Class 10 English Guide

How Driverless Cars will Change Our World

Match each word with the meaning used in the context of the text above. a. glare - ii. an intense blinding light b. curb – i. a stone edging to a pavement or raised path c. hail – i. to call to somebody in order to attract their attention d. commute – ii. to travel regularly between workplace and home e. serene – i. calm and peaceful f. liability – ii. the state of being legally responsible for something g. deploy – ii. to use something effectively h. autonomous – i. a vehicle that has the technology to drive itself i. perception – ii. the ability to understand the true nature of something B. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences below. a. One of the features of automated cars is that they approach slowly. b. Driverless technology is being widely used particularly in the USA c. The positive impact of such technology on the environment is it reduces carbon production. d. One of the problems with driverless technology is that it cannot deal with human drivers. e. One of the biggest challenges of the automated cars is human safety from it. f. The automated technology developed so far is partly trustworthy. C. Answer the following questions. a. Mention any three features of the driverless car. Answer:Three features of the driverless car mentioned in the text are: i. It can sense the surrounding environment through sensors and cameras. ii. It can make decisions on its own based on the data it collects.

How Driverless Cars will Change Our World

iii. It can communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure to optimize driving.

b. Describe the benefits of driverless technology.Answer: Driverless technology has several benefits, including reducing accidents caused by human error, improving traffic flow and reducing congestion, and making transportation accessible to people who cannot or should not drive themselves. In addition, driverless cars have the potential to reduce carbon emissions and fuel consumption. They can also increase productivity by allowing people to work, read, or relax during their commutes. Overall, driverless technology has the potential to revolutionize transportation and improve our daily lives. c. What, according to Camilla Fowler, is the special advantage of automated vehicles? Answer: According to Camilla Fowler, the special advantage of automated vehicles is that they have the potential to reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by road accidents. d. What are the problems with driverless vehicles in David Hynd’s views?Answer: In David Hynd’s views, the problems with driverless vehicles include: – The technology is not yet advanced enough to handle all situations, such as adverse weather conditions or unexpected obstacles. – There is a lack of public trust in the technology, which may lead to resistance to its implementation. – The potential for job loss in the transportation industry. e. What are scientists doing to make driverless technology safer?Answer: Scientists are working to make driverless technology safer by improving the sensors and algorithms used by the vehicles, as well as conducting extensive testing to ensure their reliability and safety. f. Do you think driverless technology is safer than human- controlled driving? Why? Answer: The safety of driverless technology compared to human-controlled driving is a topic of debate. While the technology has the potential to reduce accidents caused by human error, it is not foolproof and can still encounter unexpected situations that it may not be able to handle. Additionally, public trust in the technology is still developing, and until widespread adoption occurs, it may be difficult to determine its overall safety compared to human-controlled driving. D. Think of any three other areas where artificial intelligence (Al) has been used. What are the benefits of using Al in these areas? Share your ideas with the class.

iii. It can communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure to optimize driving.

Answer: Three other areas where artificial intelligence (AI) has been used:

Healthcare: AI has been used in healthcare for diagnosing diseases, predicting patient outcomes, and recommending treatments. AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of medical data and assist doctors in making more accurate and informed decisions. Finance: AI has been used in finance for fraud detection, credit scoring, and investment analysis. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of financial data and identify patterns that humans might miss. This can help financial institutions make more informed decisions and reduce risks. Education: AI has been used in education for personalized learning, intelligent tutoring systems, and student assessment. AI-powered tools can analyze student data and provide customized learning experiences to meet individual needs. This can help improve student performance and engagement in the classroom. Table of Contents Grammar I A. Match the following statements with the correct reported speech and notice how the statements are changed. a. Khushi said, “I go to school every day by bus.”- Khusi said that she went to school every day by bus. b. Karma said to me, “1 am sorry for coming late.” – Karma apologised for coming late. c. Susan says, “I will leave for Bhanu next week.”- Susan says that she will eave for Bhanu the following. d. Tshering said, ” I will surely meet you this Saturday.” – Tshering promised me to meet that Saturday. e. “The bus leaves at six,” said the agent.- The agent informed us that the bus left at six. f. “I have already finished my project work,” said She.- She said that she had alreadv finished her project work. g. “I work from home these days,” , said Yanjal.- Yanjal said that he worked from house those days.

Answer: Three other areas where artificial intelligence (AI) has been used:

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct reporting verbs.

[advised, admitted, warned, offered, thanked, agreed, informed, agreed, apologised, promised] a. “I broke the mirror.” He admitted that he had broken the mirror. b. “I’d go and see a doctor if I were you,” Pemba advised me to see a doctor. c. “I will send you out if you make a noise again,” said the librarian. The librarian warned me not to make a noise again. d. “I can come and help you plant rice,” said Raman. Raman offered to help me plant rice. e. “The classes start from next week,” said the assistant. The assistant informed us that the classes start from the following week. f. Sonam said to me, “Thank you so much for your help.” Sonam thanked me for my help. g. “OK, I will return your money by Saturday,” said Prakriti. Prakriti promised to return my money by Saturday. h. “I will really work hard and score good grades,” said Anupam. Anupam agreed to work hard and get good grades. i. “I am sorry for coming late,” said the speaker. The speaker apologised for coming late. Writing I The use of AI in the technology is not only making people’s lives easier but bringing new challenges. Write a newspaper article about the challanges brought by the advancement of AI in technology.Advancement of AI Brings New Challenges for Society By Hari Giri March 3 Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live and work. From voiceactivated personal assistants to self-driving cars, AI is rapidly transforming various

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct reporting verbs.

sectors of the economy. However, this rapid growth of AI also brings new challenges

and concerns for society. One of the major challenges posed by AI is the potential loss of jobs. As machines become more advanced, they are able to perform tasks that were once reserved for humans. This means that many traditional jobs, such as factory workers or bank tellers, are at risk of being replaced by AI-powered machines. While this may lead to increased efficiency and productivity, it also creates a significant amount of unemployment and income inequality. Another concern is the issue of data privacy. As AI relies on large amounts of data to make predictions and decisions, there is a risk that personal data may be misused or exploited. This is particularly concerning when it comes to sensitive data, such as medical records or financial information. Ensuring that data is collected and used in an ethical and responsible manner is crucial to maintaining trust in AI systems. AI also raises important ethical questions. For example, who is responsible when an AI system makes a decision that results in harm or damage? How do we ensure that AI systems are not biased against certain groups of people? These are complex ethical questions that require careful consideration and discussion. Moreover, AI has the potential to exacerbate existing social and economic inequalities. For example, if AI systems are trained on biased data, they may perpetuate discrimination and reinforce existing inequalities. Ensuring that AI systems are designed and implemented in a fair and equitable manner is therefore essential. In conclusion, while the advancement of AI has brought many benefits, it also poses significant challenges for society. As we continue to develop and implement AI technologies, it is important that we address these challenges and work towards creating a future in which AI benefits everyone. This requires collaboration between policymakers, technology companies, and civil society organizations to ensure that the benefits of AI are realized in an ethical and responsible manner.

sectors of the economy. However, this rapid growth of AI also brings new challenges

Open Letter to UN Secretary

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words given below. a. The corporate headquarters of the company is in Dubai. b. According to Greta, the leaders are failing to tackle the key issues. c. Some viruses catalyse the step in the production of other viruses. d. His expertise in business helped him greatly to run the company. e. Nepal government plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to net-zero f. He does not have good knowledge of business. So, he has put his investment at stake g. His controversial remarks caused public outrage B. Write whether the following scnlcnccs are ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘Not Given’ if the information is not found in the letter. a. Save the Children congratulates Antonio Guterres on his recent appointment as the General Secretary of thc UN.Not Given b. The Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change was announced on the request of the children between 18-21 years of age.False c. The dissatisfaction is that the representation of children is not inclusive.True d. Greta Thunberg protested for the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment.True e. The children demand their physical safety in the UK and Italy.Not Given f. The children think that they can participate in decision making to fight against the climate crisis.True C. Answer the following questions.

Open Letter to UN Secretary

a. Where is the office of the UN Secretary General?Answer: The office of the UN

Secretary General is in New York. b. What is the purpose of writing this letter to Antonio Guterres?Answer: The purpose of writing this letter to Antonio Guterres is to request him to include children and adolescents younger than 18 in the Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. c. Why was the Youth Advisory Group announced?Answer: The Youth Advisory Group was announced to advise Antonio Guterres on accelerating global action and the ambition to tackle the worsening climate crisis. d. Whal roles have children played in the time of climate crisis?Answer: Children have played the role of agents of change in the climate debate using their channels of influence – schools, social media, and street protest – to catalyze global activism on the climate crisis. e. Describe Greta Thunberg and Fabrizio’s contributions.Answer: Greta Thunberg sparked the global movement through an inspiring solo protest in 2018 and children like Fabrizio are vocal in their anxiety that our dash to economic recovery will scupper climate change and net-zero commitments. f. What is the final demand of the children?The final demand of the children is to make the Youth Advisory Group on climate change inclusive of children and adolescents younger than 18, respecting their right to be heard and to contribute their children a safe space to influence these upcoming preparatory events. D. As a student, what roles can you play to control climate change and its effects? To control climate change and its effects, we can play the given roles: – Reducing the carbon footprint by using public transport, walking or cycling instead of driving, and consuming less meat and dairy. – Conserving energy by turning off lights and unplugging electronics when not in use, and using energy-efficient appliances. – Using less water by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, and using a refillable water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottles. – Educating others about climate change and its impacts, and advocating for policy changes at the local, national, and international level.

a. Where is the office of the UN Secretary General?Answer: The office of the UN

– Supporting renewable energy and other sustainable practices by investing in green

technologies and supporting businesses and organizations that prioritize sustainability. Grammar II A. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. a. Abhilasha said that she witnessed the accident. b. The teacher explained that the earth revolves round the sun. c. Smarika says that she can’t stay here anymore. d. Sachita says that she loves to listen to music. e. My brother reported that he had completed his homework. f. My father said that the sun is very hot. g. Jenifer said that she wants to be a nurse. B. Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech. a. Raima said, “We had to cross the river and go ahead.Answer: Raima said that they had to cross the river and go ahead. b. Smarika said, ” I will meet you tomorrow, friends.”Answer: Smarika said that she would meet her friends the following day. c. “I can’t come to school tomorrow,” Chandani said.Answer: Chandani said that she couldn’t come to school the following day. d. Dorje said, “Sorry, I cannot lend you any money today.”Answer: Dorje said that he could not lend me any money that day and apologized for it. e. The teacher said, “Now, you can solve the remaining problems yourselves.”Answer: The teacher said that we could solve the remaining problems ourselves then. f. The police said, “The incident probably took place yesterday.”Answer: The police said that the incident probably took place the day before. g. I said to him, “I live in Changunarayan these days.”Answer: I told him that I lived in Changunarayan those days.

– Supporting renewable energy and other sustainable practices by investing in green

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