Devherds podtfolio



P O R T F O L I O SUMMARY Devherds provides the custom mobile and web-based solutions which are best in the industry. ADDRESS D-185 industrial area phase 8b, Mohali CONTACT US +917710730009


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About us 13 years of EXPERIENCE Unrivalled CREATIVITY Empowered INNOVATIONS Who we are Devherds is a full IT services company based in Singapore. We p ro v i d e c re a t i v e d i g i t a l s o l u t i o n s t o b r i n g yo u r p ro d u c t s a n d s e r - v i c e s t o a w i d e r p u b l i c . Wi t h o u r b ra n d i n g a n d u s e r c e nt e re d d e s i g n , c u s t o m e rs a re e n g a g e d a n d b ra n d a w a re n e s s g ro w s . O u r i m p re s s i v e c l i e nt l i s t t r u s t u s t o d e l i v e r c re a t i v e , i nt e ra c t i v e e x p e r i e n c e s fo r t h e i r c u s t o m e rs a c ro s s t h e w h o l e ra n g e o f w e b a n d m o b i l e applications. We b e l i e v e i n d i g i t a l t e c h n o l o g y t h a t t u r n s n e w b u s i n e s s o p p o rt u n i t i e s i nt o p ro g re s s i v e v a l u e . We a re p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t b u s i n e s s i n s i g ht s a n d i n n o v a t i v e t e c h n o l o g y, c re a t i v e i d e a s a n d b e a u t i f u l d e s i g n - b u t m o s t o f a l l a b o u t i m p ro v e d re s u l t s w e c a n m e a s u re . L e a d i n g - e d g e a p p ro a c h R e l i a b l e I T d e v e l o p m e nt p a rt n e r P ro m o t e i n n o v a t i v e b ra n d e x p e r i e n c e Va l u a b l e b u s i n e s s i n s i g ht s Fu l l d i g i t a l s e r v i c e

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/02 Areas of our expertise Our key strength lies in the people we employ: sharp, experienced and passionate developers and thinkers. Most of our team members have 8 + years of experience, higher university education and are all certified professionals Research & Consulting Analysis & planning IS hosting Visual Design Copywright Multimedia UI development Branding & images Programming



/03 CLEAR DIFFERENCE IN QUALIY A highly skilled professional service with a creative touch Combining technology, design & media we build advanced connections bet ween brands and their audiences. We create compelling solutions that deliver and sustain business growth, starting from web and mobile applications to complex business enterprise soft ware. Strategy & Planning Branding, design & multimedia Working closely with you we help to find new valuable insights and turn them into new business opportunities, brand concepts and interactive products. Our job is to tell your brand staory, create an authentic and memorable identity turn them into an interactive desital experience Digital brand strategy Customer engagement insights System planning & architecture IT feasibily studies Brand identity Digital design 3D modeling Multimedia



Services Digital marketing When simplifying the complex solutions we engage the target audience and initiate participation, bringing traffic to your website and increasing brand awareness, Content strategy & copywriting Mailing & SMS marketing Consumer engagement campaigns Search engine optimisation (SEO) Social network marketing Web & Mobile Solutions From concept to prototype to product. We will work closely with you throughout the process to deliver the product you had dreamed of. Corporate websites Display brand experiences Mobile applications Augmented reality



/05 Software development Our project management and development processes are based on best methodologies (ITCL, Scrum, Kanban etc) ensuring we deliver the best quality and results on time. Business process analysis Development & Deployment Maintenance & Support Software architecture design Application integration Hosting We plan, implement and support complex hosting infrastructure solutions focusing on a high level of security, accessibilty and resource optimisation. Shared hosting Virtual dedicated servers. Cloud computing solutions.



Solutions Quality , Usability, Security. Are all at the heart of our unique smart tools Our digital solutions support your business with innovative technology and user centered design. NEED to know how technology can bring you value? Never stop looking for better solution. CONSULT US. We design, develop and manage web based enterprise solutions and mobile applications. We can make your perform better, compete better, and generate more money.



/07 CONTENT MANAGEMENT Contact management system ‘systemsight’ Blogs & portals based on “wordpress” Video streaming solution “Wowsa” Rich content management tools Mobile application Games (MMO, Single, Mobile) BRANDING AWARENESS & MARKETING Sweepstake & Contest s Mailing & SMS Maeketing



/08 CUSTOMER SUPPORT & AFFINITY Online Surveys Quesionnaires & Quizzes Social networks & internets Loyalty management system PROCESS AUTOMATION Loan Management Software Event Management System Document management Software CRM


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