TYYHC_Employee Handbook & Policy Documentation_R1_Review October 2024

Employee Handbook and

Employee Handbook and

Policy Documentation

Employee Handbook and





INTRODUCTION 1.1 WELCOME Ten Years Younger Home Care (the Employer) would like to wish you every success during your employment, whether you recently joined or whether you are an existing employee. It is hoped that your experience of working with us is positive and rewarding. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK The Employee Handbook sets out the Employer’s rules and regulations, the policies and procedures relating to your employment and also contains information on your benefits and protections. If you require any clarification or additional information, please speak to your manager. All employees are required to comply with the Employee Handbook. Therefore, we ask that you read the content carefully as you may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action (up to and including termination) in the event that you breach the Employee Handbook. 1.3 PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY The Employer is committed to providing equal opportunities and the principle of equality in accordance with relevant legislative provisions. We are confident that you share our commitment in implementing these policies. We will not tolerate any unlawful discriminatory act or attitude in the course of your employment or in your dealings with our clients, suppliers, contractors, members of the public or fellow colleagues. Acts of unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation will result in disciplinary action. 1.4 GENERAL Amendments to this Employee Handbook will be issued from time to time. This Employee Handbook does not form part of your contract of employment, unless expressly stated otherwise. However, in any event, the Employee Handbook may be considered when interpreting your rights and obligations under your terms of employment. 1.5 ACCESS TO AWARD AND THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS Where relevant, an electronic copy of the award and the National Employment Standards (NES) are available on request. 1.6 TEN YEAR YOUNGER HOME CARE MISSION & PURPOSE We believe that home is where the heart is. We believe that meaningful time with family and friends is priceless, and we believe in following your passion and living life to it’s fullest. All of this is possible with home care. TYYHC is proud to provide high-quality and supportive care to it’s care recipients and will continue to partner with care recipients to ensure a respectful, enabling, and responsive environment is provided for all.


It is our goal to

• • • • Meet your individual needs and goals with clinical oversight Work in partnership to enable you to live your life they way you want, safely and holistically Provide care and services that are respectful, responsive to your needs, and genuinely caring Ensure transparent communication that is delivered in a way that serves the care recipient To support high-quality, supportive, and responsive care TYYHC uses an electronic remote clinical monitoring platform – CareLynx Community. The CareLynx philosophy is to support the delivery of sustainable, individual, and quality care, no matter where.

It is our goal to


JOINING THE ORGANISATION 2.1 INDUCTION At the start of your employment, you may be required to complete an induction programme, during which all of our policies and procedures (including, where relevant, those relating to Health and Safety) will be explained and/or provided to you, as necessary. Information relating to these will be given to you at the induction. 2.2 PROBATIONARY PERIOD The length of your probationary period is set out in your contract of employment. Casual employees are not subject to a probationary period. During this period, your work performance and general suitability will be assessed and, if it is satisfactory, your employment will continue. However, if your work performance is assessed as generally unsuitable, the Employer may either take remedial action (which may include the extension of your probationary period) or terminate your employment at any time prior to confirmation of your employment. We reserve the right not to apply full capability and disciplinary procedures during your probationary period. 2.3 EMPLOYEE TRAINING At the commencement of your employment, you will receive any training necessary for your specific job. As your employment progresses, your role may be extended to encompass new activities within the Employer’s business. You are expected to participate in any training deemed necessary for you to perform your role at the required standards. All casual staff must attend a minimum of 1 (one) monthly training meeting each quarter conducted & held by Ten Years Younger Home Care. And, all casual staff must complete all relevant training each month and acknowledge they have read and receipted each months meeting minutes. Refusal to do so may result in disciplinary actions. 2.4 TRAINING AGREEMENT The Employer has a policy of encouraging its employees to undertake training in order to advance their career to the benefit of both the Employer and the individual. The Employer may agree to contribute to the cost of the training. In this event, you may be asked to enter into a specific agreement for training (the Training Agreement). However, where the Employer has contributed to your training and your employment is terminated, for whatever reason, the Employer will seek reimbursement of the costs in line with the Training Agreement. Further details are available separately. 2.5 JOB DESCRIPTION You may be provided with a job description to help illustrate your role. Amendments may be made to your job description from time to time in relation to the Employer’s changing needs and your own ability. 2.6 PERFORMANCE AND REVIEW The Employer’s policy is to monitor your work performance on a continual basis so that we can maximise your


strengths, and, help you with any development areas.

We have an employee appraisal scheme in place for the purpose of monitoring employee performance levels with a view to maximising the effectiveness of individuals. For Casual employees, in accordance with TYYHC obligations under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010, TYYHC will send out a memorandum on the anniversary of your employment with Ten Years Younger Home Care each year, outlining your right to request that your casual employment be converted to full-time or part-time. TYYHC HR Manager will reach out to you to set up a meeting to discuss your eligibility and agreed outcome. 2.7 AVAILABILITY Availabilities are to be provided to the Employer in writing. Any changes to your availabilities must be provided to management in writing. Changes to casual staff availability may result in less hours being offered and changes to permanent availability may only occur by agreement with the Employer. 2.8 JOB FLEXIBILITY Whenever necessary, you will transfer to alternative duties within the Employer’s business. During holiday periods, for example, it may be necessary for you to take over duties normally performed by colleagues. This flexibility is essential for operational efficiency as the type and volume of work is always subject to change. 2.9 BUDDY SHIFTS TYYHC Client Service team will identify when a buddy shift is required for a particular client/participant. It is vital that you attend with an openness to learning from both your superiors, peers and client/participant alike. Buddy shifts can be an essential and effective tool, giving peace of mind to our clients/participants and their families via one-on-one training of our care and clinical staff when dealing with high risk/critical, and high need clients/participants. 2.10 MOBILITY It is a condition of your employment that you are prepared, whenever applicable, to travel to any other of our sites or client sites within a reasonable travelling distance. This mobility is essential to the smooth running of the business. 2.11 CONVICTIONS AND OFFENCES During your employment, you are required to immediately report to the Employer any convictions or offences with which you may be potentially or have been charged.

strengths, and, help you with any development areas.


REMUNERATION AND HOURS 3.1 ADMINISTRATION i) Payment Wages are processed fortnightly on Tuesday and will normally arrive in your bank account by Wednesday, depending on your bank. Wages will be paid in arrears. You will receive a payslip showing how the total amount of your pay has been calculated. It will also show the deductions that have been made and the reasons for them, for example, tax and agreed deductions. Any pay queries that you may have should be raised with management. ii) Overpayments If you are overpaid for any reason, the total amount of the overpayment will normally be deducted from your next payment. If this would cause hardship, arrangements may be made for the overpayment to be recovered over a longer period. iii) Overtime Where you feel that additional hours are outside your normal duties, you must have these hours approved, in writing, by management prior to working these hours. You will not be paid any overtime unless this approval has been provided. Additional hours worked to complete your ordinary duties, for example, staying back late to correct your own erroneous work, will generally be considered reasonable additional hours and will not ordinarily be paid as overtime. 3.2 SUPERANNUATION Superannuation contributions will be made on your behalf in accordance with legislation. 3.3 TIME RECORDING You are required to comply strictly with any time recording procedures relating to your work. Any failure to complete time recordings in accordance with management instruction may result in the processing of your pay being delayed until the following pay period. Deceitful behaviour, including incorrectly completing time recordings, completing time recordings on behalf of another employee, or allowing another employee to complete time recordings on your behalf is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. 3.4 HOURS OF WORK The business’ hours of work will be subject to the position you hold. For administration and management staff you may be rostered to work during the general office hours Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm. For carer’s and clinical staff the currently business hours rest over a 24 hour 7 day a week working roster subject to client and operational needs.


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