My Games Reviews



HOW TO IMPOSSIFY RIDES To Impossify rides, users need to find the impossification Pencil. Players can find it in the upper left corner of the screen and then select any attraction. To do this, they will need an Impossification charge. Let's use the Kraken Flat Ride as an example to describe it more clearly. How do you impossify flat rides in park beyond? If you have at least one Impossification charge, you will be able to click on it, which brings up the Impossification overlay. Here, you will be able to Impossify Flat Rides, which costs five Impossification charges. If you have enough, all you need to do is click on the ride that you want to Impossify. Park Beyond: What Is Impossification? As with roller coasters, staff, and shops, you will be able to Impossify your flat rides. This is a process that essentially upgrades the ride with a new (and more extreme) visual appearance. Additionally, Impossification will boost the stats of your flat rides. Here, you can learn all there is to know about Impossifying your park's flat rides. To Impossify anything, you will first need to interact with the Impossification Pencil found at the upper left-hand corner of your screen. If you have at least one Impossification charge, you will be able to click on it, which brings up the Impossification overlay. Here, you will be able to Impossify Flat Rides, which costs five Impossification charges. If you have enough, all you need to do is click on the ride that you want to Impossify. This will bring up additional information on the Impossification process. Impossifying a flat ride will change the name, as well as increase the upkeep. For some rides, this upkeep change isn't a lot, but it can become quite a lot, especially if you Impossify multiple rides at the same time. If you are satisfied with the Impossification, follow the prompt on the screen and the ride will become Impossified! The appearance will become grander, making it stand out more.


:Planet Zoo Animal Conservation Information

?Are zoos beneficial to the conservation of animals Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited (AZA) facilities are beneficial because of the high standards they exemplify in animal welfare, conservation, research, education, and recreation                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Largest Terrestrial Animals Today’s elephants are a remnant species, the last of order Proboscidea. The order name refers to the proboscis – the trunk. There are two species, the African and the Asian (Elephas maximus), that have traditionally been accepted. All elephants are gray (though Asians often show de-pigmentation), but any elephant can look red or gray-green or charcoal because of a .recent dust-bath ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                           .Red ruffed lemurs are designed for leaping Some of the largest lemurs, red ruffed lemurs have the typical lemur appearance, with their hind legs longer than front. With opposable great toes and those extra-long hind legs, they are designed for leaping. Typically, the red ruffed lemur will cling vertically, look over its shoulder,  .and leap

:Planet Zoo Animal Conservation Information


ALLERGY SYMPTOMS Indoor humidity levels are an important factor in keeping allergy symptoms at bay. If the indoor humidity is above 50%, it can encourage dust mites, cockroaches and even mold growth. These potent allergy triggers can be greatly reduced if humidity is kept below 50%. A home dehumidifier can help lower indoor humidity levels. When indoor humidity is too dry, less than 30%, it causes dry nasal passages, skin and throat which can be troublesome for many people. Air that is too dry will cause dust mites, mold and bacteria to dry out and become airborne which could be inhaled. Using a home humidifier can help bring humidity levels up to the optimum range which is between 40-50%. Keeping home air levels within the recommended range will greatly reduce allergy symptoms for most allergy sufferers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is high humidity good for allergies? Breathing higher humidity air is one way to relieve the discomfort and symptoms of allergies. Allergic rhinitis, for example, often includes nasal congestion, irritation, and inflammation of the delicate, moist tissues of the nasal mucosa. Reducing inflammation of these tissues can provide quick relief. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Low Home Humidity and Allergies While air that is too humid leads to increased dust mite allergens and mold problems, air that is too dry can also aggravate allergy, asthma, and eczema symptoms for allergy sufferers. Although dust mites may begin to die off when humidity levels fall under 50%, allergens will dry out when humidity levels are below 30% relative humidity. Dust mite allergen, mold, and bacteria that are dried out are lighter and therefore may become airborne more easily, which can lead to greater inhalation rates. For this reason, air purifiers like the Austin Air Allergy Machine HEGA Air Purifier and the FilterQueen Defender Air Purifier are ideal choices to combat airborne allergens.


Is moisture bad for your feet?

While foot moisture is normal and usually harmless, it certainly can lead to foot problems. If the foot is constantly moist (for example, as a result of long periods of wearing closed-toed leather shoes), it can lead to breakdown of the tissues of the skin on the sole of the foot as well as on and between the toes. Humid air can also trap moisture into your shoes that may cause fungal infections or blistering. As well, indoor heat that is too dry can lead to bleeding and cracked skin. Clearly, cold weather and feet are not always a good pairing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How does low humidity affect the body? Even further, low humidity can lead to dehydration, which can cause dry and irritated skin, dry eyes and nosebleeds. Individuals who suffer from eczema or acne will experience more frequent flare-ups due to dry air. Dry eyes can cause eye soreness, blurred vision and an increased risk of eye infections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why are the soles of my feet cracking? When the sensitive skin on the bottom of the feet and heels becomes too dry, it can split open, leaving painful cracks called fissures on your heels. Those cracks may not only make it painful to walk, but can also lead to serious infections. Cracks in the heels are generally caused by insufficient moisture REPORT TITLE: HOME HUMIDITY LEVELS CAN TRIGGER ALLERGY SYMPTOMS REPORT TYPE: REPORT DATE: MAY 21,2022 BY: MARIO CORTES

Is moisture bad for your feet?


SHORT GUIDE BY: COASTERGEEK80 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Zooooooooooooo keepers, This is my first guide that I'm writing for Planet Zoo. I'm writing this guide at this time so many of you have an understanding of the many features in the Planet Zoo game. I hope that when you read this guide and have an understanding of the game, the end result will be a great experience for you. As I have gather some experience myself during this time ( 3 years), I'm not saying that I have learned everything there is to know about Planet Zoo, because there are lots to learn yet. But I will say this, I am still learning myself. So, without further ado, here's the guide documented on August 8, 2021 @ 11:00 pm ~~ Eastern Daylight Time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THIS GUIDE. To begin this guide, I would like to explain before hand a little about how to use Projection Screens, sizes, and types. Also, I will be explaining a bit about TV screens, sizes and types. I will be explaining a bit later about videos and pictures, on how to use them into the projection screens and TV screens. --- And which format you need to download them and to convert the videos and which format pictures need to be in order to use them in Planet Zoo. Also, in this guide I will be showing you the Planet Zoo Atmospheric Conditions with picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, Projection screens: Sizes and Types: Wide Large -- 16:9 ( Projection screens ) ~~ 8m, 16m and 32m -- (1824 x 1024)px (pixels) This format will use almost any video you download and insert into these Projection screens. TV Screens: Sizes and Types: Wide Medium -- 16:9 ( This is the Ratio or format ) -- There are 912 x 512 in size(px) and 4m.


Square Screens:

Sizes and Types: 1:1 Ratio --- Screen Panel ( 512 x 512 )px in size. Wide Small screens: Sizes and Types: TV Screens -- Only two types ( 1m and 2m ) -- (456 x 256 )px in size. -Perfect for habitats and Exhibits. Tall Screens: Sizes and Types: 9:16 Ratio -- (256 x 456 )px size -- Perfect for Conservation boards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW TO CREATE "BILLBOARDS" 1. After you download the perfect video or picture, you need to place them "Custom video or picture" for the billboards in the following folder -- ( This will be your particular folder in your computer ). C:\ This Pc \ Documents \ Frontier Developments \ Planet Zoo \ UserMedia * At this time if you would like to create your own pictures, go to * Please make sure that the pictures are in the correct format: There are two formats to use in Planet Zoo ( JPG or PNG) As for any video you download ( YouTube ) the format will be in MP4. (Please note: Videos need to be in (WEBM) format to use them with Projection screens in Planet Zoo. You might need a program to convert these videos to this format WEBM = Web Movie. Pictures are not so difficult to use them. Just make sure you download them in the correct format shown above. One final note: Make sure that you are using the correct Projection or TV screen and the correct format for videos and pictures. * THANKS FOR USING THIS SHORT GUIDE FOR YOUR GAME PLANET ZOO * I HOPE THIS GUIDE WILL HELP YOU IN YOUR JOURNEY * THIS HELP GUIDE HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO YOU BY: COASTERGEEK80 THE END! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Square Screens:


PROBLEM FIXED One thing that you need to be careful of when expanding your population is making sure that those new citizens can actually get to the jobs you want them to fill. Traffic and road infrastructure is always at the core of a lot of issues in Cities Skylines, but making sure you have an efficient transport network could be the solution to your problem here. Either make sure that your workers are situated locally to the jobs, or build efficient transport to allow them to get to businesses easily. This can either be through direct public transport routes, or auxiliary roads designed solely for the purpose of getting them to work. So, that’s how to fix the Cities Skylines 'not enough workers' problem, going over the three main potential causes and fixes you can use to fill out your businesses.


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