YOUTH SUNDAY Lector.………………….…………Brooke Bunn Altar Servers………….....Khai Malone-Spencer Terry Motley, Khloe Malone-Spencer MAY CELEBRANTS THOUGHTS & REMINDERS Lord, Bless the Children Keep In Prayer Our...Ill & Homebound Parishioners Ms. Fredna Betton Ms. Lillie Hayes Mrs. Oradee Whittaker Crishaun Blackmon Mrs. Pat Reed Mrs. Thomasine Brown Please sign the Healing Prayer Book to list ill parishioners). Dai’lyl Mathis Mack Weatherford "Lord Jesus Christ, bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time. May this day be the step toward a life-long love of the Eucharist. Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship. Thank you for their innocence and goodness". Congratulations to Dai’lyl, son of Julian & Sarah Frink and to Mack, son of Brandon & Becky Wallace. Continue to pray for the Holy Spirit continues to be their guiding light. Please join them for a reception in the parish hall immediately following Mass. May 12, 2024 Collection: $1,881.00 Attendance: 90 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Parents desiring baptism for their children are encouraged to contact the Pastor at least two weeks in advance to arrange for the required preparation class for parents and godparents. Sacrament of Matrimony: Any parishioner seeking marriage must contact the Pastor at least six (6) months prior to the desired wedding date. Mass of Christian Burial: When a funeral is to be celebrated, please contact the Pastor before contacting the funeral home. Funerals are not permitted on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation. Readings for Seventh Week of Ordinary Time Today is Teacher Appreciation Day!!! Teacher Appreciation Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you today for all of our educators, teachers and administrators who have dedicated their lives to educating our children, youth and adults. We thank you for the ways they have inspired us, motivated us, challenged us and guided us into greater know-ledge. Along with instructing us in academic subjects, we thank you how our teachers have equipped us with the tools we need to be able to grow and achieve. In their classrooms we have learned how to communicate well, how to cooperate and work with each other and achieve levels of excellence and follow our dreams. 1st – Deacon Hathorne 2nd – Katherine Browne 6th – Katherine Callier 7th – Daphne Diaz 8th – Lee Jackson 9th - Josephine Betton 13th – Kelsey Streeter 14th – Christian Wilder 18th – Hilda Carroway 19th – Darlene Brewer 21st – Clara Smith 26th – Brielle Turner 29th – Jaylan Dewberry 31st – Kierra Brewer Mrs. Windola Thompson Mrs. Irene Grove Christian Roberson Mrs. Clara Smith Mr. Rickey Balasco We pray especially that you will bless our teachers and administrators with your help and grace. Fill them daily with encouragement by showing them specific ways that their teaching efforts are making a difference in their students’ lives and in the world. Keep their classrooms safe from all threat of harm. Give them the resources and teaching tools they need to do their jobs well. Give our teachers the wisdom, training and support staff they need to deal with students with learning disabilities, learning differences, health problems, handicaps, behavior problems and difficult home lives. Give them the grace to discipline students fairly and effectively. Provide times of rest and renewal for our teachers. Bless their health, their home lives and their spirits. Provide for their financial and emotional needs. Nurture their faith. Protect their health. Prosper their work. Help our teachers know today and every day how much we appreciate their dedication to educating and equipping us with the knowledge and skills we need to succeed in life. We pray these things in the name and spirit of Jesus, the Good Teacher. Amen If There Were No Teachers, All Other Professions Would Not Exist May 20—May 26, 2024 MON 20 Memorial of the Blessed virgin Mary, Mother of the Church First Reading: Genesis 3:9-15, 20 Gospel: J ohn 19:25-34 TUE 21 First Reading: J ames 4:1-10 Gospel: Mar k 9:30-37 WED 22 First Reading: J ames 4:13-17 Gospel: Mar k 9:38-40 THU 23 First Reading: J ames 5:1-6 Gospel: Mar k 9:41-50 FRI 24 First Reading: J ames 5:9-12 Gospel: Mar k 10:1-12 SAT 25 First Reading: James 5:13-20 Gospel: Mar k 10:13-16 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity SUN 62 First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Second Reading: Romans 8:14-17 Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 WHAT’S GOING ON 2024 GRADUATES RECEPTION–next Sunday May 26! Please join them in the parish hall following Mass to congratulate all of our GRADUATES and wish them well! CONDOLENCES AND PRAYERS—to Mr. & Mrs. Herman (Teresa) Alexander and family, for the loss of her brother, Mr. John Houze, whose Homegoing Celebration was held here Friday, May 17. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for God to give his family comfort and peace. MOTHER’S DAY BASKET WINNER– congratulations to Metra Turner, the winner of the basket raffle sponsored by the KOPC Ladies Auxiliary #210. THE JR. KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER, BRANCH 210- are having a "silent" bake sale. Baked treats can be picked up Sunday, May 26th at St. Joseph Parish after 9:30 am Mass. To bid or for more information, text 251-355 -2820 with the item(s) you wish to bid and price. Highest bid wins. Winners will be notified via text on May 25th. The following items suggested bid price: 4-Homemade Sour Cream "Pam" Cakes..$40 ea., 2-1lb Homemade Pralines..$25 ea., 1-Homemade pan of peach cobbler..$20, 1Burndt Cake.....$20, 1 doz. homemade brownies...$15. See flyer on outside bulletin board. THE JUNIOR KNIGHTS BRANCH #210– are having a Virtual Carwash fundraiser to attend the Gulf Coast Jr. Conference, March 10th-June 30th at Tidal Wave Car Spa. 2024_jr knights VOCATIONS–please pray for all those discerning a vocation. May the Lord bring them peace and clarity of heart. MPR DIGITAL CALENDAR—all ministry or committee heads are asked to please send all meeting and event dates to ALL Ministries must also communicate with MPR for fliers, social media, and any public relation needs. AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE: ENIGMA (Even Now I Give Myself Away) - today is the last meeting for the spring session! Please encourage your young men 8th -12th Grade to attend this Fellowship Night., at the CYO Hall, 11 N. Lafayette St., 4-6 p.m.Open Gym/Open Practice, 6-7 p.m.-Home Cooked Dinner, 7-7:30 pm—Program. Sponsored by Fr. Victor Ingalls. PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH- Community Lawn Fest Saturday, June 1, 2:00-9:00 pm and Sunday, June 2, after Mass! Join us for Live Music, Food & Drink, Raffle, Money Doll! #A Little Bit Loud! #A Little Bit Crazy! #A Whole Lot of LOVE!!! DRAWDOWN 6:00 pm, Saturday, June 1. Tickets—$100 each, Grand Prize: $8,000.00! Included- ALL you can eat crawfish or 2 dinners and 2 drinks. See Flyer on outside bulletin board for more info.


St. Joseph Parish, Maysville

1703 Dublin Street ▪ Mobile, AL 36605 YOUR AD GOES HERE Staffed by the Josephites and Dedicated Lay People of St. Joseph Parish Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2024 Reflection What is the Right Way to Live in the body? We pray that with the help of the Spirit, we may be effective witnesses testifying to the person of Jesus Christ Providing a Beacon of Hope In the Maysville Community Parishioners: PLEASE patronize the businesses that advertise in our bulletin. Let them know that you saw their ad in our Sunday bulletin BULLETIN AD PRICES: Personal ads (cost per week) Up to 32 characters………...……...…$7.00 Up to 64 characters………….....…...$12.00 Business Ad (cost per month) Business card………………….....….$25.00 1/8 page…………………..……...…$50.00 1/4 page…..……………….………$100.00 1/2 page……………...…..………..$250.00 Full page……………..………….....$430.00 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Bura Aloysius Koroba, S.S.J…….……..…...Pastor Mr. Ronnie A. Hathorne..…..………………....…Deacon The Josephites & Dedicated Lay People……....Staff CONTACT INFORMATION OFFICE……………………………....(251) 473-3761 Come Holy Spirit RECTORY ……………………………...…251) 473-0223 FAX …………………………………….…..(251) 473-3768 E-MAIL …… WEB ………..……..… FACEBOOK:.…………..............StJosephsMaysville TWITTER…. ……………………...……StJosephMaysvil YouTube……………..…………...St. Joseph Maysville MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass …………..…………………….….9:30 AM Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday..………...5:30 PM Thursday & Saturday….……………….…....8:00 AM Holy Days Of Obligation…...………..………6:00 PM First Friday Adoration……...4:30 PM —5:30 PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Sunday ……………………….…………..8:45 – 9:15 AM (or by appointment) In the letter to the Galatians, we hear about works of the flesh and works of the Spirit. The flesh, says Paul, is immoral, impure, lustful, jealous, and hateful. In contrast, the Spirit is kind, patient, generous, faithful, gentle. Is this reading telling us that there is something explicitly wrong with our human bodies? Do we have to overcome our skin and bones to focus on the Spirit? But when Paul writes that human flesh “has desires against the Spirit”—what if we thought about the big “S” Spirit and big “B” Body? The movement of God in the world and in our hearts that produces peace, kindness, generosity: that Spirit doesn’t know hatred or abuse, of ourselves or of others. It is not the individual human body that must be overcome: It is all our bodies, our human tendencies, and the society we create together that breed inaccessibility, harm, and injustice. The other option for a second reading for today, from 1 Corinthians, provides the vision of this beloved, Spirit-led community: Differences aren’t just embraced, they’re necessary. Our differences allow us to manifest the different gifts of the spirit. Regardless of gender, religion, country of origin, ethnicity, or ability. Each member of the Body of Christ is different, and crucial. In a time of such intense violence and injustice across the Earth, we each must do our own unique part in exactly the bodies we’re in. Whether you are a student, a parent, an artist, an activist, a religious brother or sister, every individual has a role to play in resisting the lure of power and combatting hatred and greed. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION When the time of Pentecost was at hand, all the disciples were in one place. But then, each was given a unique gift to speak to a specific, diverse audience of the good news. Each of us has flesh that speaks, whether verbally or not, exactly what those God has placed around us most need to hear. Religious Education Class …..After Sunday Mass RCIA Classes– Wednesday………………..10:00 AM WORD SEARCH (“This excerpt is reprinted with express permission from U.S. Catholic. You can read the complete version at the following URL: THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS Sunday……………..…For Mrs. Clara Smith (B’day) CHOIR REHEARSAL Monday…………..…………………….…………..6:00 PM MAY: THE MONTH OF MARY Ways to Honor Mary this Month Pray the rosary Daily Say the Hail Mary throughout the day Practice Charity for the Love of Mary Pray for those who are struggling today and ask Our Lady to pray for them.  Reflect- Deepen your relationship with her by reading a Marian book as a prayer     “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed” Luke 1:46-48 Please join us after Mass to pray the Rosary in the church next Sunday, May 26, in honor of Mary, Mother of the Church. Copyright—Sermon4Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

St. Joseph Parish, Maysville

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