
Connor Thomas

Connor Thomas

Connor Thomas



Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas

Slogan= “Theres a new design studio InTown!!”

Needs to be filled I chose this sectored design because it suits my style very well. I like the flow that the curvy sectors bring. I think that what I chose to be in the sectors really suits what I am trying to get across to the viewer The cartoon style Perranporth shows how unique and sort of unreal Perranporth is. I chose a very BOLD sans- serif typography to represent that it is welcome to all people no matter their reading ability or age. This style of composition is a personal favourite of mine as it presents it really cleanly whilst still being set as a collective. Needs colour and defining More images needed Be more centered “Needs to fill space maybe with a sun behind” – Peer reviewment EVALUATIONS

Slogan= “Theres a new design studio InTown!!”

Slogan= “Theres a new design studio InTown!!”

I like the style again, and I think the slogan is very clear and the focal point of the design. The BOLD fonts show how important it is. The less bold font are symbols of what's needed to know what it is such as “design” and “Perranporth” Clear what it stands for The use of line allows it to be able to be held together and separated in the sectors at the same time. Has cultural and social points of views with the Perranporth and the LGBT and Equality images Needs to be clearer Colour NEEDS WORK EVALUATIONS

Slogan= “Theres a new design studio InTown!!”

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