TB Central Issue 1095

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FREE! TAKE ONE! A Wyoming Owned & Operated Paper Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland Issue #1095 ~ May 8 - 14, 2024 Reader’s Nationwide! Published and Distributed by Good News Publishing, LLC - TidbitsRoger@yahoo.com - 307-247-1587 In This Issue: • Marketplace – Pg 2 & 10 • Casper– Pg 3 • Publisher’s Corner - Pg 3 • Home, Garden & Auto – Pg 5 • Puzzle Answers – Pg 9 • Classifieds – Pg 9 • Wheatland, WY– Pg 10 • Douglas– Pg 11 • Glenrock, WY - Pg 12 I lost my voice today. I can't tell you how annoying it is. ® TIDBITS LISTENS TO THE VOICE by Janet Spencer Where would civilization be if not for the human voice? Come along with Tidbits as we learn to talk! IT’S A FACT • A baby in the womb can recognize their mother’s voice by 25 weeks of development. Babies prefer their mother’s voice over all others when they’re born. VOICE FACTS • The human voice originates from the larynx, a small organ made of cartilage and flesh in our throats. It’s also called the voice box. It sits on top of the windpipe. Inside are two flaps of skin called the vocal cords. To speak, sing, or hum, the vocal cords are stretched taut, vibrating at an incredible speed. • The sound varies in pitch according to how loose or tight the vocal cords are. The tighter the cords, the less air passes through, and the higher the pitch. The length of the vocal cords also matters: longer vocal cords produce lower sounds (men), and shorter cords produce higher tones (women). Children have high voices because they have short vocal cords. • Vocal cords are less than a half-inch long at birth and grow to about an inch over time. • Like fingerprints, each person’s voice is unique, making voice recognition technology possible. • When you’re not speaking, the vocal cords relax and separate, allowing air to pass freely through and regulating airflow to the lungs. They also prevent food from going down the trachea instead of the esophagus. • To produce a simple phrase, about 100 muscles in the chest, neck, jaw, tongue, and lips must work together. • In an average conversation, the vocal cords vibrate, closing and opening 100 times per second or more. The rate of vibration increases when singing. It’s easy to feel what’s going on by wrapping your hand around your throat and saying, “ssssssZZZZZZssssssZZZZZZ.” • Speaking a single word such as “Hello” can relay much information, showing how the speaker feels through tone and intensity. • In everyday speech, people speak at an average rate of 60 words per minute (one word per second) or double that if they’re excited. The world’s fastest talker is Canadian Sean Shannon, who earned the world record in 1995. His feat was reciting Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” soliloquy “To Be, Or Not To Be” in just 23.8 seconds. The speech has 260 words, meaning he spoke at a rate of 655 words per minute, around 11 words per second. • The average human vocal range spans about three and a third octaves, or about 40 notes. Most songs cover around 1.5 octaves. Like height or eye color, vocal range is primarily Continued on Page 2

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Page 2 May 8 - 14, 2024 To Place An Ad, Call 307-247-1587 Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland List of Specialized Goods & Services Advertise BEAUTY Check Cashing Center Advertise with TIDBITS! To Place An Ad, Call 307-247-1587 DOORS & WINDOWS Extended Stay Suites THE VOICE— (continued) • • • • • determined by genetics, though it may change during sickness or in old age. A man can typically sing a sustained note for about 20 seconds, and a woman can do it for about 15 seconds. The world record for holding a note belongs to Richard Fink, who sang a continuous note at the required decibel level without taking a breath for 2 minutes, 1 second in Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2019. The human voice is sorted into categories based on pitch, ranging from soprano to bass. Soprano comes from the Latin “supra,” meaning “above.” “Mezzo” is Latin for “middle” for mezzo soprano. The Latin “altus” means “high” giving us alto. • The Italian “contra” means “against or opposite” so a contralto is “the next voice after alto.” • Countertenor also comes from “contra” meaning “the voice next to tenor.” • The Latin “teneō” means “I hold” and refers to the one who holds the melody. • Baritone originates with the Greek “barytonos" meaning “deep-toned.” • The Latin “bassus” means "short, low" for bass. LAWN CARE Senior Housing • Falsetto is the Senior Housing diminutive form of the Italian “falso” meaning “false” and denotes a “false voice.” • The baritone range is the most common for men, whether speaking or singing. For women, mezzosoprano is most common. • Researcher Sarah Collins from the Dutch University of Leiden had 34 men say various in 2012. He also holds the record for the vowels out loud for largest vocal range of any singer, with a tena study done in 2000, while she recorded octave reach. them on tape. She played the recordings to a group of women individually, asking • By contrast, the record for the lowest note sung by a woman is 34.21 Hz, set by them to rate the men according to their Canadian singer Joy Chapman in 2021. weight, height, age, and attractiveness based solely on these recorded vowel • Singer Georgia Brown of Brazil holds the record for the greatest female vocal range sounds. The women were unable to gauge with an eight-octave reach. Singer Mariah any of these qualities reliably. However, one Carey, renowned for her range, reportedly thing made clear during this study was that can only sing in five octaves. women consistently voted the men with the deepest voices as being the most attractive • Is it possible to shatter glass with just the voice? To start with, the singer would need – whether or not they were in real life. to be singing at the exact pitch that matches • The “A” note, which is about in the middle the glass's resonant frequency, making it of a piano keyboard, resonates at 440 Hertz vibrate the most. That’s usually in the range (Hz). An octave higher and it resonates at of C above middle C. Then, the singer 880 Hz. An octave lower and it’s 220 Hz. would need to be extremely loud. During • A typical human can hear frequencies from a segment on the TV show “Mythbusters,” 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. one singer hit the right note and sang it at • The average spoken language is around 250 the decibel level of a jackhammer, but only Hz, up to 300 Hz for a child. A woman’s managed to break one out of 12 glasses that high-pitched scream can hit 3,000 Hz. he attempted to shatter. • An average man can sing a low note of Beautiful Body about 60 Hertz; an average female soprano can sing a high note up to about 1200 Hz. BELLY BUTTON • American singer Tim Storms holds the • The belly button is the remnant of the place where the umbilical cord connects a baby to world record for the lowest note ever sung the placenta. The word “umbilical” springs by a human. His lowest recorded note hit from the Latin word meaning middle or an incredible 0.189 Hz. That’s eight octaves center, originally referring to a scroll’s below the lowest G on a piano, and is so ornamental end. low that humans can’t hear it, although elephants can. It was recorded and verified Continued on Page 3 on a special low-frequency microphone

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Page 3 May 8 - 14, 2024 CASPER, WYOMING Publisher’s Corner THE VOICE— (continued) • Every mammal with a placenta also has a belly button: elephants, dolphins, bats. Some mammals may have a very faint belly button, including the platypus, which lays an egg, and marsupials, where the cord falls off while the baby is still in the pouch. • Birds and reptiles, while not being mammals, also have a faint belly button that marks the spot where they were once attached to an egg yolk. Even dinosaurs had belly buttons. • The human umbilical cord forms in the 2nd month of gestation. Four things are running through it: a vein that brings oxygen and nutrients to the baby; an artery taking waste away from the baby; a duct that turns into the intestinal tract; and a tube that develops into the bladder. • Blood moves through the umbilical cord at around 4 mph (6.5 km/h). At full term, about a quart (1 l.) of blood flows through the umbilical cord every minute. • After birth, the umbilical cord is clamped before being cut. The belly button forms when the stump of the cord dries up and falls off. It’s a baby’s first scar. The difference between the innie and the outie is not due to the doctor tying the umbilical cord wrong, or cutting it differently. It’s simply a matter of how the skin grows From Roger Davis, Owner Publisher Tidbits around the cord. If there is less skin, it folds inward making an innie; if there is more skin, it folds outward to make an outie. Often, a baby has an outie at first that turns into an innie later on. Plastic surgery can improve the appearance of a belly button after reaching adulthood. • Just like fingerprints, no two belly buttons are alike. • Around 90% of humans have “innie” belly buttons and 10% have “outies.” • In a survey, oval belly buttons were voted most attractive. The outie was least attractive. • A pregnant woman’s stomach protrudes so much that an innie often temporarily turns to an outie, reverting after the baby is born. • In 2011, researchers studied the bacteria that live in the human navel. They asked 60 volunteers to swab their belly buttons. The bacteria was cultured and the DNA was analyzed. Called the Belly Button Biodiversity project, researchers found about 2,300 different strains of bacteria in the navels of the 60 participants. • The average person has about 67 types of bacteria in the navel. Some of the strains were completely unknown to science. Just eight of those species were frequent and abundant across the individuals sampled (they were present in more than 70% of people). The rest of the species were rare, often appearing in just a single navel. Furthermore, not a single type of bacteria was found in all 60 people. Each person had their own unique “fingerprint” of belly button flora. In November 2012, the team published their findings in a paper called “A Jungle in There: Bacteria in Belly Buttons are Highly Diverse, But Predictable. • The town of Shibukawa in Japan is referred to as the belly button of the country because of its location in the center of the country. Townfolk capitalize on this by throwing a Bellybutton Festival every year in late July. Participants paint faces on their torsos, with the belly button as the mouth. A kimono and a large hat hide the rest of the body. There are contests, parades, food, souvenirs, and festivities. DARTH VADER FACTS • Of all the Star Wars characters, it’s Darth A couple in their 80's went on a date to a nice restaurant. Feeble but the sparkle in their eyes made up for any short comings. Before being seated he used the restroom, upon returning his trousers were not centered or closed properly but that didn't dim his enthusiasm. He excitedly told the men that helped him with his wardrobe malfunction that they were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. With a big “Thank You” he turned and escorted his bride to the table. Successful marriages don't just happen, it takes work and sacrifices. In the community I grew up in, divorces were taboo and not ever mentioned. There were couples that were not so much in love but just existing together. When it was mentioned till death do us part. I believe God intended couples to be so in love that it would take death to separate them. God doesn't want us to live in misery but to be forever sweethearts and that takes work. Be mindful of your spouses needs. Read books like Gary Chapman's “The 5 Love Languages “. Surround your mate with care, forgiveness, love and romance. I have made many mistakes in my life but as the saying goes, “Some people live and learn, some people just live”. I am hoping most of us live and learn and maybe our rewards can be equivalent to what that 60 year newlyweds experienced, love and excitement just being with one another. A couple stayed at the Watergate Hotel in Washington. The wife was concerned with their privacy. To soothe her mind, the husband searches the room and finds a disk fastend with four screws under the rug. He removed the screws and threw them and the disk away. At checkout the manager asks the couple how their stay was? The suspicious husband asks, "Why?" The manager replies, "Well, the room under you complained of the chandelier falling on them!" Take care and we will talk to you next week. Here are some locations you can get your free copy of Tidbits. 1. Mongolian Grill, Casper 2. Pizza Ranch, Casper 3. Plains Restaurant, Douglas 4. Glendo Trading Post, Glendo 5. Wheatco Sales and Service, Wheatland Vader who earns the most money from his likeness being used for merchandise, including Halloween costumes, figurines, coffee mugs, and toasters that burn the likeness of Darth Vader into the bread. • Only four people knew of the surprise ending in “The Empire Strikes Back” where Darth Vader reveals he is Luke’s father: George Lucas, Mark Hamill, James Earl Jones, and director Irwin Kershner. George Lucas told Prowse to deliver the line: “Obi-Wan Killed your father!” which Continued on Page 4

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

Page 4 May 8 - 14, 2024 CASPER, WYOMING but was reassured that it would be dubbed over. He was never told it would be dubbed was later dubbed over by over by someone else, and it shocked James Earl Jones. Even the Prowse when he finally found out, causing people on set or viewing hard feelings. In subsequent movies, he the rushes, including Carrie sometimes recited gibberish, knowing it Fischer and Harrison Ford, would be dubbed over anyway. were kept in the dark. • Although most people can’t imagine any • Many people think the other voice for Darth Vader than that famous line is: “Luke, I of voice actor James Earl Jones, George am your father” when the Lucas considered Orson Welles for the job. actual line is, “No, I am However, he worried that Orson Welles’ your father.” voice was far too well known, whereas • The 6’6” bodybuilder David Prowse played James Earl Jones was a newcomer whose the physical version of Darth Vader on voice would not be recognized. After screen because of his intimidating stature. “Star Wars” became a hit, James Earl Jones However, he had a high-pitched voice and became more famous than Orson Welles. a thick British accent. He was nicknamed “Darth Farmer” on set because his voice wasn’t authoritarian. He worried his voice KING CROSSWORD couldn’t be heard clearly through the mask SPONSORED BY THE VOICE— (continued) BATTERIES PLUS • Neither David Prowse nor James Earl Jones were credited in the original film. Prowse feared the movie would flop; Jones feared being typecast. Jones received full credit when “Return of the Jedi” was released in 1983. • The two actors never met each other. • Every single version of the movie NOT in English had to find an actor with a deep voice to dub Darth Vader’s voice. • In America, throughout the entire franchise, including all the movies, video games, and animations, about 13 people played the role of Darth Vader either by their physical presence or by dubbing the voice. Continued on Page 5

Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland May 8 - 14, 2024 THE VOICE— (continued) he sought. He may have liked it because • Bob Anderson, professional sword-fighter it sounds similar to and fencer, choreographed sword fights “death invader” or for movies. He played Darth Vader during “dark father.” the lightsaber battle scenes in “The Empire • In some languages, Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.” Darth Vader’s name • The words “Darth Vader” mean nothing. had to be changed. Lucas started with “dark water” and fooled In Italian, “Vader” around with syllables until he got the sound is close to the name used for a toilet bowl flusher handle, so it was changed to “Lord Fener.” In France, he is named “Dark Vador” simply because the “th” in “Darth” is unpronounceable to most French people. • Darth Vader’s heavy breathing sound effect has been patented. Patent #77419252 describes it as “The sound of rhythmic mechanical human breathing created by breathing through a scuba tank regulator.” • In the entire original first Star Wars trilogy, Darth Vader is on screen for only 43 minutes: 11 minutes for “A New Hope,” 14 minutes in “The Empire Strikes Back,” and 18 minutes for “Return of the Jedi.”

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland May 8 - 14, 2024 What Are May Baskets? Once upon a time, the first day of May evoked good tidings and sweet little gifts for loved ones and neighbors, from those weary of winter and thankful for spring. Today, May Day is a somewhat forgotten holiday except by those who still dance around the maypole. Perhaps the sweet tradition of giving May baskets is ready for a reboot. • • Forget "hair of the dog" -- a banana milkshake sweetened with honey is one of the best ways to cure a hangover. • The banana helps calm the stomach while the honey builds up depleted • blood sugar levels. • If you sign up for the National Do Not Call Registry, anyone who places a sales call to your number can be fined up to $40,654 per call. • Asian hair grows 30% faster than Caucasian hair. • The rainbow eucalyptus tree sheds strips of bark as it grows, revealing a • green inner layer that changes color over time, taking on vibrant blue, purple and orange hues. Java junkies, did you know that when coffee spread from Arabia to Europe, some people called it a "Muslim drink" and wanted it banned? Fortunately, it became widely accepted when the Pope tried a cup and liked it enough to declare it a Christian beverage. In much of the U.S. it is illegal to buy a new car directly from the manufacturer. Japanese scientists successfully created an MRI machine that can record dreams and reconstruct them for you to watch while you're awake. In 1818, the U.S. began building a fort near the New York-Quebec border to defend against invasions from Canada. After two years they realized the fort was actually on the Canadian side. The abandoned project was appropriately named Fort Blunder. • Blue-eyed people have the highest rate of alcohol dependence. • Ever wonder if you have a doppelganger? Head on over to Twinstrangers.com, where you can register to find your lookalike from anywhere in the world by uploading photos, selecting your facial features, and looking through matches. *** Thought for the Day: "A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer." -- Bruce Lee (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland May 8 - 14, 2024 Toothpick Holders were cast at the Roman Bronze Works in New York. All his original Collectibles don't need to bronzes are marked be utilitarian. In fact, many with one of those two of today's collectibles have foundry names. His a purpose that has been lost bronze sculptures are to time. Toothpick holders, the most reproduced especially from the 19th century, bronzes. Most of the are miniature examples of the original sculptures beauty of art glass, pottery, are about 24 inches porcelain or silver. They often tall or larger. Original resemble tiny vases or figurines Remington bronzes sell and may sell for lower prices at auctions for $75,000 than larger pieces by the same or more. The 32-inch makers. bronze sculpture This porcelain toothpick holder This Limoges porcelain piece originally titled "The Broncho sold at Woody Auction for $84. held toothpicks. Now, it has found a new The auction describes it as "bag- purpose, even if it's simply an attractive Buster" sold for over $600,000 a few years shaped," but it is an unusual addition to a collection. ago. Reproductions sell example. Bag-shaped vessels for under $500. The tend to be shaped like upright website of the Frederic Remington Museum in bags with the opening as the neck. This one is shaped like a bag lying on its side, tied closed, Ogdensburg, New York (FredericRemington. with a gilt-edged "hole" as the top opening. It org), has information and a form you can is decorated with painted sprays of flowers and fill out if you think you have an original marked with the initials "J.P.L.," the mark of Remington sculpture. *** Jean Pouyat, one of the many porcelain makers TIP: Stains on porcelains can be removed by in Limoges, France. There is also a complex signature of intertwined letters; likely the soaking them in a mixture of 2 tablespoons mark of the painter. Some porcelain factories denture cleaner and 1 quart tepid water. *** in Limoges sold blanks, or undecorated pieces, C U R R E N T to be painted by artists or hobbyists. PRICES *** Q: I follow your column regularly in the Painting, miniature, Sunday Republican and enjoy it very much. woman with hair I own four bronze sculptures by Frederic tied back in a bun, Remington. They are all about 12 inches tall. blue background, oil on ivory, round They are in very good condition. Can you give me an idea of their value? A: Frederic Remington (18611909) made 22 different sculptures beginning in 1895. The first four were cast in bronze at the Henry-Bonnard Bronze Co. in New York. Beginning in 1900, his sculptures gilt metal frame with bow detail, R. Hardedge, c. 1840, 2 x 2 inches, $115. Weathervane, locomotive, sheet iron, cutout, black, silhouette of bearded engineer, smoke coming from smokestack, American, 20th century, 45 inches, $220. Disneyana, figure, Mickey Mouse Fun-EFlex, wood, painted, jointed, lollipop hands, 9 inches, $780. Cigar cutter, figural, Otto von Bismarck, in uniform, standing, hand on small tower, cast iron, painted, rectangular base with egg and dart border, 9 inches, $1,920. For more collecting news, tips and resources, visit www.Kovels.com (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland When You Think You Can't Be Shocked ... Results. v e t e r a n was unable to care for himself, that couldn't The Office of Inspector General for the he cook, Department of Veterans Affairs uncovers, walk, investigates and helps bring to justice all shop, manage types of criminals for all types of crimes. finances and But sometimes the details are surprising and m e d i c i n e , take a bath especially appalling. himself This is a new charge: forced labor. Specifically, by nor do anything else. They claimed caregiver the charges were forced funding for his care for four years before being labor, slave labor caught. There were 47 counts alone of stealing trafficking and theft of government funds, as well as the counts for government funds. In labor trafficking and forced the scam, four people labor. obtained the labor and Very appalling, besides the services of an Indian theft of government money, national and kept him was that the kidnapped a prisoner by use of person was a young man here force and threats of force against his family back in India. They were arrested late last year on the slave labor trafficking charges. Then it was discovered that the ringleader, a former U.S. Army veteran, and his wife had been collecting caregiver support money from the VA, falsely claiming the HOCUS-FOCUS May 8 - 14, 2024 in the country on a student visa sponsored by the veteran. The kid was brought here to go to college but was instead held captive and physically abused, forced to sleep on the concrete floor in the basement. Thankfully, a neighbor called police asking for a wellness check, during which the young captive was able to get to the front door to safety when the police showed up. He was hospitalized and found to have both old and new injuries, including open wounds and broken bones as a result of reportedly being beaten with boards, pipes, metal rods and more. The judge in his wisdom denied all the criminals bail. Most disturbing, however, is knowing that it was a veteran who was behind all the violence. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. Tidbits played a part in getting people to our new updated store. Money-Saver Tuna Casserole Ingredients: 8 oz pasta of your choice 1 cup breadcrumbs 2 Tbs butter (melted) 1 cup grated cheddar cheese (divided in half) 1 cup milk Directions: 1 14 oz cream of chicken soup ½ cup red bell pepper (diced) ½ cup green bell pepper (diced) ½ cup celery (diced) 8 oz solid tuna (2 cans) or use canned chicken! 1/4 cup Fresh parsley optional 1. Preheat the oven to 400F. 2. Prepare pasta, drain, and set aside. 3. Add the breadcrumbs to a small bowl, and add the melted butter. Mix until well combined, then add half the cheese. 4. Pour the milk and soup into a large saucepan, and mix well. 5. Add the vegetables, the other half of the cheese and the tuna. Heat over a medium heat until JUST beginning to bubble around the edges. 6. Stir in the parsley if using, then remove from the heat. 7. Add the pasta to the tuna mixture, and mix until well blended. 8. Pour into a 8 x 8 casserole dish, and top with the breadcrumbs/cheese mixture. 9. Bake at 400F for 30 minutes, or until the topping is golden brown. Remove from the oven and let it stand for 5-10 minutes.

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Tidbits of Casper, Glenrock, Douglas & Wheatland May 8 - 14, 2024

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