OdiliaClark 2024 Brochure

Impairment Risk

Impairment Risk

Management www.odiliaclark.com

Impairment Risk


Introduction To OdiliaClark OdiliaClark reached a significant milestone in 2023 when it celebrated five years of operation. This achievement was made possible thanks to the unwavering support of our loyal customers, quality suppliers, and engaged, proactive, and conscientious staff. Introduction To OdiliaClark Introduction 02 03 Impairment Risk Management Wellbeing Services 05 Training 06 08 Why OdiliaClark Testing Services 09 Training 11 12 Performance Coaching & Mentoring Testing 13 Impairment Vs Lifestyle 14 Worldwide Testing 15 Laboratory Work Testing Network In addition to our support services, we also offer best-in-class testing solutions that are without equal. Using our UK Home Office approved equipment, our services are robust, transparent, and fully compliant with regulations. We provide a range of testing options and can tailor our solutions to our clients’ operational needs. Finally, we take great pride in our Post-Finding Support services. Whether it’s from a self-referral, signposting from Peer Support, or a result of our testing, we have the expertise to engage and lead on any support requirements. From educational programs for minor lapses in judgement to fully monitored residential programs and everything in between, our message is clear: early identification and support can make a huge difference in staff wellbeing and organisational success. 16 At OdiliaClark, we believe that everyone should have a safety net, especially in environments that are safety critical and stressful. OdiliaClark has developed a proactive and peer-led approach to support that is fully integrated into our clients’ organisations. Their extensive network of Peer Support Volunteers have encountered almost every life event, from addiction, anxiety to financial difficulties, and they have the skills and knowledge to help clients’ staff when they need it the most. 16 Thank you for considering OdiliaClark as your partner for employee support and Impairment Risk Management services. Post Finding Services Post Finding Services 17 Post Finding Support 17 Case Studies Cocaine in the Workplace 19 Mild Alcohol Dependency Our Partners 20 Support Talk To A Peer 22 Want to know more? 01 www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 02


Impairment Risk

Management Every organisation strives for a workforce which is flourishing. No employee wants to come to work impaired. In addition to workplace mental health support being the ‘right thing to do’ it also makes good business sense, contributes to Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) scores and is necessary for a healthy and happy workforce. The pressures of life and work can contribute to poor physical and mental health, unsafe use of substances, absenteeism, presenteeism, and decreased productivity. These all compromise safety and well-being. Did you know that: Mental health is the most common cause of long-term absence * CIPD’s health and wellbeing report in April 2022 Only 1 in 3 companies provide support for Mental Health 95% Wellbeing & Peer Support Services 95% of people don’t discuss their mental health (Mind) The global cost of depression and anxiety is 1 trillion dollars (WHO) One in four adults have quit a job due to their mental health Post Finding Support Flourishing Employees Effective Training 28% 28% have quit a job because of their mental health (jobsage.com) jobsage 2022 There are many contributing factors which will ensure that your employees can flourish in the workplace. Effective support for employees Clear tasks and organisational objectives Good communication and management practices Allowance for flexible working patterns Testing Services Robust health and safety policies Encouraging participation in decision-making and control over working practices Want to know more? 03 www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 04

Impairment Risk


Services Effective Training From time to time employees may require a little extra help… People can’t use what they don’t know about. Without effective, engaging and high quality training, no programme will reach its full potential. Peer Support Programmes Born out of aviation legislation, in response to the tragic 2015 Germanwings incident. Peer support programmes are an invaluable addition to any workforce. Peer support is a proactive, anonymous confidential listening ear. It is provided by trained peers working in a similar role, who understand the industry and its challenges. Independence Anonymity Industry specific, wellbeing focused, effective and engaging Expert Oversight/Peer Led Whether you are implementing new management mental health strategies or raising awareness, training is a vital part of reducing stigma and increasing dialogue around mental health in the workplace. Training Feedback Industry leading usage rates Peer Supporter Talk to a Peer is our flagship wellbeing product recognised as best in class within the aviation industry, now adopted by those that want an effective employee support programme in any industry. Alertness Management Alertness is one of the more vital puzzle pieces in ensuring your employees are flourishing. We can help Deploying industry leading Psychomotor Vigilance Tests Specialist crew bedding Substance Programme Pre-Roll Out Support Implementing a substance misuse programme can be a daunting process for any organisation. An employee may be experiencing significant life events or even be coping by relying on a substance. The pre-roll out support is a confidential, non-judgemental service that allows an employee to seek help during the pre-roll out programme. Key Stakeholder (management) Building Resilience Stress awareness Mental Health first aid (MHFA) Suicide first aid (SFA) Trauma management (TRIM) Psychoactive substance misuse PTSD Nutrition Menopause Union engagement www.odiliaclark.academy Find out more Expert led education Want to know more? 05 www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 06


Why OdiliaClark

Wellbeing Services Challenging unhealthy perceptions around mental health and substance misuse in the workplace Putting wellbeing and mental health on the business agenda, for the good of your organisation Implementing a strategically healthy workplace culture A wide reaching arc of expert support and professionalism Decades of experience in high risk industries Supporting CSR and ESG strategies Want to know more? 07 www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 08

Why OdiliaClark

Testing Services

Client Feedback A legislative, mandatory requirement across many industries, Psychoactive Substance Management plays a key role in the safety and performance of any organisation. When we made the decision to look for a new supplier we had three key objectives, and they were built around that provider understanding our business and we came to recognise these objectives: OdiliaClark ensure compliance with the most rigorous standards, using only the highest quality Dräger testing equipment, paired with independent laboratories and a wide network of testers. Our philosophy is a non-punitive approach to testing. We believe that if educated in the risk and dangers associated with being impaired the majority would not choose to come to work under the influence. Our testing is designed to fit into the operation of any business, ensuring the organisation is protected, the staff supported and the impact minimal. Equipment OdiliaClark uses only best in class equipment for all its testing activities. It had to be a solution about the wellbeing of our people, it was never going to be about ‘finding out’ if our people had substance misuse issues. Prevention was key. How could we promote wellbeing to our colleagues. What tools would there be? Solution had to be more than substance abuse testing, so what else could our supplier do? How could they help us with colleague awareness, fatigue, and overall fitness for work. We settled on a shortlist of four and due diligence began. From early in the process OdiliaClark were responsive and took great care to understand our aims and objectives. Their solution and, importantly, future planning for us stood out. We chose OdiliaClark after thorough research. We also particularly liked the Drager equipment, the testing kit that can be used on what our colleagues refer to as ‘selfie sticks’ or collection pot testers has made a great impact to our gatehouse entry/exit driver debrief checks. Since start up, training has been praised by our colleagues and the responsiveness to callouts and support in general is prompt and professional. OdiliaClark have already helped us support colleagues and set up improvement and prevention programmes that have helped us to keep several colleagues in work and on track to a better wellbeing ‘place’. The peer support programme is first class and the support from OdiliaClark to deliver the programme has gone above and beyond allowing us to demonstrate the value to colleagues. The wellbeing element is working, in conjunction with our colleagues, so well. We are around three quarters of the way through the implementation and are already excited about other products which, whilst born from aviation backgrounds, have huge potential for us in terms of preventing impaired colleagues putting themselves and others at risk. Examples being the ignition interlock device and the mental health care facilities. We have worked together to have a solution that works for our colleagues, gives reassurance to our stakeholders and is already helping us to improve wellbeing at work. Andrew Mawson Head of Compliance & Risk (DGSA) “In 2023, we partnered with OdiliaClark, positioning ourselves as the first UK airline to introduce a comprehensive Peer Support program for our Pilots, Cabin Crew, and Engineers. Throughout this collaboration, OdiliaClark has demonstrated exceptional professionalism, efficiency, and a profound understanding of our industry’s unique demands. Their adept handling in rolling out the program across various work groups has been nothing short of impressive. The seamless integration of their services into our daily operations is a testament to their expertise and unwavering commitment to wellbeing. This approach not only caters to the specific needs of aviation professionals but also establishes a new benchmark for collaborative success. We are optimistic that our partnership with OdiliaClark will significantly enhance the welfare of our team members and elevate our overall operational performance.” Pilot Manager Flight Operations TUI Want to know more? 09 www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 10

Testing Services

Effective Training

Drugs and Alcohol Management programmes are daunting for the organisation, managers and employees. OdiliaClark can deliver a range of learning solutions ensuring effective programme implementation. Our educational programmes are tailored to your particular sector , interactively engaging and cover all relevant industry specific regulations. Performance Coaching & Mentoring Supporting individuals is core to the OdiliaClark principles of protecting licences, livelihoods and lives. Performance coaching and mentoring services are about reaching the next level of integrated support. Our Coaches experience Available Courses Senior business leadership and management Commercial and military aviation including coaching and mentoring to pilots and senior leadership, delivering career and personal transition. Train The Tester courses teach an organisations’ staff how to perform a drugs and alcohol test. Key Stakeholders learn what to expect, handling objections and understanding results. Union Engagement Sessions help destigmatise testing and highlight the benefit to members. We offer a unique perspective on personal and leadership growth enabling individuals and teams to achieve exceptional clarity and insight. Accreditations include Areas of focus MA Executive and Business Coaching Post Graduation Diploma in the Psychology of Coaching Employee Briefings Sessions designed to take staff through the incoming policy and what it means for them. HR Response workshops explains how to ensure process and procedures are robust in response to a finding. Substance Misuse Awareness Course explain to all employees the effects of substance misuse and its impact. Decision Making Situational Awareness Focus Qualified Aircrew Performance Coach Communicatoins AoEC Coach Practitioner Online equipment courses to refresh staff how to use the drug and alcohol testing equipment. eLearning packages include annual courses that form part of an employees mandatory training. Inter and Intrapersonal relationships Trained Transactional Analysis Coach In this session your HR team will role play test failures and refusals with an OdiliaClark HR professional Training Gestalt Coach Awareness What is the difference and benefit between Mentoring and Coaching? Mentoring is when the mentor takes personal interest in your career development and gives you guidance, direction and help based on their past experience, facilitating change based on expert knowledge. Coaching is a method that enables the person to make their own choices that will give them greater satisfaction and confidence. Coaching utilises the person’s inherent knowledge, wisdom and experience in order for the person to find their own solutions. www.odiliaclark.academy Find out more 11 Want to know more? www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 12

Effective Training


Impairment Vs Lifestyle Selecting the right type of testing application is a key part in the success of OdiliaClark’s testing programmes. Impairment testing is used by OdiliaClark for Random or ‘For Cause’ tests. This allows us to see what is acting on an employee when the test is done. The maximum window for detection is 2 minutes post consumption of a substance, up until 48 hours afterwards. OdiliaClark can offer various types of testing for clients of all sizes; For cause, random, preemployment and post incident solutions are provided globally, using the best in class Dräger testing equipment Detection Windows of Sample Types Our two main types of testing are Impairment Testing and Lifestyle Testing Blood Recent use, likelihood of impairment Oral Fluid Combination of impairment and lifestyle testing Insight into the long term history Urine 2023 Oct Nov Dec Years Sep Aug Months Jul Weeks Jun Hair & Nails Apr Days May Mar Hours Feb Minutes Jan Duration Caplan & Goldberg, 2001, J. Anal. Tox 25, 396-399 Lifestyle Testing Impairment Testing A lifestyle test is typically used for preemployment testing. In some cases a lifestyle test is used as the initial step for self-referral. A lifestyle test allows a longer look into a donors history, not looking for single occurrences but regular use, indicative of risky behaviour. An impairment test is looking for active substances that may be acting on an employee at the point of testing. Typically this type of test is used for ‘random’ testing and ‘for cause’ testing. Window of detection, 10 days to 6 months prior to the sample being taken. Sometimes a deeper understanding is required, typically when taking on a new employee or if a problem has been identified. This is where the lifestyle test is used. It will give an overview of behaviours over a three to six month period. These tests can be booked in advance. The samples are sent straight back to the laboratory and results communicated via certificate. This type of testing gives a maximum window of 48hrs immediately after consumption of a substance Want to know more? 13 www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 14


Drug & Alcohol Testing,

within 1-Hour, Worldwide. Laboratory Work Introducing a sector-leading solution from OdiliaClark, that transforms drug and alcohol testing on a global scale. OdiliaClark prides itself on being independent of the labs. That means we independently select the best lab for our needs and ensure they are fully compliant with all regulations. 1-hour global call-out for testing. Analysis not screening We can help Best in class equipment. Aviation Minimise disruption and delays. Maritime Non-negative presence of a substance only Highly accurate drug test screening Testing available anywhere in the world. Energy sector Chain of Custody compliant confirmatory testing Immediate results. Austere locations Turnaround times of no more than 3 working days UKAS approved ISO 17025 certified ith OdiliaClark has testers globally, run by a team of OdiliaClark testing specialists. W u in 1 ho r Wo r Testing Network ing st wide te ld The nature of the test performed means that testing is conducted in a variety of locations, from airports to haulage depots there is no geographical limitation on where testing can be conducted. Don’t compromise accuracy for speed. Are you ready to experience the future of drug and alcohol testing? www.odiliaclark.com The OdiliaClark team are well versed in delivering testing globally, in person or virtually using our virtual testing system. Contact us to discuss your requirements. sales@odiliaclark.com Want to know more? 15 www.odiliaclark.com sales@odiliaclark.com 16

Drug & Alcohol Testing,

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