TB Central Issue 1096

A Wyoming Owned & Operated Paper

A Wyoming Owned & Operated Paper

Thank You For Your Support! FREE! TAKE ONE! Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland Issue #1096 ~ May 15 - 21, 2024 Reader’s Nationwide! Published and Distributed by Good News Publishing, LLC - TidbitsRoger@yahoo.com - 307-247-1587 In This Issue: • Marketplace – Pg 2 & 10 • Casper– Pg 3 • Publisher’s Corner - Pg 3 • Home, Garden & Auto – Pg 5 • Puzzle Answers – Pg 9 • Classifieds – Pg 9 • Wheatland, WY– Pg 10 • Douglas– Pg 11 • Glenrock, WY - Pg 12 My dad said that when he dies, he wants his ashes to be put in a record player. It's his vinyl request. ® TIDBITS TURNS UP SOME RECORDS INFO by Kathy Wolfe Turn up the volume as Tidbits releases these facts on records, from 78s to LPs, 45s, CDs, and digital music. • A vinyl record take its name from its composition of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. Most of PVC, 57%, consists of chlorine, with the other 43% derived from crude oil. • Beginning in the late 1890s, records were made of shellac, a rather heavy, brittle material. These 10-inch (25 cm) records were called “78s,” due to the number of rotations per minute. Recording duration per side was three to five minutes. During World War II, the War Production Board called for a 70% cut in production of phonograph records. Why? Because shellac wasn’t used just in record production, but was also needed for the manufacture of explosives. The shortage of shellac paved the way for vinyl records. • RCA had already been experimenting with 12-inch (30 cm) vinyl records, having released the first long-playing record in 1931, a recording of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. Its rotational speed was 33 1/3, able to hold more than 20 minutes of music per side. These larger records became known as LP’s, for “Longplaying.” • Improvements were made to vinyl over the next several years, and in 1948, Columbia Record Company introduced the first 12-inch microgroove record album. With 23 minutes of music on each side, it was a recording of Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor performed by New York’s Philharmonic Orchestra. • RCA’s 1949 innovation was a 7-inch (17.7 cm) record with a bigger hole in the center. It played a single song at 45 rpm’s, and was the preferred format for jukeboxes. The 45s had a better sound than the LPs, because they rotated at a faster speed. This made for more waveform definitions and grooves on the record’s surface, creating better audio quality. • The first 45 rpm record, a green vinyl recording of Eddy Arnold’s “Texarkana Baby,” went on sale on March 31, 1949. The most valuable 45, a 1965 recording of “Do I Love You, Indeed I Do” by Motown artist Frank Wilson, sold for $37,000 in 2009. If you have a copy of the Beatles’ “Love Me Do” 45 record, it can be worth up to $20,000. • In 1970, a vinyl record could be purchased for Continued on Page 2

A Wyoming Owned & Operated Paper

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Page 2 May 15 - 21, 2024 To Place An Ad, Call 307-247-1587 Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland List of Specialized Goods & Services Check Cashing Center LAWN CARE Senior Housing RECORDS— (continued) around $5.00 (about $33 in today’s dollars). The price of a 45 rpm was 95 cents. • The popularity of vinyl led to the end of production of shellac records in the late 1950s. Yet vinyl’s popularity was coming to an end as well. Philips debuted the cassette tape in America in 1964, with music recorded on magnetic film. This innovation gave listeners the ability to record their own tracks of audio, giving rise to the mixtape. Within five years, cassettes outsold records. In 1979, Sony’s Walkman cassette tape player provided the convenience of on-thego music. • More new technology put vinyl and cassettes at risk in 1982 when Sony created the first compact disc, a 4.75-inch (12 cm) disc with a capacity of 80 minutes of audio. The disc’s tracks are scanned by an infrared laser, with RPMs between 210 and 480. CDs were small, portable, and convenient, played on a device that could go anywhere. • The success of CDs wound down when the first version of the MP3 format was introduced in 1993. This format launched the downloading of digital music, and the capability of listening on a computer. DOORS & WINDOWS Extended Stay Suites Senior Housing • Apple revolutionized listening to music with the introduction of the iPod in 2001, a small convenient device advertised as giving music lovers “1,000 songs in your pocket.” Because the iTunes store wasn’t launched until 2003, listeners added music to the iPod from CDs or other online sources like Napster. By March, 2002, the updated iPod could hold 2,000 songs, and four months later, that number was up to 4,000. In September, the upgrade increased the total to 10,000 songs, and the 80 GB iPod of 2005 brought the total to 20,000. Apple discontinued the iPod product line in 2022. • Yet all of the new innovations haven’t marked the end of vinyl records. Since 2007, there has been a renewed interest in vinyl records. The comeback was small at first, but by 2010, growth was quickly picking up. By 2020, the increase was 29.2%, surpassing sales of CDs for the first time in over 30 years. In 2021, 41.72 million vinyl records were sold in the U.S. For the first half of 2023, sales exceeded 23 million, with Taylor Swift leading the pack. These days, nearly every major artist is releasing their newest records on vinyl. • What’s created this resurgence of vinyl records? Part of it is a sense of nostalgia as listeners enjoy adding a new record to their collection and displaying them creatively. They like the imaginative cover art and the bonus items, such as posters, included in albums not present with CDs. Some say that the sound of vinyl is “warmer” and “more authentic,” a unique sound different from digital music. • Michael Jackson’s Thriller, which was released in 1982, is the biggest-selling album of all time. It sold 32 million copies its first year, with an estimated 70 million number of sales to date. The honor of best-selling single of all time worldwide belongs to Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas,” recorded in 1942. Conservative estimates place the total at 50 million copies. “Rock Around the Clock” is the biggest-selling rock and roll single of all time. It was originally released on a vinyl 45 and a shellac 78 in 1954. Its sales are estimated at 25 million. • We usually associate the hit “I Will Always Love You” with songstress Whitney Houston, featured in the 1992 film “The Bodyguard.” But it was a hit long before by its composer Dolly Parton, who wrote it in a day in 1974. Actor Kevin Costner contacted Parton for permission to use it in the film. Parton never heard another word about it, until she was driving her car down the road after the movie’s release and heard Houston singing it on the radio. Houston’s version is the best-selling single by a female artist of all time. The song was played at her 2012 funeral. • Songs that were slammed by broadcasters, critics, and listeners as the “worst ever” include “Achy Breaky Heart” by Billy Ray Cyrus, the Baha Men’s recording of “Who Let the Dogs Out?,” and “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin. BEAUTIFUL BODY: “M” PARTS How many of these body parts beginning with the letter “M” are you familiar with? Tidbits invites you to “get physical” to test your knowledge. • The malleolus and the malleus might sound similar, but they’re in no way related. The malleolus is the bone that sticks out on either side of the ankle joint, providing stability to the joint. The bone on the inner side of the ankle is at the lower end of the tibia, while the one on the outer side is formed by the lower end of the fibula. The malleus is also a bone, but it’s located in the middle ear, and transmits sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. This small bone is commonly referred to the “hammer,” due to its shape. • Also related to the ear, the mastoid is that bony protrusion located just behind the earlobes. This bump is connected to the middle ear and critical for hearing and Continued on Page 3

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Page 3 May 15 - 21, 2024 CASPER, WYOMING RECORDS— (continued) balance, as well as acting as the attachment site for several muscles in the head and neck. • “M” parts related to the jaw include the mandibula, the maxilla, and the masseter. The mandibula, or lower jawbone, is the face’s largest and strongest bone, providing support to the lower teeth and structure for the lower face. The mandible works closely with the maxilla, or upper jaw, in the chewing process and to assist with speech. The maxilla contains the upper teeth and helps form the roof of the mouth and the floor of the eye sockets and nasal cavity. It also helps you smile along with other facial expressions. The masseter is a muscle within the jaw, one of the strongest muscles in the body, and critical for biting and chewing food. It’s connected to the mandible and the cheekbone. • In the chest, the mediastinum, as the central compartment of the chest cavity, holds the heart, lungs, esophagus, trachea, lymph nodes, and nerves. It’s located right in the middle of the chest between the lungs and is surrounded by the ribcage. The manubrium is also part of the chest, the uppermost part of the breastbone, or sternum, that flat bone located in the center of the chest. Several muscles and ligaments are attached to this handle- shaped portion of the sternum, which functions as the protector of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. • If you’ve torn your meniscus, you’ve damaged that C-shaped piece of cartilage found in the knee joint, and suffered one of the most common knee injuries. It occurs when the knee is forcefully twisted or rotated while bearing weight on the knee. Each knee has two menisco, which act as a cushion between the shinbone and the thighbone. • You many have heard of macular degeneration, but may not be aware of what the macula does. This tiny oval-shaped area (just 0.25 inch wide), is at the center of the eye’s retina at the back of the eyeball. Composed of photoreceptor cells, it’s responsible for translating light that enters the eye into a signal that the brain can understand. It enables vision for objects directly in front of you. When the macula begins to deteriorate, mostly after age 50, the eye can still take in light, but images that are straight ahead are blurry and without fine detail. Those with the condition maintain their peripheral vision, able to see things off to the sides. About 20 million Americans have macular degeneration, which can be brought on by family history, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, head injuries, infections, or a poor diet without essential nutrients. MARSHMALLOWS This week, Tidbits has “s’more” than enough facts about one of our favorite treats – the marshmallow! • Did you know that marshmallows grow on trees? Well, sort of anyway. There really is a marshmallow plant found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It’s a beautiful flowering plant that’s covered in white flowers, but it’s the roots and sap that provide the real benefit. For centuries, dating back to ancient Egypt and Greece, people used these parts of the marshmallow plant for its therapeutic properties -to heal wounds, to soothe throat inflammation, and relieve coughs. The sap and Publisher’s Corner From Roger Davis, Owner Publisher Tidbits Comfort foods are meals that are uniquely nostalgic and sentimental to a person. As the name suggests, it provides a sense of comfort and helps to relieve stress. A lot of times comfort foods bring back good memories of our childhood. I remember as a kid coming home with my father at the end of a cold hard days work to meatloaf or beef and noodles. Mary's comfort food has been burgers, tater tots and chocolate milk. It reminds her of happy times in the midst of very tough times for her dad, brothers and sister. Music can also be a comfort. One can get lost in lyrics and tones to “Forget about life for awhile”, as it says in “Piano Man” by Billy Joel. Other hits include “Keeper Of The Stars” by Tracy Byrd, “The Dance” by Garth Brooks, Reo Speedwagon's “Keep on Loving You” and Adeleine's “Make You Feel My Love”. Others originated from Chicago, Journey, Elvis Presley, Johnny Nash, Guns and Roses. Don't forget “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond. They all had hits that fell into comfort music. As proven one can find comfort in all genres of music. It usually depends on what you listened to as a kid. When I want a break I head to my man cave and indulge in woodworking projects with my mint tea and play list of great artist like Garth, Casting Crowns, Newsboys and great pop artist as well. Many things remind us of safe and fun times from our past to get our minds off life troubles for awhile. Whether it is food, music, creativity, hobbies or games, though we're not perfect, nothing beats the peace and comfort we can achieve with a relationship with Jesus Christ. Take care and we will talk to you next week. Here are some locations you can get your free copy of Tidbits. 1. Ghost Town, Casper 2. Hat Six Travel Plaza, Casper 3. Plains Trading Post Restaurant, Douglas 4. Sinclair Gas Station, Glendo 5. Wheatland Country Store, Wheatland root pulp were boiled and mixed with honey. The healing concoction was strictly for use by royalty. • The Egyptians moved the marshmallow from merely medicinal to a confection, combining it with grains and nuts and baking into cakes. • It wasn’t until the mid-1800s that the marshmallow started to become the form we know today. Continued on Page 4

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Page 4 May 15 - 21, 2024 CASPER, WYOMING RECORDS— (continued) French confectioners took the plant’s roots and sap and whipped them together with sugar, water, and egg whites, resulting in a soft, puffy treat. Each marshmallow had to be hand-formed, so in the latter part of the century, they created cornstarch molds that allowed for mass-production. • Yet the process was still tedious and took a lot of time, since the sap had to extracted from the plant took over a day to dry. Manufacturers replaced it with the moreconvenient gelatin, which had the added bonus of helping marshmallows to better hold their shape. Corn syrup, starch, powdered sugar, and water were added to the gelatin, resulting in a fluffy texture. • Marshmallows came to America in the early 1900s, sold as penny candy. Germany immigrants, the Rueckheim brothers, opened Angelus Marshmallows in 1907, adding to the popular confection they had • already introduced in 1893, known as Cracker Jack. • In 1927, the Girl Scouts’ Handbook and “Scouting Magazine” published a recipe they called “Some More,” maybe because the girls were always asking KING CROSSWORD SPONSORED BY BATTERIES PLUS for more of the treat consisting of two roasted marshmallows and a chocolate bar sandwiched between two graham crackers. The name was later abbreviated to “s’mores.” 1948 brought a new process that transformed the production. It involved an extrusion machine, in which the mixture was piped through tubes, then cut into equal pieces. It also pumped more air into marshmallows, making them even Continued on Page 5

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland RECORDS— (continued) puffier! • In 1940, a Pennsylvania-based candy company named Just Born introduced a new candy they called Mike and Ike. In 1950, a cinnamon-flavored candy known as Hot Tamales was added to Just Born’s lineup. They presented another famous sweet treat in 1953, a chick-shaped marshmallow they dubbed Peeps. Originally, a batch of Peeps took about 27 hours to create, all made by hand. Today’s equipment enables the company to crank out the chicks and bunnies in about six minutes. Each Peep contains about 28 calories. • Kellogg’s starting printing the recipe for their “marshmallow squares,” as they were called, on the Rice Krispies packages in 1941. The recipe was a joint project between the Kellogg test kitchens and a fundraiser for the Camp Fire Girls, producing a treat the girls could sell door-to-door. The recipe has remained unchanged ever since. General Mills added marshmallows to oat cereal in 1964, calling them Lucky Charms, and using Lucky the Leprechaun as their sales mascot. • Marshmallows, originally a plant-based treat, are now made primarily from animal-based gelatin, although vegan marshmallows are available. Americans consume about 90 million lbs. (40,823,313 kg) of marshmallows every year. May 15 - 21, 2024

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• Football player Ronaldinho Gaucho lost a $750,000 deal with Coca-Cola simply by taking a sip from a Pepsi. • Some farmers started feeding their pigs waste products from the marijuana industry, such as plant stems, leaves and roots, saying it boosted the animals' appetites so they would bulk up to 30 pounds heavier than normal, also that it had the effect of making the meat taste "more savory." • The fastest any human has ever traveled was during the re-entry of the Apollo 10 module, at a maximum speed of 24,830 Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland miles per hour, or 7 miles per second. • If you can convince yourself that you slept well last night, even though you didn't, your brain will be tricked into thinking you aren't tired. It's called "placebo sleep." • When an astronaut working on the International Space Station needed a tool he didn't have, NASA came to the rescue by designing one with computer software and emailing the file to him. He then used a 3D printer to create the first object ever designed on Earth but made in space. • Studies show that the human brain remains half-awake when sleeping in a new environment for the first time. • Just before WWII, the U.S. created the Logan Bar, a chocolate bar May 15 - 21, 2024 that deliberately tasted "a little better than a boiled potato," as an emergency ration to prevent soldiers from snacking on it outside of emergency situations. • Too much grape soda will make your poop turn blue. • A shopping mall in China offers "husband storage" pods, where wives and girlfriends can leave their partners while they shop. Each pod is equipped with a TV, a gaming console and a leather massage chair. *** Thought for the Day: "A comfort zone is a beautiful place -- but nothing ever grows there." -- Anonymous (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland May 15 - 21, 2024 American Symbols A: If the pictures are just photographs, they are probably Memorial Day is a time to both trading cards. If honor individual memories and they have silhouettes reflect on American history. of the shape of the Designers have drawn inspiration planes, they might be from American history for spotter cards, aircraft over a hundred years. Copies of recognition cards styles from the early years of the used to identify planes American Republic, or the Federal during WWII. The period, have been popular since the cards had silhouettes 1870s. This is when the Colonial of the types of planes Revival period began, celebrating the Centennial of the United States. Eagles are a powerful symbol in American used by the United Designers also celebrate American designs from the Great Seal to everyday States, Great Britain, history by incorporating American decorative arts. A carved eagle holds up Germany and Japan, as seen from the symbols into their work. Stars and this table's faux marble top. ground. They were stripes, Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty one of the aids used and, of course, eagles often appear by civilian observers, in furniture and decorative arts. Eagles are part of the Army Air Forces Ground Observer often seen as finials or crests on furniture like Federal mirrors. Sometimes they make up a Corps, who manned observation posts along larger part of a design, like this table with a the East Coast, inland to the Appalachian pedestal base carved into the form of an eagle Mountains, and along the West Coast of the with outstretched wings. With a faux marble United States. Reports of aircraft spotted were top and no identifying marks, it sold for $163 sent to the Aircraft Warning Service. Spotter cards were also made as playing cards and at a Conestoga auction. given to servicemen. Kellogg's printed "Plane *** Q: I have a collection of cards I collected as a Spotter Cards" on the backs of Pep cereal boxes boy during World War II. They have pictures of and included a model plane in the package. WWII fighter planes and bombers. The reverse Reproductions of the original spotter cards has two circles with insignia or emblems. They have been made. Spotter playing cards sell for might have been premiums in boxes of cereal. about $10. We haven't seen any spotter cards Can you give me any information and possible with insignia or emblems on the back. Most sell for less than $4-$5 each. value? TIP: When repairing furniture, it is best to reglue before you refinish. *** CURRENT PRICES Firefighting, fire mark, raised clasped hands, each with spiral twist cuff, cast iron, square, 1800s, 10 x 10 inches, $90. Advertising teapot, Lipton Tea, pottery glossy black glaze, white letters, oversized oval form with spigot on lower front, Hall China, 20th century, 12 inches, $115. Toy, pedal car, Oscar Meyer Wienermobile, orange wiener with Oscar Meyer logo, yellow base, plastic, working horn, original box, 44 inches, $600. Blown glass flask, Stiegel type, amethyst, diagonal swirled ribs, sheared and tooled mouth, 4 3/4 inches, $1,185. For more collecting news, tips and resources, visit www.Kovels.com (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland May 15 - 21, 2024 honorable discharge. You can mail your reply or deliver it to a VA office, and you can also ask for a hearing to present your evidence at a VA regional office. The new rule will take effect June 25, 2024. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. New rules after a dishonorable discharge Results. Not all of us left the service unscathed and with an honorable discharge (and all the benefits that would give us) clutched in our fist. Some of us, for one reason or another, did not make it out with an honorable or general discharge, or we even had a bad conduct discharge and/or a court martial. We left lots of benefits on the table when that happened. That's changing, at least a little bit. There are now finalized rules about discharge determinations that expand health care and benefits for some of those who did not get an honorable discharge. They're calling it a "compelling circumstances exception." There are certain circumstances where prior actions can now be reviewed. They'll take into consideration a list of things, such as length of prior service, mental health at the time, any sexual harassment or assault, physical problems, anything caused by combat duty and other reasons and circumstances for the actions that caused the discharge you were given. You have to apply to see what their determination is. You might find that they conclude, once they know all the facts, that the discharge is under conditions other than dishonorable. If you want to apply, see: www.va.gov/ discharge-upgrade-instructions/. Additionally, see the detailed factsheet at benefits.va.gov/BENEFITS/docs/COD_ Factsheet.pdf. You can apply online, over the phone or by mail, or you can even show up at a VA medical facility and ask for care. Any of those will get the ball rolling. You'll be sent a letter asking for details. Give them. It's your chance to provide evidence or make a statement about what was going on that led to the less than HOCUS-FOCUS Thanks to Tidbits our business has picked up considerably. STEVE'S FLOORING Old Fashioned Wilted Lettuce Salad Ingredients: 6 slices bacon 8 cups leaf lettuce 1 small sweet onion ¼ cup apple cider vinegar ½ teaspoon salt 4 Tablespoons granulated sugar 2 hard boiled eggs Directions: 1. Thoroughly wash and dry lettuce leaves, use your salad spinner if you have one. Then place in a large salad bowl. 2. In a large skillet, cook bacon until crisp. Remove the slices of bacon to cool on a paper towel, but leave the warm bacon grease in the pan. 3. Thinly slice onion and cook in the bacon fat over low heat until it begins to soften. 4. Carefully stir in the vinegar, salt and sugar until the sugar dissolves. 5. Chop or crumble bacon and dice the hard boiled eggs and place in serving bowl with lettuce. 6. Pour warm bacon dressing over the salad and toss to coat. Serve immediately.

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