SAIN 2023 Impact Report



Louise Smudge Rose Ozzy Hopper Red Dallas Annual Impact Report 2023 Thor


Every animal

deserves to be cared for When animals have been denied basic care and comfort and are removed from their situations, they come to SAIN where they get the nourishment, medical and farrier care, and love they’ve been deprived of. When they recover, we help them find homes of kindness. We also help owners afford necessary care for their animals when they are facing temporary economic struggles. Spud and his foster mom Gina. Spud was in long-term foster care and crossed the rainbow bridge in 2023.

Every animal

Fulfilling our

129 mission & vision SAIN’s work directly touched the lives of 129 animals in 2023 Our mission is to prevent and respond to animal cruelty primarily in support of law enforcement. 2427 Our vision is that every animal is properly cared for in a manner that meets or exceeds Washington State law. 22 Programs Details Hours of volunteer service supported SAIN’s work Animals adopted into forever homes or placed in sanctuary Outcome Responding to Cruelty & Neglect: Rescue, Rehab, & Rehoming We take in (mostly) horses, victims of cruelty or neglect, get them healthy and find forever homes for them. In addition to the 21 animals in our care going into 2023, we took in an additional 14 animals, primarily through Animal Control and partnerships with other organizations. 22 found new forever homes or sanctuary. Prevention: Animal Assistance Program We provide nanogrants to help local people provide for their animals. We were able to help the owners of 73 animals provide their best friends with needed care, preventing unnecessary suffering. We also took over the Anacortes Animal Relief Fund and their mission. (see page 5) Prevention: Skagit Pet Pantries We purchase dog and cat food for distribution to local food banks. We purchased eight (8) pallets of dog and cat food, which was distributed by Community Action of Skagit County to local food banks. 123-456-7890 2

Fulfilling our

SAIN 2023

by the numbers 3

SAIN 2023


in 2023 Rose Blackjack & Thumper Thelma & Louise Lilly Frigg the Cows


Other Milestones

Anacortes Animal Relief Fund In 2023, we found out that the Anacortes Animal Relief Fund (AARF) was winding down operations. Like SAIN, AARF was an all-volunteer organization and they were having trouble sustaining their volunteer corps. Since AARF was very similar in operation to our Animal Assistance Program (AAP), we took over their operations and continue to fund aid to pet owners in the Anacortes service area. Donors who have supported AARF in the past, may donate to SAIN and designate donations specifically for the AARF fund and we restrict them to the support of people in that are. VERIFIED: Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries We completed our reverification process with the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries. This is an extensive, in-depth Spring Highlight process, especially demanding for an all-volunteer organization Remember to include relevant without a dedicated facility. information that can promote your nonprofit while keeping readers interested in your amazing work. 5

Other Milestones


BOARD Nicole Bauer Secretary Samantha Cabaluna Chair & Marketing Cassandra Carr Operations Manager Jessica Culp Treasurer Ragina Gray Vice-Chair & Grants Coordinator Tereisa Lynch Tack Sale Coordinator Janiece Miller Volunteer Coordinator Smudge Janette Walker AAP Coordinator & Operations Volunteer! We are always seeking people to lend a hand and heart to our mission. Board members, animal helpers, foster homes, event staff and more. If you’re interested, send a note to 6


We'd like to thank all

our supporters for their generous support Skagit Animals in Need is an allvolunteer organization. We do this work together with your support and we are incredibly grateful to all of you who have a hand in helping improve the lives of animals in Skagit County. Whether you volunteer, donate, advise, shop at our annual Tack Sale, buy raffle tickets, follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, buy a calendar, or simply cheer us on, it takes a village to do this work. Hazel


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