BrandMe! Spotlight - Keisha Adair-Swaby



KEISHA ADAIR-SWABY Get ready to be inspired by Keisha Adair Swaby, the dynamic force making waves globally. Renowned as an International Inspirational Speaker, Author of 'Empowering Dyslexics.' Join us as we explore Keisha's remarkable story, where passion, purpose, and parenthood intersect in a symphony of inspiration and impact. FEATURE EDITION | MAY,2023 B r a n d M e ! L i n k e d I n V i s i b i l i t y Ne t w o r k i ng G r o u p Spotlight


featured Profile

Meet Keisha Adair-Swaby International Inspirational Speaker & Author of 'Empowering Dyslexics Keisha's journey extends beyond achievements; she's an Award-Winning Neurodiversity Advocate, using her platform to champion inclusivity and empowerment. You can also tune in to her engaging voice as a Radio Presenter. Diagnosed with severe Dyslexia and Dyspraxia at 41, Keisha defied the odds to earn a First-Class BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Sport and Exercise Science. Her academic journey continued with a Merit in Health Psychology from Manchester Metropolitan University. Driven by a passion to raise awareness, Keisha empowers others facing similar challenges. As a Goodwill Ambassador for the Jamaica Dyslexia Association, she amplifies the voices of those with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, hosting their stories on her radio show. A sought-after speaker, Keisha advocates for neurodiversity at events worldwide. Key Achievements: First-Class BSc (Hons) Degree despite Dyslexia and Dyspraxia and Merit in Health Psychology Goodwill Ambassador for the Jamaica Dyslexia Association Advocate for Neurodiversity Awareness Top 50 Most Influential Neurodivergent Women Finalist for Role Model of the Year at MBCC Awards and Winner of CAHN Community Unsung Hero 2023 Listed on the Northern Power Women Awards Future List 2023 and a WeAreTheCity Rising Star Finalist Keisha's impact extends beyond accolades. Her book, 'Empowering Dyslexics: Blessed and Gifted,' shares her journey of determination and resilience, shedding light on the strengths and challenges of living with learning differences. Keisha's story exemplifies her motto: 'If I CAN do it, so CAN you.'" BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Keisha Adair-Swaby Page 2

featured Profile

Personal Journey

Can you share with us your how the journey has been from your first role as an administrative assistant up to where you are in your career today? In the corporate world I had hidden challenges which no one knew about. There were days when I felt lost and trapped, as at the time I didn't know that I had Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. From suffering in silence I was going through depression and anxiety, my mental health was at a very low point. After finally getting my diagnosis with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, during the last few weeks of my degree I started my advocacy mission to raise more awareness especially in the black community. I saw that there was a lot of stigma, shame and embarrassment that exists around being neurodiverse and I wanted to change that. What inspired you to pursue a career as a speaker? I wanted to make a difference and change the narrative of ‘learning difficulties‘ to ‘learning differences‘ as the word difficultly can be perceived as a negative reference to Dyslexia. My children are also neurodiverse so the mission is very close to my heart. Although I was a speaker before, it really started to become more of a purpose and passion for me after I was diagnosed so I could raise awareness of this condition. Where did the inspiration for your book ‘Empowering Dyslexics’ come from? The inspiration came from the need for more awareness, especially in the black community. I wanted to empower and inspire others with my own journey of determination and resilience. Whilst I am now a speaker, it can be difficult to tell my story in 20 or 30 minutes during a speaking engagement. So, documenting my journey in a book was a more effective way of reaching others. Now, I get messages from people who are reading my book in countries which I have never even been to! My book is now out there making an impact locally and globally! I waned to make a difference and change the narrative t of ‘learning difficulties’ to ‘learning differences...’ BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Keisha Adair-Swaby Page 3

Personal Journey

Expertise & Skills

When you think about everything you have learned throughout your life, what skill do you think has influenced your success the most? Networking is something I am really good at. I love meeting new people and connecting others along the way too. It gives me great satisfaction when I can help others. I often connect people who need help and support with networking. I am like a go to person for many because of my network and the connections I have built up over the years in various environments that I have been in. I love using LinkedIn as that's where my neurodiversity tribe is. Having accomplished so much in your career. What has been the most fulfilling moment for you so far? There are quite a few, but I will mention four which I am really proud of. “...walking across the stage at my graduation after completing my Masters along with seeing my Daughter graduate the following week with a First-Class Honours Degree in International Business and Marketing. ” The first one is getting indefinite leave to remain in the UK when I was about 19 years of age, by using my initiative and writing to the UK home office as I had no status in the country at the time. The second is achieving a First-Class Honours Degree after leaving school without a single GCSE and spending 17 years in the corporate world. The third one was walking across the stage at my graduation after completing my Masters along with seeing my Daughter graduate the following week with a First-Class Honours Degree in International Business and Marketing. The fourth one is becoming a Bestselling Author. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Keisha Adair-Swaby Page 4 Page 3

Expertise & Skills

Entrepreneurial Insights

As an international speaker, what advice do you have for aspiring professionals or entrepreneurs looking to enter this field? Don't be afraid of sharing your story and stop worrying about other people's opinions as their opinions cannot pay your bills! Believe in yourself and your dreams. Go out there and find your purpose. In what ways do you incorporate innovation and creativity into your daily work routine? I really enjoy using CANVA to design flyers for my posts and to advertise my radio show. I also enjoy doing research to expand my knowledge in order to help others. For anyone looking to enter the world of speaking, my main advice is to own your story and don't be ashamed of sharing it because there is someone out there that it will inspire. People are looking for inspiration from ordinary people who have their own lived experience of life and what they have been through or are going through. They want to know that they are not alone. Your Story is for you to share and not for you to keep hidden. A sense of freedom comes from being open about the challenges and triumphs you go through. Industry Trends & Predictions Can you share a particularly memorable project or achievement that you're proud of? My journey into radio which started on BBC Radio Manchester when I got the opportunity to be part of the Over to You Project. After having a childhood dream of being on the radio, I was really proud to get through the different stages to be part of it! Another one is completing my book and getting it published. It was such a memorable moment holding my book for the first time. As someone who is passionate about Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, what do you see as the biggest opportunities for growth or change in the coming years? Early diagnosis is key in helping generations to assess the understanding and support they need. I would love to see more awareness and money being spent on children in primary schools to ensure that each child is supported to reach their full potential in life regardless of their background. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Keisha Adair-Swaby Page 5

Entrepreneurial Insights

Work Life Balance

As a busy mum and wife, how have you found balancing your professional commitments with your personal life and interests? I tend to take one day at a time and prioritise what needs to be done. I love helping people so I do struggle at times to switch off because I know what it feels like when you need help and need to be understood. What would you say are the non-negotiables when it comes to family life vs your working life? My brain is constantly on the go. I have to rest to function at my fullest or I get very overwhelmed, so that’s nonnegotiable. I love music, so listening and doing my radio show is a must and time away from everything. Impact & Giving Back How do you integrate social responsibility and giving back into your business or career? I give advice and talks to my local community when asked and support others on their journey of navigating through the neurodiversity challenges. I’m often contacted by parents and give free advice or connect them with others who can give them more support. What motivated you to get involved with Jamaicans Inspired and how has it made a positive impact on the community you support? Being a Jamaican, it’s an honour to be involved in a great organisation which I have benefited from immensely. They offer great opportunities for connecting people to their roots. In 2017, I attended the Diaspora Conference and saw the importance of its work in local communities. I was personally able to give back to my own parish by helping local schools and an orphanage in Kingston. Its a great network working towards a common cause of helping others and the ability to connect with key people is priceless. I highly recommend people to get involved and make the most of what they have to offer. Your Personal Brand What would you say has been the biggest impact on your personal brand growth over the last 3 years? Finding my tribe on LinkedIn! I absolutely love this platform and for anyone out there on a mission, that's the place to be. It's great for networking and connecting with like minded people. The key is network, network and more networking. Its essential to show up at events in your field as you never know who’s in the room that you could connect with. Writing my book has also had a big impact on sharing my mission to a wider audience. Finally, what's one piece of advice you would give to your younger self at the start of your career journey? The biggest advice I would give to my younger self is don't listen to other people's opinions and believe that I deserve to be in that room and have a seat at the table. Bonus Question - Choose one of the following to describe how you see your personal brand now or in the future: Fearless > Authentic > Confident > Exceptional > Successful (BrandMe! FACES) I would say confidence as I wasn't always this confident and struggled a lot with imposter syndrome. However, it has improved over the years after having low self-esteem and being bullied at school. . I flicked the switch and found my voice as a radio presenter! Dyslexia Awareness video: Click Here to Watch Keisha's bestselling book is now available on her website Connect With Keisha: Instagram: @keisha.swaby? / LinkedIn: Keisha (Adair) Adair Swaby(BSc First Class Hon) MSc BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Keisha Adair-Swaby Page 6

Work Life Balance

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