


C N O R M A T MES pages sgniknaR ytisrevinU poT s'ubeC ni ecalP dr3 ot sraoS UNC m/d/y E B U ecnellecxE dna htworG fo yenruoJ A :ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC Words and Photo by Jhana Mae Orenda Read on Page 6 nabmalaB -UNC revO yrotciV 0-1 ni dloG lastuF s'nemoW sniW ETC Read on Page 12 eteugalaD ni supmaC weN hsilbatsE ot ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC Read on Page 3 Cebu Normal University (CNU) has secured the #3 spot in the 2024 rankings released by EduRank, a respected authority in higher education assessment. This marks an improvement from the previous year, when CNU ranked fourth in Cebu. Continue to Page 2 noitacudE ytilauQ ot tnemtimmoC stI gnimriffA ,deifitreceR ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC In a testament to its unwavering dedication to academic excellence, Cebu Normal University (CNU) has proudly announced its recertification for the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 standard. The recertification, awarded on February 29, 2024, solidifies CNU's position as a leading institution in the region, recognized for The ISO 9001:2015 certification is a globally recognized standard that demonstrates an organization's ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Continue to Page 2 ediwnoitaN UWRW ni ht54 sknaR UNC Words by Angela Therese Baclayon its adherence to international quality standards and its ability to consistently meet the evolving needs of its students, faculty, and stakeholders. Words by Althea J. Judilla Cebu Normal University (CNU) has achieved a notable milestone in academia, securing the 45th position among 365 universities nationwide in the January 2023 edition of the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (WRWU). This achievement underscores CNU's standing within the country and positions it prominently within Southeast Asian academia, ranking 390th among 4,693 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the region. Regionally, CNU maintains its presence by securing the 2,701st position among 16,627 universities in Asia, indicating its growing influence and acknowledgment across the continent. Globally, CNU solidifies its place by ranking 6,682nd among 11,993 universities worldwide, reaffirming its journey towards excellence. Continue to Page 2



N O E B U L C NEWS R M A T MES DATE (continuation) The rankings factor in criteria such as research contributions, institutional prominence, and alumni impact. According to EduRank's assessment, the top 10 universities in Cebu for 2024 are as follows: In addition to its third-place ranking in Cebu, CNU is positioned 40th out of 229 universities in the Philippines and 2714th out of 5,830 universities in Asia. Globally, CNU is ranked 7,004th out of 14,131 universities. 1. University of San Carlos 2. University of San Jose-Recoletos 3. Cebu Normal University 4. Southwestern University - PHINMA 5. Cebu Institute of Medicine 6. University of the Visayas 7. University of Cebu 8. Cebu Institute of Technology - University 9. Cebu Technological University 10. University of Southern Philippines Foundation The University of San Carlos (USC) leads the list in Cebu and is also ranked 7th in the Philippines. EduRank is an independent metric-based ranking system that bases its evaluations on three main factors: research output, nonacademic reputation, and alumni influence. (continuation) The WRWU rankings, based on web indicators measuring performance, impact, relevance, and visibility, highlight CNU's significant strides in the academic sphere. University officials, faculty, and students share in the pride of this accomplishment, recognizing it as a reflection of CNU's commitment to advancing scholarly pursuits. Photo from: Cebu Normal University (continuation) For CNU, this recertification affirms the university's dedication to maintaining the highest standards in its academic programs, administrative processes, and overall institutional performance. CNU's ascent in the rankings reflects its ongoing efforts to enhance academic offerings and contribute to research initiatives. As the university continues to bolster its reputation nationally and internationally, it remains poised to further advance in the realm of higher education. This achievement positions CNU as a leading institution in the region, recognized for its adherence to international quality standards and its ability to consistently meet the evolving needs of its students, faculty, and stakeholders. This also highlights the institution's unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and the pursuit of academic excellence. Cebu Normal University's recertification is a significant achievement that solidifies its reputation as a top regional educational institution. This accomplishment not only benefits the university but also the students and communities it serves, as it ensures the delivery of high-quality education and services. CNU's commitment to excellence sets an example for other educational institutions to follow, raising the bar for higher education in the Philippines. Photo from: Cebu Normal University



O eteugalaD ni supmaC weN hsilbatsE ot ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC Words by Angela Therese Baclayon Photo from: Sugbo News Cebu Normal University (CNU) has announced plans to establish a new campus in the southern municipality of Dalaguete, Cebu, to provide greater access to tertiary education for students in the region. This expansion will reduce the need for long commutes to Cebu City. The plan for the Dalaguete campus was discussed in a meeting between Cebu L 3 E B U R M A T MES Governor Gwen Garcia, Dalaguete Mayor Ronald Allan Cesante, and CNU Vice President for Administration Dr. Joseph Elvir Tubilan. The new campus will be built on a 1.2-hectare property owned by the Dalaguete local government unit (LGU). The Dalaguete campus will enable students from the municipality and neighboring towns to pursue their tertiary education locally. In addition to Dalaguete, CNU plans to expand in other Cebu towns, including Alegria, Argao, and Catmon, to further increase educational opportunities across the province. The establishment of the new CNU campus in Dalaguete aims to improve access to higher education in the southern part of Cebu. This initiative is expected to allow more students to pursue their academic goals closer to home. snoitomorP rosseforP weN :ecnellecxE ytlucaF setavelE UNC Words by Lindsay Jade Lascuña Cebu Normal University (CNU) has warmly welcomed 15 accomplished faculty members into the esteemed rank of full-fledged professors. Alongside them, the university also extends a hearty welcome to two new university professors, Dr. Daisy R. Palompon and Dr. Roberto Corcino, marking a significant milestone in its journey towards academic excellence. promoted faculty members, including Dr. Rivika C. Alda, Dr. Elsie T. Alvarado, Dr. Lita A. Bacalla, Dr. Remedios C. Bacus, Dr. Lelani C. Dapat, Dr. Carmel Vip C. Derasin, Dr. Rosita A. Hernani, Dr. Jewish A. Merin, Dr. Imelda C. Montalbo, Dr. Michelle Mae J. Olvido, Dr. Randy E. Pederi, Dr. Joje Mar P. Sanchez, Dr. Gino G. Sumalinog, Dr. Joseph Elvir C. Tubilan, and Dr. Marie Eden C. Zarate. As Cebu Normal University celebrates this milestone, it extends its heartfelt congratulations to the newly DATE ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC ta tcejorP thgiseroF cigetartS rof tegduB noilliM 2 setacollA aiP rotaneS C NEWS Words by Tracy Marie Otarra Senator Pia has allocated 2 million pesos to support the Futures Thinking and Strategic Foresight Project at Cebu Normal University (CNU). This funding aims to equip students and faculty with skills to anticipate and navigate future challenges. Cebu Normal University (CNU) will establish a Futures Thinking Center with this support. The allocation will fund specialized courses, workshops, and research programs on strategic foresight methodologies, facilitated by experts in collaboration with CNU faculty. Senator Pia emphasized the importance of investing in strategic foresight education, stating, "By supporting initiatives like the Strategic Foresight Project at Cebu Normal University, we are empowering our youth to become proactive agents of change." Their elevation to the ranks of full-fledged and university professors serves as an inspiration to the entire academic community, reaffirming CNU's position as a premier institution dedicated to shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. Preparations are underway at CNU, with stakeholders committed to strategic foresight and innovation. Senator Pia's investment is a milestone in the university's pursuit of excellence in forward-thinking education. Photo from: Cebu Normal University Photo from: Cebu Normal University



DATE C R M A N O E B U L E B U L C O N R M A T MES ADNERO EAM ANAHJ Editor-In-Chief News Writer Feature Writer Sports Writer Sports Columnist Literary Writer ALLIDUJ .J AEHTLA oh! shocks hahahahaha Associate Editor News Writer Feature Writer Sports Writer Literary Writer NOYALCAB ESEREHT ALEGNA News Writer Columnist Feature Writer Literary Writer AÑUCSAL EDAJ YASDNIL News Writer Columnist Feature Writer Literary Writer ARRATO EIRAM YCART News Writer Feature Writer Literary Writer seussI gnikraP sserddA ot llaC A :ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC ta ecitcarP rof ecapS fo kcaL eht gnisserddA 4 OPINION At CNU, space is a precious commodity, and nowhere is this more evident than in our parking lots. The influx of vehicles has reached a point where finding a spot to park has become akin to winning the lottery. But the problem extends beyond the inconvenience of finding a place for our cars; it intrudes into the very fabric of student life and academic pursuits. One might wonder, what does parking have to do with education? The answer lies in the domino effect of space constraints. With limited parking available, students are often forced to arrive on campus hours before their classes begin, just to secure a spot. This wasted time could have been spent on more productive endeavors, such as studying or engaging in extracurricular activities. Moreover, the scarcity of parking spaces exacerbates traffic congestion around the campus, affecting not only students but also faculty, staff, and visitors. The chaos of navigating through a maze of cars detracts from the conducive learning environment that CNU strives to foster. But perhaps the most overlooked consequence of the parking predicament is its impact on student activities and practice sessions. The cartoon aptly captures the irony of a student surrounded by parked cars instead of open space for practice. Whether it is a sports team needing a field for training or a music ensemble seeking a quiet space for rehearsals, the lack of available areas hampers the holistic development of our students. It's time for action. We cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the pressing issue of space scarcity at Cebu Normal University. The administration must prioritize addressing parking problems by exploring solutions such as implementing efficient parking management systems, creating alternative transportation options, and expanding parking infrastructure. Furthermore, we call upon the entire CNU community to be mindful of our collective responsibility in alleviating this issue. Let's carpool, utilize public transportation, and embrace sustainable commuting practices to reduce the demand for parking spaces. As members of a prestigious institution committed to excellence in education, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that every aspect of campus life, including parking, contributes to the overall growth and well-being of our students. Only through concerted efforts can we transform the current parking woes into opportunities for a more vibrant and conducive learning environment at Cebu Normal University.



N O E B U L C NEWS R M A T MES THE IN FOCUS INSIDER Lindsay Jade Lascuña gnieb-lleW tnedutS ezitiroirP :tnegrU Water, the elixir of life, the essential component of our existence, is now a luxury that seems to elude the students of Cebu Normal University (CNU). As we find ourselves grappling with yet another day of water interruption, it's imperative to raise our voices, not merely in frustration, but in a collective plea for action. For weeks now, the CNU campus has been plagued by a recurring nightmare: the absence of running water. This isn't just an inconvenience; it's a fundamental challenge to the ability of the ‘normalites’ to thrive in their academic environment. The daily routine of a student should not include scavenging for water like desert wanderers or fretting over basic hygiene. As students, they understand that challenges are inevitable, but what truly tests their patience is the lack of concrete solutions. Normalites are not asking for miracles; they are asking for accountability and swift action. Their hope is not just for a temporary fix, but for a sustainable solution that ensures uninterrupted access to this basic necessity. The state of the students’ facilities reflects the value they place on education and student well-being. It is dis- UNC ta saerA gnitseR tnedutS fo kcaL The lack of designated resting areas for students at Cebu Normal University (CNU) has become a growing concern on campus. With classes often scheduled far apart, the students find themselves without a proper place to rest and recharge during their free time. While the university has focused on academic excellence, it has overlooked the importance of providing a well-rounded campus life for its students. The university's library, while a popular study spot, is simply not equipped to accommodate the large number of students that seek a quiet place to rest. This has resulted in students using the campus canteen as an alternative, which was not designed to serve as a resting space. This makes it difficult for other students who want to eat, as they are unable to do so comfortably and are forced to find alternative dining spaces. Furthermore, the lack of vacant classrooms available for student use exacerbates the problem. With most rooms occupied by scheduled classes, students are left with few options to find a comfortable space to rest and prepare for their next class. The university administration should consider this matter with urgency. The lack of adequate resting areas can negatively impact the overall well-being and productivity of the student body, which is detrimental to their academic success. This issue highlights the need 5 heartening to witness the deterioration of infrastructure that directly impacts their daily lives. CNU students deserve better. They deserve facilities that are not just functional but conducive to learning and growth. However, the onus doesn't solely fall on the administration; it is a shared responsibility. It is about prioritizing the allocation of resources, channeling budgets towards projects that directly benefit the student body. While students understand the myriad demands on financial resources, the provision of basic amenities like water should never be compromised. This is not merely a call for action; it is a call for empathy. Behind every statistic of water interruption is a student struggling to cope with the demands of academia amidst these challenges. It is a plea for understanding from those in positions of power to recognize the urgency of the situation and act decisively. Let the Normalites’ voices echo not just their frustrations but the unwavering resolve to seek solutions. Let us stand united in our quest for a campus environment that fosters growth, not obstacles. The time for action is now, and it is imperative that students’ voices are heard. Cebu Normal University, it is time to prioritize the wellbeing of your students. AROUND THE GROUNDS Angela Therese Baclayon or CNU to prioritize the need for student lounges or rest areas. By providing such spaces, the university can ensure that the learners have a place to rest and reduce the use of other campus facilities. The CNU administration is called upon to take immediate action and allocate resources towards the establishment of student resting areas. This investment will not only improve the quality of campus life but also contribute to the overall academic and personal growth of the students. It is time for CNU to recognize the importance of providing a well-rounded campus experience and make the necessary changes to address this issue.



N O E B U L C NEWS R M A T MES DATE tnempoleveD ytinummoC sevirD UNC Words by Lindsay Jade Lascuña In the heart of Cebu City lies an institution that not only imparts knowledge but also serves as a beacon of community development. Cebu Normal University (CNU) stands tall as a testament to the transformative power of education, driving positive change across various sectors of society. CNU serves as a catalyst for economic growth and innovation. Through research and development projects, technology transfer initiatives, and entrepreneurship programs, the university fuels entrepreneurship and drives job creation, thus contributing to the overall prosperity of the region. Through its multifaceted approach to community engagement, Cebu Normal University embodies the true spirit of service and dedication. As it continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of society, CNU remains steadfast in its mission to empower individuals, uplift communities, and build a brighter future for all. Photo from: Cebu Normal University ecnellecxE dna htworG fo yenruoJ A :ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC Since its establishment, CNU has been dedicated to nurturing the next generation of leaders, educators, and innovators. However, its impact extends far beyond the confines of its campus, reaching into the surrounding communities and beyond. One of the most notable contributions of CNU to community development is its unwavering commitment to improving educational standards and accessibility. Through various outreach programs, partnerships with local schools, and initiatives aimed at promoting lifelong learning, CNU has been instrumental in raising literacy rates and academic achievement levels across Cebu. Words by Althea J. Judilla Cebu Normal University (CNU), founded in 1902 as Cebu Normal School, achieved university status in 1998. Throughout its history, CNU has undergone significant development, including improvements in infrastructure and academic offerings. The university's main campus symbolizes academic distinction, fostering an environment conducive to learning, research, and community involvement. CNU's main campus has seen substantial advancements in infrastructure, modernization initiatives, and the expansion of academic programs. Investments in cutting-edge facilities, such as classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and recreational areas, demonstrate the university's commitment to providing an optimal learning environment. The university's commitment to research and innovation is evident through the establishment of research hubs and strategic alliances focused on addressing societal issues and promoting national progress. Embracing technological advancements, CNU has integrated e-learning platforms and digital resources to enhance the learning experience. Cebu Normal University's transformation from Cebu Normal School to a leading higher education institution reflects a legacy of resilience, innovation, and dedication to excellence. Throughout its evolution, CNU has remained committed to providing quality education, fostering research and innovation, and contributing to societal progress. As the university continues to adapt to technological advancements and global perspectives, its main campus serves as a symbol of academic excellence and community engagement. With a commitment to meeting the changing needs of society, CNU is poised to shape the future of education and make meaningful contributions to society.



L C O N DATE E B U R M A T MES 7 1091 ecniS noitacudE ni ecnellecxE rof yaW eht gnivaP :UNC Cebu Normal University (CNU) stands as a towering monument to excellence in education, a beacon of knowledge that has illuminated the path of countless scholars since its inception in 1901. From its humble beginnings to its current stature as a bastion of learning, CNU has remained steadfast in its commitment to shaping minds, molding futures, and fostering academic excellence. In 1901, the Philippine Normal School was established, laying the foundation for what would later become CNU. The journey began with a modest rented building on Colon St., where the first Cebu Normal School took root, nurturing the minds of aspiring educators and visionaries. Over the decades, CNU's legacy continued to evolve, The rich tapestry of CNU's history marked by significant milestones weaves a narrative of resilience, and transformative developments. innovation, and unwavering From the establishment of dedication to the pursuit of provincial normal schools to the knowledge. Founded amidst formal opening of the Cebu the backdrop of the Normal School in 1925, each American colonial era, chapter in CNU's history is a CNU emerged as a testament to its resilience and beacon of hope, adaptability in the face of providing a haven challenges. for intellectual discourse and Throughout World War II, academic CNU stood as a bastion of hope inquiry in the amidst the chaos of conflict, burgeoning serving as a beacon of light in educational dark times. Despite the challenges landscape of of war and occupation, the spirit the of learning persevered, and CNU Philippines. emerged from the ashes of destruction stronger and more determined than ever. In the years that followed, CNU continued to evolve, expanding its academic offerings and embracing new frontiers of knowledge. The establishment of the Graduate School in 1960 and the conversion into a chartered state college in 1976 heralded a new era of growth and development for CNU, paving the way for its transformation into a premier institution of higher learning. Today, CNU stands at the forefront of education, a beacon of excellence that continues to inspire and empower generations of scholars. From its pioneering research initiatives to its unwavering commitment to community engagement, CNU remains steadfast in its mission to shape the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. As CNU celebrates its storied history and looks towards the future, one thing remains clear: the legacy of excellence and innovation that has defined this institution for over a century will continue to shine brightly, guiding the way for generations to come. Words by Jhana Mae Orenda



L C O N R M A T MES DATE srehctonpoT maxE erusneciL setarbeleC supmaC nilledeM ytisrevinU lamroN ubeC 8 NEWS Words by Angela Therese Baclayon Photo from: Cebu Normal University Cebu Normal University (CNU) Medellin Campus excels in the education landscape, with its students consistently achieving top spots in the Licensure Examination. In the recent September 2023 exams, two students from the Medellin campus secured the 7th and 8th positions in Elementary Education. The Medellin campus has a longstanding tradition of producing topnotchers. Founded in 2008, the campus has consistently demonstrated excellence, with its students achieving outstanding performance in the Licensure Examination over the years. In the September 2023 Licensure Examination for Elementary Education, the Medellin campus celebrated the remarkable achievements of two of its students. Cherry Lambojon and Angel Mae Cahayagan achieved remarkable success, placing 7th and 8th, respectively, in the highly competitive exam. These impressive results are a testament to the dedication and hard work of the students, as well as the exceptional teaching and support they received. Cebu Normal University's Medellin Campus remains committed to nurturing the next generation of educators. Through its rigorous academic programs, CNU Medellin continues to cultivate a learning environment that empowers students to reach their full potential. The achievements of Cherry Lambojon and Angel Mae Cahayagan serve as a testament to the quality of education offered at Cebu Normal University's Medellin Campus. As the institution continues to expand its reach and impact, it remains steadfast in its mission to produce exceptional educators who will contribute to the betterment of the Philippine education system.



N O E B U L C NEWS R M A T MES pihsrentraP evitaroballoC egroF sessenisuB lacoL dna CSS UNC Words by Althea J. Judilla 9 Local businesses benefit from this collaboration by gaining access to a pool of talented and motivated students who bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and enthusiasm to their enterprises. By collaborating with the SSC, these businesses demonstrate their dedication to supporting the university's educational mission and investing in the future leaders of the community. Moreover, the partnership between the SSC and local businesses extends beyond mere business transactions. It is built on a foundation of collaboration and mutual respect, with both parties recognizing the importance of establishing longterm partnerships based on trust and shared objectives. Consequently, the relationship goes beyond one-off initiatives or sponsorship arrangements to encompass ongoing communication, joint projects, and collaborative activities that mutually benefit students and the local business community. Photo from Cebu Normal University - Supreme Student Council A collaborative effort between the Supreme Student Council (SSC) and local businesses marks a significant development in student engagement at Cebu Normal University. This partnership underscores a shared commitment to cooperative growth and involvement, with local businesses providing support to the SSC in exchange for ongoing opportunities for collaboration. Together, they enhance the campus environment, fostering connectivity and community synergy. lavitseF strA dna erutluC lanoitaN CUSAP ni noitisoP pU -rennuR ht4 seruceS :thgirB senihS UNC Words by Tracy Marie Otarra Cebu Normal University (CNU) has secured a notable 4th Runner-Up position in the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) National Culture and Arts Festival, held from April 23 to 25, 2024, at the Philippine Normal University. Demonstrating remarkable talent and dedication, CNU showcased its commitment to artistic excellence and cultural preservation on a national platform. The event, gathering schools and colleges nationwide, provided an opportunity to highlight the diverse talents and cultural heritage of Filipino students. CNU's success was highlighted by its outstanding performance in the Standard Choir category, where the university clinched the championship title. The choir's captivating rendition garnered praise from judges, solidifying CNU's reputation for excellence in choral music. The collaboration between the SSC and local businesses enriches the educational experiences of students at Cebu Normal University while also strengthening ties between the university and the broader community. It exemplifies the value of cooperation in effecting positive change and fostering sustained growth for all stakeholders involved. innovation, and cultural appreciation. Looking forward, CNU remains dedicated to supporting the arts and empowering students to achieve their full potential. Through events like the PASUC National Culture and Arts Festival, the university continues to inspire excellence and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines. As CNU celebrates its achievements, the university community eagerly anticipates future opportunities to showcase its talent and uphold its legacy of artistic excellence on both national and international platforms. Beyond the Standard Choir category, CNU students excelled in various artistic disciplines such as dance, theater, and visual arts, reflecting months of rigorous training and passion for their craft. CNU's participation in the festival underscores its holistic approach to education, emphasizing the significance of arts and culture in nurturing wellrounded individuals. As a multi-disciplinary research university, CNU provides students with opportunities to excel in diverse artistic fields, fostering creativity, Photo from: Cebu Normal University


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