2023-24 6th BN PAC Meerut


Police Modern School

School Song Dare to be right and dare to be true, For each has a work P.M.S. Can do hey, Dare to be............. Do it so bravely so kindly so well, Angels will hasten the story to tell, Dare to be............ The bright goal of promise of Police Modern School, Tempters will meet you in work and play, Put them aside and keep right on the way, Dare to be........... The Faults and other will never save you, stand by your conscience your honous your faith, stand like a hero in battle till end for each has a work P.M.S. can do they, Dare to be...........

Police Modern School

Police Modern School

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूययकोटि समप्रभ । टिटवयघ्नं करु मे दे व सवयकायेषु सवयदा ॥ ु O Deva, Please Make my Undertakings Free of Obstacles, By extending Your Blessings in All my Works, Always.

Police Modern School

Police Modern School

COMMANDANT’S MESSAGE "Knowledge is the compass that guides us through the uncharted territories of ignorance, illuminating the path to wisdom and understanding." Dear Students, Parents, and School Community, It is with great joy and pride that I address you through the pages of our first-ever school annual year magazine. This year has been filled with countless achievements and memorable moments that have shaped our journey towards excellence. Reflecting on the past academic year, it is evident that every member of our school community has played an integral role in our collective success. From the dedication of our talented educators to the unwavering support of our parents, and the enthusiasm exhibited by our exceptional students, we have truly created an environment where dreams become realities. Our commitment to providing a holistic education experience remains steadfast. We continuously strive to instill in each student a love for learning, a thirst for knowledge, and a passion for personal growth. Through an engaging curriculum and an array of co-curricular activities, we aim to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are equipped to make a positive impact on society. As we embark on this milestone with the publication of our very first annual year magazine, let us celebrate not only the achievements but also the remarkable stories that have unfolded within these school walls. Each page is a testament to the determination, resilience, and creativity that exists within each student. To all students featured in this magazine: Never underestimate your potential. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and continue to pursue your dreams relentlessly. Remember that success is not solely defined by grades or awards but by how you positively influence those around you. To all parents: Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in creating a nurturing environment where they can thrive academically and emotionally. Let us continue working hand in hand as partners in shaping their bright futures. To all staff members: Your dedication and tireless efforts are truly commendable. Your passion for teaching and commitment to excellence inspire not only students but also your colleagues. Together, we have created an environment that fosters growth and empowers young minds. As we conclude another successful academic year, let us take a moment to appreciate the memories we have created, the friendships we have forged, and the knowledge we have gained. Let this magazine be a testament to our collective achievements and a reminder of the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Wishing you all a future filled with continued growth, success, and happiness. IPS Dr. Dharm Veer Singh Commandant

Police Modern School

Police Modern School

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” Dear Readers, Greetings to you! To the principal, faculty, and students, I express my best wishes for the first edition of their school magazine with immense pride and joy. It gives hope that PMS, 6th BN , Meerut has made a name for itself with its remarkable and admirable accomplishments. Along with praise for its academic accomplishments, it has also garnered appreciation for its success in a variety of extracurricular pursuits. Since its founding, the school has expanded and helped students' overall growth. The children's abilities and skills have grown as a result of the principal's and the staff's persistent efforts. Through its efforts and successes, the school has been able to represent itself in the area. Every youngster is now prepared to take up the difficulties of the future. Thanks to the kind and inspiring environment. I commend all of the students for their fervor and dedication in elevating the school to unprecedented eminence, and I really hope that the institution will persist in striving for even greater achievement. I hope for a prosperous future and success. DC Ms. Alok Dubey (Secretary)

Police Modern School

Police Modern School

"Education is the key that unlocks the door to limitless possibilities, empowering us to illuminate the path to a brighter future." Creating the first edition of the school magazine at Police Modern School is a true delight. Through the articles, write-ups, poetry, and creative works submitted by school children, it represents and highlights the diversity of thought and viewpoint. Our goal is to give our aspiring writers a stage on which they can develop their unbridled abilities and practical skills. For individuals who value creativity and innovation, this journal represents a unique opportunity. I've always imagined PMS as a shining, new foundation with high expectations. Our aim is to get the pupils ready for success. Our goal is to empower the next generation of citizens by assisting students in realizing their own potential and utilizing the tools at their disposal in conjunction with a curriculum that is forward-thinking. Our focus is on academics as well as co-curricular and extracurricular activities, giving students a competitive advantage. We help pupils become strong, self-assured, and disciplined so they can confront the world and its competitors. Our approach to education is to tailor the curriculum to each child's unique needs. We give the kids an environment that is both purposeful and stimulating in order to help them reach their full potential and form moral principles. We want to instill in our kids a sense of empathy, discipline, sensitivity, and a high aspiration for greatness. We support our kids in growing through a variety of activities and cultivating a positive attitude on life. Education that is progressive and holistic is our main goal. Warm greetings and best wishes! AC Ms. Reeta Shukla

Police Modern School

Police Modern School

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff, As we draw the curtains on yet another academic session, it's a time for reflection, celebration, and a sense of accomplishment. I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together over this past year. It is my pleasure to share a message of appreciation and recognition with our entire school community. Our school is not just a building; it is a community of learners, dreamers, and achievers. To Our remarkable Students, Congratulations on successfully completing this academic session! Your hard work, determination, and resilience have led to your achievements. I am inspired by your commitment to learning and your growth as individuals. Remember that education is a lifelong journey, and each step you take here brings you closer to your dreams. I encourage you to keep setting goals, pushing boundaries, and nurturing your curiosity. Your potential knows no bounds, and I have no doubt that you will go on to do great things. To Our Supportive Parents, your unwavering support and encouragement have been instrumental in your children's success. Thank you for entrusting us with their education and being partners in their journey. Your involvement, guidance, and dedication to their growth have made a significant impact.. As we celebrate your children's achievements, let's also celebrate the role you've played in their development. Your commitment to their education is truly commendable To Our Dedicated Staff, your passion, dedication, and hard work have been the driving force behind our students' progress. The knowledge, values, and mentorship you've provided have helped shape the future of our students. Your tireless efforts have not only instilled knowledge but also inspired a love for learning. Your role in our school is invaluable, and I am deeply grateful for your commitment to our students' success. As we look back on this academic session, let's also look forward to the future. Each year brings new opportunities for growth and learning. Let's build on our achievements, learn from our experiences, and continue to create an environment that fosters excellence, creativity, and character development. I encourage you all to take this welldeserved break to rest, recharge, and reflect. Use this time to set new goals, explore your interests, and prepare for the challenges and opportunities the next academic session will bring. Thank you for being part of this remarkable school community. Together, we have achieved so much, and I am excited to see what the future holds for us. Let's continue to work hand in hand to make our school a place where dreams are nurtured, hard work is celebrated, and success is a shared experience. Wishing you a restful and enjoyable break, and looking forward to another year of growth and achievement. With heartfelt wishes and God's blessings! Ms. Leena Sharma Principal

Police Modern School

Police Modern School

As the Academic Coordinator for our esteemed school, it is with great pleasure that I present a brief overview of the upcoming edition of our school magazine. This annual publication serves as a testament to the vibrant and dynamic culture that permeates our academic community. The school magazine, a collaborative effort of students and faculty alike, encapsulates the diverse talents and accomplishments that define our institution. Through carefully curated articles, thought-provoking essays, and captivating artwork, we aim to provide a platform for our students to showcase their creativity, critical thinking, and passion for learning. These stories serve as a source of inspiration, demonstrating the real-world impact of a well-rounded education that extends beyond textbooks. As we embark on this literary journey, I extend my gratitude to the dedicated team of students, teachers, and staff who have tirelessly contributed to the magazine's creation. Their commitment to excellence is evident in every page, reinforcing our school's commitment to fostering an environment that encourages intellectual curiosity and artistic expression. I invite the entire school community to immerse themselves in the pages of our magazine, to appreciate the collective spirit that binds us and to celebrate the diversity of thoughts and talent that defines our school. May this edition inspire, enlighten, and serve as a testament to the brilliance that resides within our academic community. Warm Regards, Mr. Ajay Kumar, Academic Coordinator With this in mind, I encourage both students and parents to actively participate in nurturing a culture of discipline within our school community. As we embark on this academic journey, it is essential to recognize the symbiotic relationship between discipline and academic success.. Together, we can foster an atmosphere where everyone feels heard and valued. Additionally, I encourage students to embrace leadership opportunities “ Discipline is the bridge between goals and within the school. Becoming leaders instills a sense of accomplishments. ” responsibility and accountability, qualities that are As the Head of Discipline, it is my distinct pleasure to integral to personal growth and success. By being extend warm greetings to each member of our vibrant actively involved in school activities, students not only school community. It is with great enthusiasm that I contribute to a positive school culture but also develop address you through the pages of our esteemed school skills that will serve them well in future endeavors. In magazine, a platform that fosters communication, conclusion, let us embark on this academic year with a unity, and the sharing of ideas. Discipline is the shared commitment to upholding discipline as a bedrock upon which our school's foundation stands cornerstone of our school's identity. By working together, tall. It is not merely a set of rules and regulations but a we can create an environment that nurtures the potential guiding principle that shapes the character and within each student, shaping them into responsible and behavior of every student. In essence, it is the silent resilient individuals. Warm Regards, force that propels our institution towards excellence. Ms. Seema Soam , Discipline is not about punishment; it is about Head of Discipline Committee cultivating a sense of responsibility, respect, and resilience. s

Police Modern School

Police Modern School

Head of Department Session 2023-24 Subject Teachers Hindi - Ms. Rajni Bala English - Ms. Seema Soam Mathematics - Mr. Sanjay Tyagi Physics - Ms. Shalini Tyagi Chemistry - Ms. Akansha Garg Biology - Mr. Manish Kumar SST - Ms. Priya Agarwal Computer Science - Ms. Prachi Garg Physical Education - Ms. Rajev Kumar Sanskrit - Ms. Geeta Bansal Commerce - Ms. Ruchika Rathore Music - Ms. Sandhaya Sharma Fine Arts & Craft - Dr. Arvind Kumar Discipline Committee Head - Ms. Seema Soam Incharge - Mr. Sanjay Tyagi Incharge - Mr. Rajev Kumar Incharge - Mr. Manish Kumar Incharge - Mr. Gaurav Chauhan Member - Ms. Neha Member - Ms. Vandana Tyagi Member - Mr. Gaurav Kumar Member - Ms. Nirmesh Rana Member - Ms. Baljeet Kaur Member - Ms. Meenakshi Sharma

Police Modern School

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