Top-60 Writers Of 2024

Top 60 Writers Of 2024

1. *HIMANSHU BADONI* 2. *Dr. Gayatri Channaya* 3.*Mohammad omer farooq* 4. *Charishma Jaikishin Ramchandani* 5.*Santhoshi Choradia* 6.*Dr.Mayank Rajpal* 7. *Sree Varshini* 8.*Daka 9. *Dr. Sujoyita Pal* 10. *Kumar Abhishek* 11. *Anand Singh Rajpurohit* 12. *Sonu Singh* 13. *Gargi Ghosh* 14. *BEENISH ZAHRA* 15.*ABDUL HASEEB* 16. *Arslan amjad* 17. *Yashvi Udernani* 18. *Mahima Yadav* 19. *Jahnavi Gadepelli* 20. *Purnima Singh* 21. *Dr.Sumangal Bose* 22.*Renosha .A* 23. *Nida Ghaffar* 24. *Tvisha Bahadur 25. *Maya Saini* 26. *Liesha Ann Jacob* 27. *Somdatya Maitra 28. *Salama Faiz* 29. *Dr. Shahir Bajowala* 30.*Jothika Pandiarajan* 31.*Aisha Algazal* 32. *Theva Kiruba* 33. *KASTURI*

Top 60 Writers Of 2024

34.*Dr. Neha Tekwani*

35.*Ashwani Gupta* 36.*Jaagruthi Sharma* 37. *Shanzay Nawaz* 38. *Aneela Afzzal* 39. *Zeenat Merchant* 40.*Rangeesh Chandrasekar* 41.*Dr. K.P. Bhavatharini* 42.*Meenu Verma* 43.*Jatin Singh* 44.*Tooba Noor Khanam* 45.*Noorha Merchant* 46.*Sumit Malhotra* 47.*Dr. Mayaa SH* 48.*Dr. Kamna Mishra* 49.*Fozia Afzal* 50. *Sarita Gupta* 51.*Rida Batool* 52.*Aleen Sherazi* 53. *Aneela afzzal advocate* 54. *Hafeez Chaudhary* 55. *Shivani Ganta* 56. *Saira Mubeen* 57. *Pratiksha Sharma* 58. *Clochard* 59. *Humaira Muhammad Shahid* 60. *Dr. Meenaz Banu.A*

34.*Dr. Neha Tekwani*

1. Himanshu Badoni

*संक्षिप्त परिचय* ये जनपद: पौड़ी गढ़वाल (उत्तराखण्ड) क एक यवा एवं नवोदित कवि हैं, जिनकी प्राथमिक साहित्यिक भाषा हिन्दी है । इन्हें विभिन्न समसामयिक े ु विषयों पर आधारित कविताएं लिखना बेहद पसंद है । इनक काव्य-कोष में अब तक अनमानित 1000 से अधिक कविताओं का संकलन पर्ण हो े ु ू चका है , जिनमें से 200 कवितायें विभिन्न संकलनों/संग्रहों/पस्तकों में प्रकाशित भी हो चकी हैं। ु ु ु इन्होंने 150 प्रत्यक्ष काव्य गोष्ठियों/कवि सम्मेलनों, 100 ऑनलाइन कविता पाठ तथा 50 ओपन-माइक आयोजनों में सक्रियता से प्रतिभाग भी किया है । इन्हें 800 साहित्यिक सम्मान एवं प्रशस्ति पत्र, 50 विश्व रिकॉर्ड प्रमाण पत्र, 100 सह-लेखक प्रमाण पत्र, 30 ऑनरे री डॉक्टरे ट अवॉर्ड्स तथा अनेक सम्मानों से अलंकृत किया जा चका है । ु साहित्यिक सेवा क अतिरिक्त, विभिन्न राजकीय एवं राष्ट्रीय स्तर की प्रश्नोत्तरी एवं सामान्य ज्ञान प्रतियोगिताओं में भी इन्हें विजेता एवं े उप-विजेता क प्रशस्ति पत्रों द्वारा सम्मानित किया जा चका है । े ु

1. Himanshu Badoni

2. *Dr. Gayatri Channaya*

ऽ नाम-डा0 गायत्री कोंपल ‘‘चन्नाया’’ ऽ शिक्षा-एम0 ए0 समाजशास्त्र विषय, एम0ए0, एम0फिल0, पीएच0डी0 हिन्दी विषय ऽ प्रकाशित कृतियां मातारानी पस्तक से संकलक क रूप मे पहचान े ु प्रेम की पंखडियां की संकलनकर्ता ु कविताओं का समन्दर की संकलनकर्ता बाल दिवस की संकलनकर्ता रिपब्लिक इण्डिया पस्तक की संकलनकर्ता ु ऽ सम्मानऽ जी0एल0सी0पी0 द्वारा आयोजित चाल्र्स डिकन्स अवार्ड-2023 से सम्मानित। े ऽ जी0एल0सी0पी0 द्वारा आयोजित ज्योफरी चैसर अवार्ड-2023 से सम्मानित। ऽ वल्र्ड वाईड टे लेन्ट हब द्वारा आयोजित पर्यावरण सारथी अवार्ड-2023 से सम्मानित। ऽ वल्र्ड वाईड टे लेन्ट हब द्वारा आयोजित गोल्डन टे लेन्ट अवार्ड-2023 से सम्मानित। ऽ व्लर्ड वाईड टे लेन्ट हब एवं निरन्तर पब्लिकशन द्वारा साहित्य गौरव सम्माान-2024 से सम्मानित। े ऽ ग्लोबल लिटरल सर्कल एण्ड पब्लिसर्स क ईन्टरनेशनल टे लेन्ट आॅफ-21 सेन्चरी की नवम्बर-2023 की े ु प्रतियोगिता में निर्णायक मण्डल मे सम्मिलित। ऽ ग्लोबल लिटरल सर्कल एण्ड पब्लिसर्स क ॅव्त्क् ैडप्ज्भ ् ैभ्व ्ॅक्व्छ ैम ्।ैव्छ.5 की फरवरी-2024 की प्रतियोगिता में निर्णायक मण्डल मे े सम्मिलित। ऽ नीलम पब्लिकशन द्वारा उच्च कोटि क साहित्य क मानदं ड पर ‘‘कहानियों का सफर’’ कहानी संग्रह हे तु चयनित ‘‘करवा चैथ’’ एवं ‘‘पश्चाताप’’ े े े कहानियों का चयन ऽ नीलम पब्लिकशन द्वारा उच्च कोटि क साहित्य मानदं ड पर ‘‘शान ए तिरं गा’’ काव्य संग्रह हे तु ‘‘भारत माॅ क वीर सपत’’ कविता का चयन। े े े ू ऽ नीलम पब्लिकशन द्वारा उच्च कोटि क साहित्य मानदं ड पर ‘‘नारी पज्या या भोगया’’ काव्य संग्रह ह ‘‘स्त्री’’ कविता का चयन। े े ू

2. *Dr. Gayatri Channaya*

ऽ परस्कारु

एम0फिल0 हिन्दी परीक्षा मे स्वर्ण पदक विजेता जी0एल0सी0पी0 अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय कविता प्रतियोगिता 15 अगस्त 2023 मे ततीय स्थान प्राप्त। ृ वल्र्ड वाईड टे लेन्ट हब एवं निरन्तर पब्लिकशन क स्वतंत्रता दिवस विशेष प्रतियोगिता मे प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त। े े वल्र्ड विगल पब्लिकशन द्वारा आयोजित प्रतियोगिता ‘‘जज्बात ए तिरं गा’’ मे द्वितीय स्थान प्राप्त। े जी0एल0सी0पी0 द्वारा आयोजित दै निक कविता प्रतियोगिता दिनांक 04.09.2023 मे प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त। जी0एल0सी0पी0 द्वारा आयोजित दै निक कविता प्रतियोगिता दिनांक 06.09.2023 मे प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त। जी0एल0सी0पी0 द्वारा आयोजित दै निक कविता प्रतियोगिता दिनांक 07.09.2023 मे बेस्ट राईटर का स्थान प्राप्त। जयहिन्द पब्लिकशन क साप्ताहिक कविता प्रतियोगिता (हार) दिनांक 23.10.2023 मे ततीय स्थान प्राप्त। े े ृ जयहिन्द पब्लिकशन क साप्ताहिक कविता प्रतियोगिता (जीवन का फलसफा) मे प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त। े े जयहिन्द पब्लिकशन क साप्ताहिक कविता प्रतियोगिता (मिट्टी क रक्षक) मे यनिक थिंकर का स्थान प्राप्त। े े े ू द राईटर डेस्क द्वारा आयोजित ओपन माईक दिनांक 26.11.2023 मे प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त। जयहिन्द पब्लिेशन द्वारा आयोजित ओपन माईक दिनांक 26.01.2024 मे द्वितीय स्थान प्राप्त। एम0 डी0 पब्लिकशन द्वारा महिला दिवस पर आयोजित प्रतियोगिता दिनांक 08.03.2024 मे प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त। े ऽ सामाजिक गतिविधियां- विभिन्न सामाजिक संस्थाओं मे सहयोग कार्य, महिला सशक्तिकरण, वक्षारोपण, पर्यावरण एवं स्वच्छता क े ृ प्रति सजगता प्रसारित करना। 3.*Mohammad omer farooq* The writer Mr Mohammed omer Farooq, a blessed son of Mohammad Akbar and Najma begum belongs to the province of Hyderabad,India. The writer was born on 12th of April 2005, Mohammad omer farooq belongs to the field of science, he completed his schooling in the year 2020 and he completed his intermediate in the year 2022 and currently pursuing bachelor's in pharmacy, the writer has a bold personality ,ethics and respect of everyone and the writer cracked NEET exam which is a national competitive exam and crack state exam too in the year 2022 ,the writer started writing in 2022 , the writer participated in more than 20 anthologies and going on and the writer guides other authors how to write books, he mohammed omer Farooq influence people with his writing skills , and want to preach his religion and he participated in both national and international poetries,novel and essay writing competition and he has keen interest in learning new language and skills, and writer know 5 language Hindi/Urdu, Telugu, English, Arabic,Farsi(Persian) and he is a entrepreneur too , and he recently won Geoffrey Chaucer award 2024 and he has a vision of being the best and may Allah almighty pleased with the writer and his parents 4. *Charishma Jaikishin Ramchandani*

ऽ परस्कारु

Charishma Jakishin Ramchandani is a poet and anthologist published in over 70 anthologies and a spiritual healer hailing from Pune,

Maharashtra in India. She has completed her Masters in English Literature in 2016, Montessori Teacher's Training in 2017 and her BEd degree in 2020. She is currently teaching English Public Speaking and Creative Writing on Planet Spark. She also teaches various online courses for 20 plus age group on Winall under the banner 'Soham's Academy'. 'Never give up and pursue your dreams, Dare to dream and dream to dare' is her motto in life! 5.*Santhoshi Choradia* Hi, Iam Santhoshi Choradia.. Age 32.. A Home-maker from Kolar Gold Fields-Karnataka.. Born and Brought up in Pondicherry.. Qualified with , CS (Inter)... I was an Ex-Accountant for past 3 years @ IT showroom in Pondicherry so enthusiastic about writing poems from my childhood days.. Even i like painting.. And more passionate in Dance.. Explore more travelling and foodie too.. Got married on April 19,2022 .. Interested in Writing and especially in speaking.. so i did many dramas and cultural activities like Dance in both Schooling and College... Even I participated in Content creator for Hello fm ..once a while @ Pondicherry.. My dream to become an RJ for One day.. and also have my YouTube channel in the name of "Santhoshi Choradia" .. Till I now I have been a Co-author above 50 + anthologies.. and also participating in more than 7 Communities.. In 2023 Once I have been interviewed in East Africa magazine and Won the Leading attainers Award for "Best writer of the year 2023" by JEC Publication 6.*Dr.Mayank Rajpal* INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE AWARD ACHIEVER, MOST RESPECTED DR. MAYANK RAJPAL He is International Doctorate Award Achiever Dr. Mayank Rajpal. He is a resident of Sriganganagar Rajasthan. He is currently working in the Tuberculosis department. He received many national, and 8 international awards in 2022-23. His name is registered in the Book of World Records. This year he is also being given an international award in Nepal. On March 12, 2023, he received the National Award in Dehradun. On May 14, 2023, he is also being given the award in Chittorgarh. Dr. Mayank Rajpal, recipient of International Doctorate Award last year and this year, has received many national and international awards which are as follows. 1.International Icon Award 2. Rastra Prerna Award 3.Be star award 4. Global Star Award 5.Bharat Bhushan Award 6.Vishv Hindi Gorav Award 7.savitri Bhai Fule Award

Charishma Jakishin Ramchandani is a poet and anthologist published in over 70 anthologies and a spiritual healer hailing from Pune,

8. Guest Of Owner

9.Nelson Mandela Award 10.Yugam Alkaran Award 11.Munshi Prem Chand Award 12. India Independence Award 13.India star of the year 14. Daughter Are precious 30 influential personality 16.india independent inspiration award 17. World Greatest Record Award 18. Top 16 unique talent of the globe 19. Book of world record 20. Top 8 Amazing Personality of the globe 21. International yog Bharati Award 22. Top 26 most renowned personality of the globe 23. Rajya Gourav award 24.Golden Future Writer Of India 25.Top 18 most Unique Writers of 2023 7. *Sree Varshini* My recent bio: Sree Varshini stands as a distinguished author whose passion for crafting poetry, short stories, and quotes has taken her across the globe. Her literary contributions span over 400 anthologies, a remarkable 150 of which are internationally recognized. The depth of her talent is evidenced by the Best English Writer Award, a prestigious honor bestowed upon her five times within a year, from 2021 to 2022. Varshini's recent triumph in the Inter National Writing Contest 2022, where she emerged victorious among 3500 participants, is a testament to her skill and dedication. Her achievements extend beyond national borders; she's been honored with the 21st Best Women Writer Award and the 21st Century Emily Dickinson Award, distinguishing her as a luminary in the field of literature. Moreover, her literary legacy is etched in nine solo poetry books, each published under revered imprints. But Varshini's impact goes beyond her written works; she's adorned with a plethora of awards and recognitions from esteemed institutions. From the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, a unique distinction as the sole female writer in Tamil Nadu to achieve this accolade, to a myriad of other awards acknowledging her excellence, Varshini's influence is global and profound.

8. Guest Of Owner

Her name stands tall in the literary realm, and her achievements position her as an iconic figure in the world of letters, garnering widespread

acclaim and recognition across diverse platforms and institutions globally. 8.*Daka Bio: Daka is a selective extrovert water sign whose dream is to live by the ocean and write books for a living. She likes her tea just the way her grandaunt made for her two decades ago and she never went back. 9. *Dr. Sujoyita Pal* Dr. Sujoyita Pal, residing in the vibrant city of Kolkata, specifically in Baranagar, stands as a remarkable figure in the world of literature and education. She embarked on her academic journey with a graduation in English from Calcutta University, followed by the pursuit of a master's degree in English at Rabindra Bharati University. Further enhancing her qualifications, she achieved a B.Ed. in English from WBUTTEPA University. Beyond her impressive academic credentials, Dr. Sujoyita Pal is internationally recognized as a distinguished writer, holding numerous awards that attest to her literary prowess. Her name graces over 45 Google sites, reflecting her prominence in the literary world. Notably, she has been honored with a prestigious doctorate award, Honoris Causa, a government and NITI Aayog certified recognition. Dr. Pal's literary achievements continue to flourish with the recent publication and launch of 13 of her write-ups in three anthologies at the World Book Fair in New Delhi's Pragati Maidan. In addition to her prolific writing, she is an esteemed English teacher, a proficient spoken English trainer, and a corporate grooming trainer, boasting certification as a soft skills trainer. Her impressive list of achievements includes accolades such as the India Fame Award 2021 from Quidditch Ink Publications, the Atal Swarna Samman 2022, a national-level award from Iconic Brand Network, and the Swami Vivekananda Rastriya Swarna Samman 2022. Further, she received the Bharat Bhusan Ratna Samman 2023, Best Writer Award 2023 from Drop of Change Publication House, and Poet of the Year 2023 from the same publication. Dr. Sujoyita Pal's dedication to her craft has also earned her recognition with awards like the Naari Samman Sheroes Award 2023 from Priya's Wisdom Publication, the Iconic Indian Personality Winner from Priya's Wisdom Publication House, and the Rajendra Prasad Excellence Award, a national-level honor from the same publication house. Moreover, she was honored with the Global Achievers Award 2021 and the Karwa Chauth Award 2021 from R K Publication.

Her name stands tall in the literary realm, and her achievements position her as an iconic figure in the world of letters, garnering widespread

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