Golden Mortar Edition 3

Newsletter of the Southern Gauteng Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa and Associated Sectors

Newsletter of the Southern Gauteng Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa and Associated Sectors

FIP President visits Cape Town Welcome Speech by PSSA President • • • • • • • • Edition 3/May 2024 Tshifhiwa Rabali PSSA President Honourable Guest, Mr. Paul Sinclair, President of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, and his wife, Ms. Sandy Sinclair. Ms. Carola van der Hoeff, Chief Operating Officer and Congress Director of FIP. Mr. Jameel Kariem, Chairperson of the Western Cape Province Branch of the PSSA. Ms. Kaajal Chetty, Director of the Western Cape Province Branch of the PSSA. All the PSSA Past Presidents present here tonight. Members of the Western Cape Province Branch. Invited Guests. Ladies and Gentlemen. We are privileged to gather here tonight to celebrate our beautiful profession in the presence of these esteemed guests of honour. The previous time we were fortunate to host the FIP President was not long ago. It was in March 2023 when Late President Mr. Dominique Jordan attended SAPHEX with us to promote FIP and the upcoming Congress. I am thankful for the Southern Gauteng Branch’s opportunity to host him for dinner, and his dedication and passion for pharmacy still inspires me. We honour and acknowledge his legacy at this gathering tonight, and may his soul rest in peace. The global pharmacy community is blessed to have Paul as our international President. His long history of involvement in pharmacy advocacy in Australia and internationally shows his dedication to pharmacy over the decades. I worked with Paul some years ago when I was elected to the FIP Community Pharmacy Section Executive Committee, and Paul’s consistent contribution to SAACP, through his leadership, also inspired me to this point in my career where I can address you as the President of PSSA. They say, “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.” Thank you, Paul, for allowing us to walk together on this road. As the President of PSSA , it was my great honour to have met with Paul and Carola today, together with the incoming PSSA Executive Director, Ms. Refiloe Mogale. We are excited to host the 82nd FIP World Congress in Cape Town in September - Ladies and Gentlemen, in 200 days! It will be the first time that this global event will take place In sub-Saharan Africa, and I promise you, as your President, that together, we will make a memorable Congress for all participants, because as much as the destination is Cape Town, it equally represents South Africa and the whole African Continent. An evening like tonight is impossible without all of you taking your hands and working with us together to realise it. Special thanks to Jameel Kaajal and Elize Fick for leading the arrangements for an evening like tonight. Thanks to all of you for attending and blessing us with your presence. It is not going without notice. …/ continued on page 3 The Golden Mortar 3/2024 1

Newsletter of the Southern Gauteng Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa and Associated Sectors


1-3 FIP President visits Cape Town. Welcome Speech by PSSA President. 3 Speech by PSSA President at SAPHEX. 4 Oncology Pharmacist 4. The Golden Mortar Bound Copies. 10 PSSA Book Department Indemnity Insurance. 17 Museum Artefacts. 5 SAAPI Conference. 6-8 SAAPI Conference Agenda. 8-9 SAAPI Workshops. 11 - 13 Health Risk for the Travellers. 14 SARCDA Advert 15 SAACP Webpage information 15 - 17 Activities at Wits The Golden Mortar 3/2024 2


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I am also aware and deeply appreciative of the specific role that the Western Cape Province Branch is playing in the upcoming FIP Congress. Your support to the PSSA National Office is recognised and applauded. We will be very excited to be attending the Pharmacy in South Africa session on Sunday, 1st of September 2024, the day we commence with our National Pharmacy Month here in South Africa - indeed, this doubles the reason to celebrate our profession. On Thursday, 5 September, the Branch is organising professional tours to showcase various pharmacy settings in South Africa for our international colleagues. Settings where South African pharmacists and pharmacist’s assistants make a daily difference in ensuring healthcare for all the citizens in the country. Organising and hosting these events requires a dedicated team of volunteers who donate personal time and efforts to make it a success. I thank the Cape Western Branch from the bottom of my heart for that. I want to conclude by reassuring you of my dedication as President of the Pharmaceutical Society of SA, as a member of the Society and as a practising SA pharmacist. My mission is to further the role of pharmacists in healthcare in South Africa, and to ensure that every pharmacy professional can contribute to patient care, whether directly when consulting with a patient, or indirectly when developing medicines, training the workforce, or drafting policies and legislation that will always have an impact on our profession. We all have a role to play in realising healthcare for all, and after the warm hospitality I witnessed here tonight, I know I can count on you to walk with me on this mission. Let us not leave any stone unturned. Thank you. Speech by the President of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa, Tshifhiwa Rabali at South African Pharmacy Exhibition (SAPHEX) in Sandton Good evening dear colleagues and guests. Thank you Scott and the team at FPS Events as well as Sophie from FIP, for this lovely reception and the opportunity to address you tonight. As I was introduced, I am Tshif Rabali, the President of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA); with me tonight is Ms. Refiloe Mogale, the Executive Director. The whole pharmacy profession is excited to welcome the next FIP World Congress to the African Continent. From 1 to 4 September 2024, the 82nd World Congress on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences will occur at the Cape town International Convention Centre (CTICC). This event will be hosted in Sub-Saharan Africa for the first time in FIP’s 112 years. This milestone event is relevant to South Africa and our colleagues on the African Continent. To enable inclusivity, we requested that the congress logo reflect the African Continent rather than only a South Africanspecific image, such as Table Mountain or the Protea flower. As excitement is building for this event in September, it is crucial for the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA), the local host’ organisation supporting FIP, to ensure that the whole pharmaceutical profession benefits from this once-in-a-lifetime event. Not only would we like to see our colleagues attending this global congress and rubbing shoulders with world experts in pharmacy, but we would also like to see our industry colleagues utilising the exhibition and sponsorship opportunities associated with this event. If you need to achieve one Key Performance Area (KPA) this year, it would be to ensure your company is visible at the FIP World Congress. This is not an event that will come around again soon. If you want to attend future congresses, it would involve international airfare, visas and possible Euros or Dollars. Please do not miss this opportunity to broaden your reach and network in South Africa, the Africa continent and the world. Thank you. The Golden Mortar 3/2024 3

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PHARMACIST Kashmira Mitha Isvarlal graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand with a B.Pharm degree. Her experience spans over 8 years as a qualified pharmacist with roles as Responsible Pharmacist (RP) and in supervising. She is positioned as the Senior Oncology Pharmacist at Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre in Medical Oncology. She attended the first of its kind European Society of Oncology Pharmacists (ESOP) course in SA in 2023 in committing to the advancement of Oncology Pharmacy in SA. Kashmira Mitha Walking into our practice swirling the chia seeds into my smoothie as I prepare for my action-packed day. As I open the pharmacy shutters, pen at the ready, here begins the day in the life of an Oncology Pharmacist. Firstly, I open our diary list — this provides me with a list of patients booked for today and the next coming days. This allows me to order medication in advance and have their medication ready for treatment; this will free up time to enable us to focus more on working directly with our patients and our team of phlebotomists, nurses and oncologists. Medication issued is often cytotoxic and teratogenic- patient education is of utmost importance. Management of common side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin and mucosal irritation is often overlooked, however, in this setting it is vital for patient adherence. One must take into consideration Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and drug interactions, and the effect it has on other factors such as quality of life. Chemotherapy regimens are complex, working with drugs with a narrow therapeutic index, it is crucial that we exercise caution when calculating dosages - even 1ml can over- or under-dose a patient, leaving no room for error. Patients undergoing chemotherapy are immunocompromised, so good knowledge on aseptic technique and sterile compounding is of utmost importance. Oncology pharmacists have become integral members in the healthcare team, not only for our skills and expertise, but also for the role we play in our patients lives. Over the years I have learned my patients’ names, diagnosis and treatments as I see them daily, weekly and monthly. Having lost my Grandfather to prostate cancer, it was heartbreaking to watch his condition precipitously decline toward the end. Being on the other side of the situation was a harrowing experience not just for him, but the whole family. I realized that while most patients walk away from my dispensing window well educated on their medication, I have also given them a shoulder to cry on, a friend to confide in, and an ear to listen to. In our busy workday we often neglect this aspect of patient care, we do not always know what the patient is going through emotionally, the thought of chemotherapy and of the unknown instils fear in our patients. I conclude by reminding you that kindness, compassion and support can sometimes make a frightening situation feel more bearable, and that’s when I know my job for the day is done. The Golden Mortar Bound Copies The following bound copies are available for free to members, at the Branch Office: 1984 - 1985, 1986, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018. Contact: The Golden Mortar 3/2024 4



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by Rosemary Kietzmann As part of the mantra of our Pharmaceutical Industry, we should be reviewing data with the aim of increasing our knowledge in all process and product manufacturing, packaging, testing, storage, distribution and supply of medicines. Knowledge management is an essential part of the ICH Q10 requirements as an enabler.’ The International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) is unique in bringing together the regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical industry to discuss scientific and technical aspects of pharmaceuticals, and develop ICH guidelines. ICH's mission is to achieve greater harmonisation worldwide to ensure that safe, effective and high quality medicines are developed, and registered and maintained in the most resource-efficient manner whilst meeting high standards. Rosemary Kietzmann …/ continued on page 9 The Golden Mortar 3/2024 8


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Pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists / engineers / specialists / officers / assistants are required to ensure that they keep up with the requirements of cGxP Current Good Practices across the industry, where x includes practices such as Manufacturing (GMP), Warehouse (GWP), Laboratory (GLP), Documentation (GDocP) and Distribution (GDP) amongst others. SAAPI facilitates this process by approaching various subject matter experts in the pharmaceutical industry environment, to provide training sessions held in the form of workshops. The intention is to provide a review of the latest cGxP requirements in specific elements / areas and to raise discussions on such topics, at times to include practical applications of such elements, with breakaway tasks to complete and to encourage sharing of prior experience across the delegates attending each workshop. ‘Questions and Answers’ sessions are always included, and delegates are encouraged to raise questions in the workshops. The topics covered are varied: • Refresher GMP Training – for Applicant and Manufacturer • Quality Management Systems / Pharmaceutical Quality Systems’ elements • The role and responsibilities of the Responsible Pharmacist • cGMP for Management • Marketing Code compliance • Quality Risk Management • Medical Devices’ requirements • Laboratory Management - Good Laboratory Practice • Management of Contract Manufacturing Organisations (CMOs) including Technology Transfer • GMP Auditing The format of each workshop consists of a presentation that is provided to each delegate prior to the Training Workshop date together with related reference materials, including various Guidelines and templates for implementation where applicable. They are usually held online via MS Teams or at times in person at a venue in Johannesburg. Registration is via the SAAPI website, which includes a schedule of all planned workshops to be held in the year ahead. Registration is open to SAAPI members and to non-members who wish to attend. Personnel in Healthcare Resource (HCR) offices, who are members, are encouraged to share information on these workshops with their relevant contract-acceptor facilities who might not be SAAPI members. Following each Workshop, SAAPI issues a Certificate of Attendance which is provided in support of continuous training initiatives and forms part of the delegate’s training records. DATE TOPIC TRAINER 22 – 23 May 2024 Medical Device Regulatory Affairs and Documents ISOhealthSA Online 09h00 – 13h00 Members: R3200. Non-Members: R3800. 30 May 2024 Marketing Code of Practice – Advertising and Promotion of Health Products-legal and Ethical Responsibilities. MCA Online 09h00 – 11h00 Members: R500. Non-Members: R500. 25 – 27 June 2024 Pharmaceutical Quality Systems – Theory and Practical Implementation for QA Compliance The Golden Mortar 3/2024 VENUE SESSION/TIMES PharmaConsult Online 08h30 – 12h30 PRICE Members: R4800. Non-Members: R5700. 9

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