Time Capsule 2024



(BBA/B.COM/M.COM/M.Sc/MA/PGD/Ph.D Programmes) The Time Capsule OF BATCH 2024 Articles | Pictures | Messages



Memory Dean Liu Chong Shivani Albin Benny



Editors Welcome to the 2024 Yearbook from Department of Commerce, MAHE, Manipal As you turn the pages of this yearbook, we hope you'll be taken on a nostalgic journey that relives the best moments of the academic year. From insightful lectures and thought-provoking discussions to exhilarating fests and unforgettable friendships, this yearbook captures the essence of our vibrant department. A Fond Farewell and a Warm Welcome to our graduating batch, congratulations! As you are now ready to begin your professional journeys, we celebrate your achievements and the indelible mark you've left on our department. To our incoming cohorts, welcome! We extend a warm embrace to you and encourage you to actively participate in the plethora of opportunities that await you. The Department of Commerce fosters a culture of leadership and innovation. We believe in nurturing young minds to become the future leaders and entrepreneurs of the business world. So, don't be afraid to dream big, take risks, and chase your aspirations. This yearbook wouldn't have been possible without the tireless efforts of our dedicated faculty members and students from both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. We sincerely acknowledge their contributions, be it through participation in events, sharing their stories, or lending a helping hand in the editorial process. We hope this yearbook serves as a cherished memento of your time at the Department of Commerce. May you continue to excel in your endeavors and make us proud Commerce Mavericks! Dr. Everil Jackson Fernandes Student Council Coordinator Yearbook - Batch 2024 | Page no. 01



Editors The 2024 Yearbook encapsulates The Time Capsule (Yearbook) 2024 is our journey – a testament to shared a labor of love, capturing our experiences, triumphs, and growth. passion and creativity. From Together, we've navigated brainstorming to editing, our team challenges and celebrated poured their hearts into this successes, leaving an indelible mark keepsake. As you flip through, relive on our alma mater. Each page special moments, share laughs, and reflects the bonds we've forged and feel pride in our community. It's a lessons learned. Let's cherish these reflection of our spirit at MAHE memories and celebrate our Manipal. Thank you to all who made achievements at MAHE Manipal. this possible. Namiya Naheen & Ranga HK Yearbook - Batch 2024 | Editorial Yearbook - Batch 2024 | Page no. 02



HOD Dear Students, As the head of Department of Commerce, it is with immense pride and joy that I extend my warmest congratulations to each and every one of you on this momentous occasion. Graduating from our college is a significant achievement, one that marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Today, as you stand on the threshold of a new chapter in your lives, I want you to take a moment to reflect on the journey that has brought you here. You have not only acquired knowledge and skills in the field of management but have also honed your leadership abilities.  As you flip through the pages of this yearbook, may you be reminded of the friendships forged, the memories created, and the lessons learned during your time at our college. Cherish these moments, for they are a testament to your growth and transformation.  On behalf of the faculty and staff, I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for choosing our institution for your academic journey. It has been a privilege to guide and mentor you, and we are excited to see the remarkable achievements that lie ahead for each and every one of you. Congratulations once again, and may the future hold boundless opportunities for success and fulfillment. Sandeep Shenoy Head - Department of Commerce, MAHE Yearbook - Batch 2024 | Page no. 03



Content 1 OVERVIEW Department of Commerce 5 Introduction to Events 6 Events and Milestones 7 Presidential Report 2 11 GALLERY 13 Batch Photos 3 Faculty Photos 14 STUDENT FORUMS 29 Volunteer Message 33 Vigilance Message 33 Student Clubs 4 Student Cells 34 CREATIVE SUBMISSIONS Articles 47 Artwork 55 Photographs 56 Event Gallery 58 Yearbook - Batch 2024 | Page no. 04



Overview The Department of Commerce (DoC) was inaugurated in 2007 with the initiation of its premier undergraduate business program, focusing on banking & finance specialization. Over the years, the department has expanded its academic offerings by introducing innovative undergraduate business programs tailored to contemporary industry demands. A cornerstone of the department's ethos is its commitment to fostering collaborations with esteemed organizations such as CIMA and CII. These collaborations manifest in the form of workshops covering diverse areas including banking, insurance, accounting, finance, logistics, and supply chain management, enriching the academic experience of students. Boasting an enrollment of approximately 1500 students, the Department of Commerce houses more than ten student-led clubs alongside numerous student-led initiatives. These entities serve as pillars of engagement and learning, further enhancing the holistic development of students within the college environment. Yearbook - Batch 2024 | Page no. 05



Events The Department of Commerce at MAHE Manipal is dedicated to fostering academic excellence and holistic development among its students through a series of flagship events and the active involvement of both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) student councils. Conscendo, the premier management fest of the Department, cultivates future leaders through competitions, workshops, and panel discussions. Emphasizing innovation and entrepreneurship, it enriches managerial skills and industry insights. Similarly, the Arth Summit enhances academic excellence, providing a platform for thought leaders, industry professionals, and students to exchange ideas. Convergence fosters collaboration and healthy competition with activities like quizzes and debates, promoting unity within the department. Student Utsav celebrates diversity and artistic talents through performances and competitions, fostering inclusivity and mutual respect. Additionally, UG and PG student councils organize events ranging from guest lectures to cultural festivals, promoting holistic student development. In essence, the Department of Commerce at MAHE Manipal fosters a nurturing environment through flagship events and proactive student engagement, preparing individuals for success in academic and professional realms while fostering a vibrant campus community. Rashmi Yogesh Pai Associate Head - Academic Implementation, Student Admission, Welfare & Engagement Yearbook - Batch 2024 | Page no. 06


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