In The Loop

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IN THE LOOP May 2024

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In This Issue:

Overview of the weeks 02 03 Employee Excellence 04 05 Life at BASF Social Calendar Engagement Zone (Get To Know) 06 07 HR / Legal

In This Issue:

Overview of the week:

New Contamination prevention strategy (Inoculants plant), the 40 ft container arrived on site & will be used in an intermediary process (fogging of incoming raw material) as part of the contamination prevention strategy following the in-depth FMEA undertaken by the team in response to the contaminants identified at the back end of the 2023 campaign. A great team effort to implement the strategy. We look forward to a seeing the effectiveness of this measure. The 2024 Fungal AI start-up of campaign has successfully progressed to the next phase. The first spore batch injected was placed into the drying room on 25 April after a successful 14- day incubation. Spore viabilities on day 0 were a promising 98%. Well done Fungi team on a great start to the campaign. 29 March 2024 marked a momentous day in the Inoculants Plant 2024 Histick campaign. The first Histick batch injected in 2024 reached end of incubation and was sampled for QC testing. Preliminary contamination results were reported as free of bacterial contamination. A great feat for the Inoculants team. We look forward to a successful 2024 Inoculants campaign. The Harvester was assembled last week and all modifications on harvester were completed. On the 26th of April, we had the follow up presentations for the SMART projects where the teams further detailed their projects and deliverables.

Overview of the week:

Social Calendar:


Social Calendar:

Employee Excellence:

On Wednesday, the 24th of April 2024, BASF Agricultural Solutions employees in Durban celebrated their graduation from the Team Leader Development Programme. This comprehensive course, provided by the Benchmarking and Manufacturing Analysts (BMA) and supported by the Durban Chemical Cluster, focused on the principles of Lean Manufacturing. Topics covered included an in-depth exploration of the 8 types of waste and the implementation of 6S strategies. This course was extremely significant, particularly for our employees as they work in the manufacturing plant. The skills acquired during this programme will not only aid in personal growth and competitiveness but will also contribute to the overall success and competitiveness of our company. It is with great pride that we congratulate Lethiwe Zondi, Senior Microbiologist, for achieving the 2nd highest score in the course and within the cluster. Congratulations are also extended to Babalwa Jiya, Bongekile Khwela, and Lisa Paterson for their commendable achievements. Well done to all! Page - 04

Employee Excellence:

Get To Know:

What do you want to achieve in your role? As the site manager, my primary responsibility is to foster a culture whereby employees can thrive to be the best versions of themselves whilst ensuring we compliantly operate and always meet our customers needs. Encouraging teamwork, improving our communication and aligning our vision is key to achieving the above. What do you like to do during your leisure time? I have quite a busy schedule outside of work ranging from attending karate and piano classes; playing indoor cricket and going to the gym. Having a good work- life balance is important to me. Which cartoon character would you most like to switch lives with? It would most definitely have to be Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - he's the cool dude that loves to party something that I can relate to!

Get To Know:

Get To Know:

What advice would you give to recent new hires? Everyday is an opportunity to learn and to improve yourself. Hard work, patience and delivering consistent results will ultimately lead to your success. Be different in your thinking and don't be afraid to think out of the box and act with confidence. Tell us three things most people don’t know about you: I've had two identity numbers I almost drowned in the Greek Islands in 2015 I had a bullet pierce the back of my car whilst I was driving towards Gateway. Who do you want to nominate for the next interview? Interesting question. It has to be Andrew Craig mainly because he's the newest member of the site leadership team after me.

Get To Know:

Life At BASF:

To enter: Ask Communications to take a picture of you that represents what you do for the love of farming. You can enter as a team or as an individual, but send your photo with a caption and the following information:   Your name, Your job title, Your location, What you do for the love of farming T-shirt size (Unisex: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) If you are not sure about the size, please order the larger size. Deadline to send your photos is 17 May 2024. By submitting your story and photos, your automatically agree to us sharing them internally and externally to celebrate your contributions.

Life At BASF:

HR Reminder :

At BASF, employee voices are essential for creating an environment where everyone can thrive and perform at their best. It is not just a management issue, but a concern for all employees. We measure employee engagement as a non-financial target, seeking feedback on important topics in the work environment to identify areas of improvement. Participation is voluntary but highly appreciated. Rest assured, the data is treated confidentially, with no individual responses accessible to anyone at BASF. Let's all get involved!

HR Reminder :

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