The Triple E's of an Empowered Workplace

The Triple E’s of an

The Triple E’s of an

Empowered Workplace A quick read for work by Marcelo B. Alejo III

The Triple E’s of an

Embracing the True Competition: Yourself

Whether we acknowledge it or not, competition is a reality for every organization. Yet, the most significant competition isn’t found externally—it’s within ourselves. Striving for personal excellence is the key to growth. If you aim to surpass others, start by surpassing your previous achievements. Commit to being a better version of yourself with each passing day

Embracing the True Competition: Yourself

Embrace learning with the eagerness of a

child and the thoroughness of a sponge. When you join a new organization, whether you have a decade of experience, a recent graduate, or come from a different field, you’ll encounter new things to learn. From processes and platforms to emerging technologies, there’s always more to discover. If we close our minds and stop learning, that’s when we truly lose the battle

Embrace learning with the eagerness of a

Embrace Feedback

Feedback, in essence, is neutral; it’s the interpretation that frames it as positive or negative. Conflicts within an organization often stem from misinterpretations of feedback. It’s crucial to remain open to all forms of feedback. When faced with criticism, view it as an opportunity for growth. Sensitivity to feedback can hinder progress. Instead, use it to enhance self-awareness, recognize areas for improvement, and evolve continually.

Embrace Feedback

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