Roma Mitchell Secondary College Curriculum Guide 2025






PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME.........................................................................................................................2 IB MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAM...............................................................................................................3 YEARS 7-9 CURRICULUM PATTERNS..................................................................................................5 SACE...........................................................................................................................................................6 STUDY PATHWAYS FOR YEARS 10, 11 & 12.....................................................................................8 YEARS 10 CURRICULUM PATTERN.....................................................................................................9 YEARS 11 CURRICULUM PATTERN...................................................................................................11 YEARS 12 CURRICULUM PATTERN...................................................................................................12 ARTS.........................................................................................................................................................13 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY..............................................................................................................25 ENGLISH..................................................................................................................................................38 PHYSICAL HEALTH EDUCATION (PHE).............................................................................................44 SPORTS ACADEMY................................................................................................................................53 HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE................................................................................................56 LANGUAGES...........................................................................................................................................65 MATHEMATICS......................................................................................................................................69 SCIENCES................................................................................................................................................78 CROSS DISCIPLINARY...........................................................................................................................94 EXPLORING IDENTITIES AND FUTURES (EIF)..........................................................................96 ACTIVATING IDENTITIES AND FUTURES (AIF).........................................................................97 VET AND CAREER PATHWAYS............................................................................................................98 IB DIPLOMA PROGRAM.................................................................................................................... 104 ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I 1


The Roma Mitchell Secondary College Curriculum Guide is

designed to assist students and parents in choosing the most appropriate subjects for their journey through school and beyond. DEAR FAMILIES STUDENTS - CONSIDER THIS The curriculum at Roma Mitchell Secondary College (RMSC) is aligned with both state and national expectations for all schools. In addition, a number of specific programs are offered which meet the particular needs of our school community. • What are my future goals? Students are encouraged to achieve their potential. We do this by having high expectations and setting high standards. We support and challenge students to be successful, by providing teaching and learning programs that incorporate higher order thinking skills and technology rich classrooms to foster creativity, innovation and design. Roma Mitchell Secondary College is authorised as an International Baccalaureate school. The International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Program and IB Diploma are rigorous academic programs which is being used in a growing number of public and private schools in South Australia, Australia and internationally. • What career do I want to pursue? • Start with the end in mind – university prerequisites • Choose subjects you enjoy • Motivation plays a key role in your success as a student •  Take classes that offer you a challenge you are willing to take •  Look at how well you’ve done in past classes to help determine what level you are at. If you were struggling at maths last year, for example, you probably shouldn’t be taking the advanced maths course. If you were excelling in maths, however, the advanced maths course may be a good choice • Talk to your parents about your subject choices We use the IB MYP/Diploma and the Australian Curriculum to develop our teaching and learning programs. As a large secondary school, we are able to offer a broad range of academic and vocational subjects so that students are able to choose a university, TAFE or vocational education and training pathway. Students in the senior school (Year 11 and 12) will study the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Some students may also choose to study nationally recognised certificates in Vocational Education and Training (VET) at the same time as they complete their SACE. Whilst every effort is made to satisfy student choices, not all combinations of subjects are possible. Subjects can only run where student numbers and staffing deem them viable. Toni Carellas Principal ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM HANDBOOK 20232I 2 ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I

The Roma Mitchell Secondary College Curriculum Guide is


The IB Middle Years Program (MYP) prepares students to be successful in school and to be active, lifelong learners. The IB MYP is a curriculum framework that is designed to meet the specific learning needs of students in the middle years of their schooling (Years 7 to 10). It provides a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinks. The MYP emphasises intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement - essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders. The MYP is flexible enough to accommodate the demands of the Australian curriculum. It builds upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed in the primary years and prepares students to meet the academic challenges of the SACE. THE IB MISSION STATEMENT The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through inter-cultural understanding and respect. The program encourages students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. THE MYP An IB education: •  focuses on learners - the IB’s student-centred programs promote healthy relationships, ethical responsibility and personal challenge •  develops effective approaches to teaching and learning IB Programs help students to develop the attitudes and skills they need for both academic and personal success •  works within global contexts - IB programs increase understanding of languages and cultures, and explore globally significant ideas and issues •  explores significant content - IB programs offer a curriculum that is broad and balanced, conceptual and connected. Informed by values described in the learner profile. THE IB MYP FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS •  Approaches to learning (ATL) - emphasising MYP pedagogy, including collaborative learning through inquiry • Concepts - highlighting a concept-driven curriculum •  Global contexts - showing how learning best takes place in context •  Inquiry-based learning may result in student-initiated action, which may involve service within the community •  The MYP organises teaching and learning through 8 subject groups: language and literature, language acquisition, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, arts, physical and health education, and design •  The distinction between subject groups blurs to indicate the interdisciplinary nature of the MYP. The subject groups are connected through global contexts and key concepts. Teaching and learning in the IB grows from an understanding of education that celebrates the many ways people work together to construct meaning and make sense of the world. Represented as the interplay between asking (inquiry), doing (action) and thinking (reflection), this constructivist approach leads towards open classrooms where different views and perspectives and valued. An IB education empowers young people for a lifetime of learning, both independently and in collaboration with others. It prepares a community of learners to engage with complex global challenges through a dynamic educational experience framed by inquiry, action and reflection. MYP program design uses several concepts: •  concepts, from each subject group, provide Key interdisciplinary breadth to the program. Key concepts are broad, organising, powerful ideas that have relevance within and across subjects and disciplines, providing connections that can transfer across time and culture. •  Related concepts, grounded in specific disciplines, explore key concepts in greater detail, providing depth to the program. They emerge from reflection on the nature of specific subjects and disciplines, providing a focus for inquiry into subject-specific content. Concepts can be interpreted differently and explored from various perspectives and at different levels of complexity. As students develop and deepen their understanding, they can use concepts to innovate, address challenges and solve problems. 3 I ROMAROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM HANDBOOK 2023 MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I 3



THE LEARNER PROFILE THE PERSONAL PROJECT The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. The Personal Project is the culminating task of the MYP which allows Year 10 students to demonstrate what they have learned over the course of the program while pursuing a topic of their own interest. IB learners strive to be: The Personal Project encourages students to practice and strengthen their approaches to learning (ATL) skills, to consolidate prior and subject specific learning, and to develop an area of personal interest. The Personal Project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product/outcome and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP. The project offers many opportunities for differentiation of learning and expression according to students’ individual needs. The personal nature of the project is important; the project should revolve around a challenge that motivates and interests the individual student. Each student develops a Personal Project independently. • Inquirers • Knowledgeable • Thinkers • Communicators • Principled • Open-Minded • Caring • Risk Takers • Balanced • Reflective The Personal Project is student-centred and enables students to engage in practical explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection. The project helps students to develop the attributes of the IB learner profile and provides students with an essential opportunity to demonstrate ATL skills developed through the MYP; and foster the development of independent, lifelong learners. The Personal Project offers students a great deal of flexibility and many opportunities for differentiation of learning and expression according to their individual needs. It is a rich opportunity for students to complete an extended piece of work that challenges their own creativity and thinking about issues of concern to themselves. Creativity is encouraged by the aims and objectives of the Personal Project; the results are usually rewarding, and sometimes spectacular. ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM HANDBOOK ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I 4 2023 I 4



AREA OF STUDY YEAR 7 SUBJECT DURATION ARTS Visual Art (2D) Performancing Art 1 semester DESIGN Digital Technology Workshop Technology (Wood/Metal) 1 semester INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES History + Geography + Civics and Citizenship + Business and Economics + Hindi 2 semesters LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Japanese, German, Italian, Hindi LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE English Literacy 2 semesters MATHEMATICS Mathematics Numeracy 2 semesters PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Health and Physical Education 2 semesters SCIENCE Science 2 semesters AREA OF STUDY YEAR 8 SUBJECT DURATION ARTS Visual Arts (3D) Music 1 semester DESIGN Food Technology 3D Printing 1 semester INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES History + Geography + Civics and Citizenship + Business and Economics 2 semesters LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Japanese, German, Italian, Hindi 2 semesters LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE English Literacy 2 semesters MATHEMATICS Mathematics Numeracy 2 semesters PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Health and Physical Education 2 semesters SCIENCE Science 2 semesters AREA OF STUDY YEAR 9 SUBJECT DURATION ARTS Visual Art OR Media Arts (FilmMaking & Photography), Drama, Music, Dance 1 semester DESIGN Food Technology Workshop Technology (Woodworks and Metal) Digital Technology, 3D Printing 1 semester INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES History + Geography + Civics and Citizenship + Business and Economics 2 semesters LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Japanese, German, Italian 2 semesters LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE English Literacy 2 semesters MATHEMATICS Mathematics Numeracy 2 semesters PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Health and Physical Education 2 semesters SCIENCE Science 2 semesters COMMUNITY PROJECT Futures Education 1 semester OR ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I 5



The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is an internationally respected senior secondary education qualification that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and capabilities they need to progress to further learning and work as confident and responsible global citizens. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION (SACE) The certificate is based on 2 stages of achievement: Stage 1 (normally undertaken in Year 11) and Stage 2 (Year 12). Students will be able to study a wide range of subjects and courses as part of their SACE. Stage 1 students at Roma Mitchell Secondary College usually undertake the Activating Identities and Futures as part of Year 11 study as well as 1 optional Stage 2 subject from the following: Workplace Practices, Information Processing and Publishing, Photography or Health. Further information is available at the SACE website: SUBJECT SELECTION PROCESS FOR YEAR 11 SUBJECTS In order to take certain subjects in Stage 2 (Year 12), you may need to have completed specific prerequisites or meet certain requirements. To find out more about these prerequisites and requirements, it's important to refer to the detailed descriptions of each subject in this Curriculum guide. It is recommended that the following subjects are studied for the entire year: Accounting, English Literary Studies, Legal Studies, Maths B and C, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sports Science, and Nutrition. These recommended subjects will be offered as the first preference in Semester One. This means that you will have the opportunity to select and study these subjects from the beginning of the academic year. You can continue with these subjects in Semester 2, or you may select a different subject to study in Semester 2. UNIVERSITY AND TAFE SA ENTRY Getting the SACE is the main entry used by the South Australian students to gain admission into university and TAFE courses. TAFE SA recognises SACE as meeting the course admission entry requirements for most of its courses. It also considers a variety of other qualifications and experiences in its entry and selection processes. Students who complete the SACE are eligible for university entry, provided they meet certain requirements. For university entry, students need to qualify for the SACE, obtain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and meet any prerequisite subject requirements for the course/program. Applications for university and TAFE courses are handled by the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC). Full details of university and TAFE entry requirements are included in the SATAC Tertiary Entrance booklet. For more information visit Remember to carefully consider your options, review the subject descriptors to understand any prerequisites, and make informed choices that align with your interests and future goals. 6 I ROMAROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM HANDBOOK 2023 MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I 6


SACE (continued)

HOW DO I GET THE SACE? •  Every subject you complete successfully will earn you ‘credits’ •  Stage 1 (Year 11) teachers at school will mark all your At subjects. •  200 credits of these in the right mix of subject will give you your SACE •  You will receive credits for many different forms of education and training (such as academic subjects, learning a trade, TAFE, vocational training and community service) provided they are recognised by the SACE Board. •  full semester (6 months) of study in 1 subject will be A worth 10 credits •  You will receive a grade for each subject - from an A to an E •  Compulsory subjects need a C grade or better to complete the SACE YEAR CREDITS REQUIREMENTS YEAR 10 10 Exploring Identities and Futures 20 Literacy (from a range of English subjects and courses) 10 Numeracy (from a range of Mathematics subjects and courses) up to 90 Other subjects and courses of the student’s choice 10 Activating Identities and Futures 60 or more Other Stage 2 (Year 12) subjects and courses STAGE 1 (YEAR 11) STAGE 1 OR 2 (YEAR 11 OR 12) STAGE 2 (YEAR 12) ▐ Indicates Stage 1 (Year 11) compulsory subjects and courses ▐ Indicates choice subjects ▐ Indicates Stage 2 (Year 12) compulsory subjects and courses 7 I ROMAROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM HANDBOOK 2023 MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I 7

SACE (continued)


THERE ARE 3 MAIN WAYS TO STUDY YEAR 10, 11 & 12 AT ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE • IB Diploma – ATAR • SACE – ATAR and Non ATAR • Tailored Learning Program – Non ATAR The ultimate goal of the Roma Mitchell Secondary College tailored learning program (TLP) is that our students are reintegrated back into the mainstream school for their full subject load. However, it is recognised that for some young students this may be an extended journey. Many students experience challenges at various junctures in their school life, and for most students, remaining at Roma Mitchell Secondary College provides the best chance of success. Our tailored learning program is designed to retain students who are at risk of disengaging from school, rather than seeing our students being referred to other options and pathways. Tailored leaning program is normally completed in two years, but it can be started earlier or be finished over a period longer than two years. Tailored learning program is not an option for all students and will be recommended by the school to meet the needs of a specific student, decided in partnership with the student, parent and the school. YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 PATHWAYS PRE-IB IB DIPLOMA IB DIPLOMA ATAR UNIVERSITY PRE-SACE SACE ATAR SACE ATAR ATAR UNIVERSITY VET NON SACE ATAR NON ATAR VET TAFE APPRENTICESHIP TRAINEESHIP EMPLOYMENT SHORT COURSES FOUNDATION STUDIES TAILORED LEARNING PROGRAM NESPN CLC / SACE NON ATAR TAFE EMPLOYMENT SHORT COURSES CERTIFICATES I AND II NON SACE ATAR TAILORED LEARNING PROGRAM TAILORED LEARNING PROGRAM ROMA MITCHELL SECONDARY COLLEGE CURRICULUM GUIDE 2025 I 8


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