Northlew News Spring 2024





In this issue…...

From the Editor.............................................................................................................Page 1 Pews News: St Thomas of Canterbury..................................................................... Page 3 Restoration Time ..........................................................................................................Page 4 In the Chapel: Northlew Market ................................................................................Page 5 Quiz Time: Test your local knowledge ................................................................... Page 6 News Snippets: Keeping you up-to-date ................................................................Page 7 Tales from the Police House: Andy Graves on growing up as a policeman’s son ......................................................Page 9 Fermenting Ideas: Jo Henderson shares her passion for Kombucha ..............Page 11 2023 Memories - A picture gallery. What was your favourite moment .............................................Page 14 Your Wildlife Needs You: Simple things that make a difference ......................Page 16 Seamoor Lotto .............................................................................................................Page 18 Raindrops keep Falling: Will it ever stop .................................................................Page 21 Tania’s recipe: Gooey Triple Chocolate Brownies ................................................Page 22 INFORMATION PAGES Your Parish Council .................................................................................Page 25 Community Contacts ..............................................................................Page 26 Sports and Recreation ............................................................................Page 27 Bus and Train ............................................................................................Page 28 NORTHLEW NEWS IS A FREE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER PRODUCED BY NORTHLEW PARISH COUNCIL. TO CONTRIBUTE NEWS, STORIES OR PHOTOS, EMAIL THE EDITOR, VICTOR HULBERT AT VICTOR@HULBERT.ORG.UK TO ADVERTISE OR IF YOU WISH TO BE ADDED TO THE E-DISTRIBUTION LIST, PLEASE CONTACT CELIA MINERS AT NORTHLEWNEWS@GMAIL.COM. OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE THOSE OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF THE COUNCIL. ALL PHOTOS ARE BY THE EDITOR UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED.

In this issue…...


Victor Hulbert It is just eighteen months since Luisa and I wandered around Northlew and rapidly decided that our house search was over. This is where we wanted to live. Visiting the church we picked up a copy of Northlew News and were impressed by so much activity and life in this small village. Little did I know while reading that magazine that I would become the next editor. I consider that to be both a privilege and a responsibility. A privilege because we are still ‘newbies’ here, and a responsibility because I am following a great line of past editors who probably knew a lot more about village life and history than I do. I’m learning fast but ask for your tolerance and kindness with this first edition if things are not quite as you are used to or I have missed something out. We bought our house for the west facing view across the open fields. We had no idea that would lead us to enjoy such wonderful sunsets, make friends with cows across the back fence, or experience the most amazing starling murmerations. The local lanes and footpaths are becoming more familiar and we enjoy revisiting the glorious beauty of Dartmoor – remembered from frequent visits to friends over the years, and part of my childhood growing up in Plymouth. However, the ultimate reason that we have so quickly fallen in love with Northlew is getting to know you, the residents who have made us so welcome. We love the sense of community here. We truly feel both blessed and grateful to have discovered this tranquil Devon oasis. My aim is that as I take on this responsibility that, with your help, I will be able to help contribute to that very community spirit. PAGE 1





CHURCH Dear Northlew, It was a busy, noisy church last Sunday. I loved it. Children making full use of our newly upgraded Kid’s Corner, small ones dancing in the isle during the hymns, and one special child, Amelia, whose parents and family brought to church for baptism. I love anything that is newness of life, whether that is rejoicing with Amelia’s family – and the church at large – as we pray for her young life and well-being as she grows up here in the village, or the wonderful array of spring flowers blooming in our churchyard, and especially the lambs in the fields as I rush from Northlew to Hatherleigh for the next worship service. All that together brings a sense of joy, peace and hope. That hope comes for me in another way as well. Every Sunday that I lead worship here in Northlew, I am aware of the sculpture of Jesus on the cross high up behind my head. It is a constant reminder to me of the God who gives. But post-Easter, I am so glad that the story does not stop at the cross, but moves onto the newness of life that comes from the resurrection. As St Paul puts it, “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” [1 Corinthians 15:54] As a Northlew farming community we offer a blessing on the plough, on the seedsowing, and eventually give thanks for the harvest, just as much I give thanks for new human life in the village, for the noise of children in church, at school or playing in the park. I give thanks for parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and all who turn this village into a community. And I give thanks for the Jesus whose resurrection life brings hope and promise to each one of us. Revd Leigh Winsbury PAGE 3


Restoration time

The long awaited work has now started on the church. The Willis Organ was sent away for restoration and will be in storage until all the internal work on the church is complete. This includes repairing leaks, replastering and decorating. Fundraising continues for this costly enterprise. To find out more contact Jackie Ellis, secretary of Friends of St Thomas’ church, on 01837 658750 or New Friends of St Thomas’ Church, Northlew [FOST] are always very welcome. Forms are available in the church or contact Jackie, details above. The FOST Annual Meeting has been rescheduled for 7 pm on Wednesday, 29th May 2024 in the Church Room - all FOST members are welcome. FOST Committee 2024 Chair–Keith Ellis Secretary – Jackie Ellis 01837 658750/07952 071809 or Email to: Treasurer-Tony Hazell Email: Allan Welsh Roger Atkinson Shaun Millership Tania Haycock Val Welsh Revd. Leigh Winsbury [ExOfficio] PAGE 4

Restoration time

In the Chapel

Northlew Market The market is held on the first Saturday of the month in the Methodist hall, between 10 and 12. We now have a full house of local interesting stalls. These include honey, eggs, preserves, goat meat and goat milk soap, haberdashery, Avon, plants, and cakes Lots of Cakes!!! As the year progresses we will add a community table where we can sell your excess garden produce, plants, eggs etc. A great way to make a bit of money, maybe for next year's seeds! [ We only take 10% the rest is yours.] Enjoy refreshments, a raffle, hot and cold snacks, and did I mention CAKE? Plus, of course, the chance to catch up with friends and find out about future village events. Look forward to seeing you there. The next few dates are May 4th. June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd....put them in your diary! Enquiries.......Ros Smith 01409 221814 PAGE 5

In the Chapel

Quiz Time

A locally topical little quiz, compiled by Ian Richards. 1. Which river does the River Lew that flows through Northlew flow into? 2. Which Devon placename is derived from a literary work? Westward Ho! 3. The name of a South Devon fishing village washed away in a storm in 1917? 4. Who was born in Torquay, was part of a famous comedy double act and founded Private Eye? 5. The largest surviving mill in Ivybridge makes what? 7. What colours would an “Appledrain” be? 8. Who was born in 1772 in Ottery St Mary and wrote the Rime of the Ancient Mariner? 9. Who was the Devon based artist famous for her paintings of “larger than life” women? 10. Where in Devon can you find an infamous castle dungeon and a Royal Mint of King Ethelred? Answers on page 22 Northlew Wordsearch Can you find all the places on the list? 6. What is the name of the red and white tower on the Hoe in Plymouth? Enjoyed the quiz? Don’t forget the regular quiz and curry nights at the Green Dragon. PAGE 6

Quiz Time

News Snippetts

Coming Events New for 2024, Chris Baines produces a monthly village Coming Events Diary. This includes special events, clubs, church and chapel service times and even the bus timetable. This is sent out by email and also published on the Northlew and Ashbury Facebook page. This is the best way to stay abreast with village happenings. To subscribe or to submit a coming event email Public toilets Land was donated for Public Toilets on the edge of the village square back in 1972. They served well for many years but gradually deteriorated until they had to be closed. The Parish Council set aside funds to refurbish and modernise the toilets which will now also be accessibility friendly. Work is well under way and they should soon be back in action. In the meantime, grateful thanks to the Parochial Church Council for allowing use of the toilet in the church room. Northlew on YouTube A number of village videos are available across YouTube, including the outstanding WWI 100years remembrance in 2014, a youthful lockdown video and a report of the 2023 Patronal Service and Church fete. It is very possible that a lot more is available to be discovered or possibly to be uploaded. If you know of any appropriate village videos that can be added to an archive please email the editor, Victor Hulbert at uk. View a current listing of videos at list=PLxagGvc-vHfYPd8Yig2ErZbnAFc58zVay&si=PRkXKV3RlJPXPv_Z PAGE 7

News Snippetts

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