Chemaxon book

Our industries

Our industries

Chemaxon creates solutions, development platforms, applications, and professional services for all the industries where chemistry matters. We work together with companies from the pharma, biotech, agro and petrochemical, cosmetics, food, chemical manufacturing, new materials and education industries. Our mission We are your trusted partner to build a better future through innovative best-in-class software for chemistry. Quick facts Founded in 1998 with HQ in Budapest, Hungary Offices in Budapest (HU), Boston (MA), San Diego (CA), Basel (CH), and UK. Number of employees: ~ 250 Local distributors in Australia, China, India, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea More than 50 integrator partners worldwide Please contact: Learn more about our products at Advent Informatics Pvt Ltd Authorized distributor of Chemaxon Surojit Sadhu Phone: +91 98330 50178 Email: Aiding scientific discovery

Our industries

Solutions we offer

Generate virtual reactions Reactor – Comprehensive virtual reactions to explore the available chemical space at large scale Calculators and predictors Calculators and Predictors – Execute high quality physico-chemical calculations and predictions Markush search, analysis, and patent claim drafting support Markush Technology – Smart assistant for patent claim drafting and Markush analysis Chemical drawing & rendering Marvin – Full featured chemical editor for all platforms Normalize, check and validate compounds Chemical Structure Representation – Standardization and correction of Chemical name and structure conversion chemical structures Compound Registration – Normalizing, checking, Chemical Naming – Convert chemical names into structures and vica versa validating and registering your chemical compounds Chemical search and cartridges JChem Engines – Search through tens of millions of chemical compounds and receive relevant query hits in seconds Clustering and diversity analysis, molecular screening Discovery tools – From clustering and diversity analysis for chemical libraries to 2D and 3D molecular screening Our tools are applied in Chemical Data Management Capture, manage and access chemical and biological entities and associated data. Drug Discovery – Lead Optimization Controlled substance and shipping compliance Analyze, ideate, design, collaborate, and prioritize your research in your DMTA Compliance Checker and cHemTS – Identifing controlled substances with Compliance Checker and assigning HS tariff codes with cHemTS – the easy way to comply with chemical regulations Chemistry R&D – Patent Management Create, explore and share chemical data JChem for Office – Chemical structure handling, data analysis, visualization and reporting capabilities within MS Office Instant JChem – Chemical data management from your desktop Design, analyze and prioritize compounds Design Hub – A single platform that connects scientific rationale, compound design and computational resources. (Design-Make-Test-Analyze) cycle. Create Markush structures from libraries of compounds. Accelerate the extraction of chemical structures from published patents. Chemistry R&D – Compound Synthesis Design, execute, capture, search and share. Chemistry experiments run better with our industry-standard technology. Education Advance chemistry education with industry standard cheminformatics technologies

Solutions we offer

Calculators & Predictors

Our industry leading solution for property predictions offers a wide range of quick chemical calculations for multiple endpoints, combining outstanding accuracy, great availability, consistency and integration options. From easy-to-use plugins to fully customizable command line tools, the Calculators & Predictors are available via all main Chemaxon products. Extensive API and training options provide further possibilities for integration and customization. ADMET Plugin Group The new ADMET plugin exploits the power of machine learning methods on curated data sets to support the drug design and medicinal chemistry optimization with reliable models and predictions. Protonation and Partitioning Very often drug-like molecules are weak acids or bases with multiple low-energy ionization states. The reliable prediction of these states is essential during pharmaceutical research or the characterization of various organic and inorganic chemical processes. These functions provide a robust toolkit to predict protonation related molecular properties. Solubility Solubility in water (commonly referred to as logS) is one of the most important parameters to achieve for desired pharmacological response. Any drug to be absorbed must be present as a solution at its site of absorption. NMR Predictor As NMR spectrometers are relatively expensive, predicting NMR spectra for a set of possible structures and comparing them with experimental data is a well established approach to facilitate structure elucidation. Isomers Isomerism is an interconversion between molecules that have identical atomic composition, but different arrangement of bonds or spatial orientation. Tautomerism, stereoisomerism and resonance are examples of these inter-conversions. Structural Calculations The group of structural property plugins contains tools for calculating different 2D or 3D structural descriptors, including HBDA count, 2D topological descriptors, 3D geometrical descriptors, Molecular surface calculations and many more. 250 25 years employees in the field Contact us Jung-A Han Phone: +82-2-838-4013 5 offices 1 M active users in the Americas and Europe serving 9 out of 10 leading pharmaceutical companies Email: T&J Tech Inc.- authorized distributor of Chemaxon Office: 서울시 금천구 가산디지털 1로 212 코오롱 애스턴 506호

Calculators & Predictors


Marvin is one of the world’s most widely used and trusted chemical drawing software, utilized daily by over 100,000 scientists, researchers, start-ups and Fortune 500 organizations, including top 20 pharmaceutical companies. Marvin's functionalities include: Draw complex structures/reactions super fast from scratch View 2D/3D structures in MarvinView or Marvin SKetch Import and export chemical structures Convert file formats Conduct Chemical Calculations Check drawing accuracy Edit in Microsoft Office With Marvin in your hands, you can draw structures effortlessly and stop worrying about chemical details.


Benefits of Marvin

Draw accurate chemical information Build QSAR models Marvin allows researchers to draw Besides drawing, publishing, and compounds, molecules, reactions presenting and structures at speed. Its built-in Chemistry structure and valence checker flags provides access to hundreds of any drawing errors and provides physicochemical descriptors. You guidance. You can then fix these can errors before exporting. In addition research and build QSAR models. use structures, for Office these to our bundle streamline to this, Marvin lets you evaluate your drawings against IUPAC standards. Transfer chemical information into familiar tools You can effortlessly copy-paste your structures into Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Outlook, all while retaining editability. From here, you can change the layout, color and line width of your structures. Analyze your structures in spreadsheets Handling large amounts of chemical data is a challenging task. Marvin for Office import, extension visualize allows and you to analyze thousands of chemical structures in a spreadsheet in a matter of seconds. Alternatively, you can select preconfigured journal styles. This empowers you to create reports, publications or presentations with ease. Export structures into familiar files Marvin supports a wide range of industry acknowledged chemical file formats. This means you can export your drawings in a format that complements your chemical toolkit.

Benefits of Marvin

Bundled Options

01. Marvin Standalone Marvin standalone allows you to draw structures/reactions/ query/ markush structures. Also calculate multiple physicochemical properties of the drawn compounds. 02. Marvin Presenter Marvin Presenter makes your chemistry available and editable in most Microsoft Office products. 03. Marvin for Office In this package, apart from using the desktop Marvin, users can import, visualize and analyze chemical structures instantly in Microsoft office applications. 04.Chemistry for Office This bundle provides access to hundreds of physicochemical descriptors, structure checking, and advanced chemical calculations in batch mode in Microsoft Excel. Please contact: 250 25 years Surojit Sadhu employees in the field Phone: +91 98330 50178 Email: 5 offices in the Americas and Europe 1 M active users serving 9 out of 10 leading pharmaceutical companies Advent Informatics Pvt Ltd Authorized distributor of Chemaxon Office: #405, The Address Commercia, Pune, MH

Bundled Options


Checker Identify controlled substances with Compliance Checker. Assign HS tariff codes with cHemTS. The first step towards meeting compound compliance legal requirements is the identification of controlled substances such as narcotics, psychotropic drugs, and chemical weapons. Compliance Checker is a combination of a software system and a regularly updated content package providing a flexible tool to screen chemical structures efficiently against the controlling legislation. It is available both as SaaS and on-premise distributions. Identify controlled substances Flag highly similar compounds Generate Harmonized Tariff codes from structures Single check from a compound name, SMILES, MOL file or structure drawn in Marvin JS File check for multiple structures Built-in chemical intelligence, using Chemaxon’s Markush search technology underneath Extensive coverage: Compliance Checker covers >40 national and international laws Frequent Knowledge Base updates to keep track of changing regulations (Compliance Checker) Knowledge Base can be extended with your custom information to flag structures of concern Lookups for the WTO Pharma Agreement + the FDA Orange & Green Books Automatic mixture detection (cHemTS) Easy integration (RESTful API) 250 25 years employees in the field 5 offices 1 M active users in the Americas and Europe serving 9 out of 10 leading pharmaceutical companies Get in touch Book a Demo



Registration Compound Registration compares the uniqueness of new small molecules against those already stored in your database, kickstarting a decision workflow based on your configured business logic. The challenge is creating and maintaining a unique collection of small molecules and their additional data. Business logic driven automated compound submission processing with consistent and accurate data representation. Efficient tracking and management of compounds. Register new compound batches (real, virtual, no-structures, mixtures, polymers, etc.) with best-in-class uniqueness checking Ensure consistent, accurate registrations with built-in Standardizer and Structure Checker Integrate Compound Registration with your ELN and data systems Registration Register compounds individually or in bulk (real, virtual, no-structures, multi-components, etc.) Validate and check unique structures (Standardizer and Structure Checker) Store compounds in a hierarchical structure Modify Amend registered entities Integrations: RESTful API 250 25 years employees in the field 5 offices 1 M active users in the Americas and Europe serving 9 out of 10 leading pharmaceutical companies Get in touch Book a Demo


Design Hub

Design Hub is the all-in-one DMTA platform that effectively manages drug design projects from idea creation to implementation. From scientific rationale to analysis, medicinal chemistry teams share a singular question in the DMTA cycle: Which compound should we make next? Compare new designs, allocate resources, track and prioritize your hypotheses to keep focus in the right place. Your collaboration tool in all this is Design Hub. Link your hypotheses to design sets Work with your trusted computational models and properties Share ideas in a single collaboration tool Customize data access for external partners Hypothesis lifecycle management (create, share and track) Add or customize property prediction (phys-chem predictors) Compound data analysis tools to make sense of your data Virtual compound registration Powerful text and chemical structure searching Access management controls Kanban boards to track synthesis assignments and progress 250 25 years employees in the field 5 offices 1 M active users in the Americas and Europe serving 9 out of 10 leading pharmaceutical companies Get in touch Book a Demo

Design Hub

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