Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Report 2023-24

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Overview - The Quick Pitch TCI Foundation while preserving its autonomous status, has successfully spearhead the year 2023-24 in an upward spike graph. Organization Financials The balance sheet from 2013-2023 demonstrate the organization’s growth from 4.4cr to 46.5cr. BALANCE SHEET 50,00,00,000 46,54,19,879 45,00,00,000 43,55,43,920 40,00,00,000 35,65,33,474 35,00,00,000 30,35,02,682 30,00,00,000 25,12,96,987 25,00,00,000 20,00,00,000 16,62,22,424 12,63,32,631 10,40,94,728 15,00,00,000 10,00,00,000 4,45,94,9443,67,33,515 5,00,00,000 0 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Continuous Success Due to best performance of TCI Foundation team in 2023-24, following projects have been re-awarded for the subsequent year(s) mentioned below. • • • • • The Global Fund – National Intensified Malaria Elimination Project-3 worth of grant 4.8mn US$ (2024-27) Government of India – Targeted Intervention Projects (2024-25) in 7 states & 10 locations Gas Authority of India (GoI) – Health Centre (2024-25) at Pata, Auriya (UP) Transystem Logistics International PL – CSR Projects (2024-25) in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Haryana Royal Commonwealth Society for Blind – Vision Centre (2024-25) at Ludhiana (PB) CONFIDENTIAL Page 1

Annual Report 2023-24

New Heights and Reach

New projects were gained by the organization in the year 2023-24 after going through competitive processes laid down by the national and international grant awarding agencies. TCI Foundation while adhering to the rules and regulations of the Government of India, in collaboration with the International Development Agencies and National Agencies has implemented different development projects across the nation to reach the unreached communities and population. Projects 2023-24 Project No. 1: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Project Purpose & its brief Project Achievements Coverage Inoculation of COVID-19 vaccine in India The project was named "Guard" awarded to TCI Foundation on proposal competition basis by the USAID (US Government Agency) at the time when the country was passing through pandemic situation. • • • The project was aimed to work in coordination with the MoHFW and State Health Departments for inoculation of Covid-19 vaccination amongst those who were left in the drive initiated by the GoI as well as to generate awareness amongst communities to come forwarded for vaccination. • 155 medical and para medical staff was appointed for fixed term to inoculate vaccine. The project commenced in November 2021 and lasts till July 2023. The project was evaluated for programme and financials by JSI (USA & India) committees on monthly basis. The annual audit was conducted by third party auditing firm deployed by USAID/JSI Inc. Vaccinated 15,53,913 individual. Generated awareness amongst 50,00,000+ individuals. Reached to unreached areas which were not covered by the Government. Vaccinated rural, destitute, physically, and mentally challenged, jail inmates, old age homes, airports, slums and dwellers, people having no IDs, school children, female sex workers, truckers, migrants, baggers, and many other populations 18 States and 105 Districts Project No. 2: The Global Fund – (GFATM) Countrywide (36 States and UTs) Intensified Malaria Elimination Project-2 (2021-24) The project was named “Saksham” was achieved by TCI Foundation after passing through competitive evaluation of proposals on malaria elimination in India, in addition to the capacity assessment of the public health professionals working in the organization, its policies, procedures and regulations. The project was majorly focused on strengthening of malaria elimination programme in India in coordination with the MoHFW. The project has multifarious activities including technical assistance to the government at central, state and district levels; strengthening of laboratory system at central and state levels; strengthening of entomological zones; development of e-system to impart technical training to health workforce. The project is evaluated on quarterly basis for both programme and financials by the Audit firm PwC appointed by the Global Fund. The annual financial audits of the project are conducted by the additional third-party audit firm appointed by the Global Fund. The project is also audited by the Inspector General of Switzerland (alike CAG in India) as the funds pertains to public funds of the Globe. • • • • • • • • • Establishment state of the art National Training Centre at NCVBDC MoHFW. Establishment of Regional Training Centres in 12 regions including Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Imphal, Kolkata, Lucknow, Patna, Shillong & Bhuvneshwar. Strengthened National Reference Laboratory at NCVBDC MoHFW. Strengthened National Entomology Laboratory at NCVBDC MoHFW. Developed an unique e-Learning Management System for NCVBDC MoHFW by taking the services of MeITY NeGD GoI . Developed 9 training modules for 9 cadres of health staff in India. Imparted medical training to Medical Officers, Entomologists, Lab Technicians from all over India conducted at Centre, Region and State levels. Procured, and installed 540 electronic microscopes at centre, state and district levels. Technically supported the national malaria elimination programme in 10 high malaria endemic states with deployment of 222 medical CONFIDENTIAL Page 2

New Heights and Reach

The project ended on 31st March 2024 after expiry of its

fixed tenure 2021-24. • staff at national, state and district levels for effective and technical implementation of malaria elimination programme in India under supervision of NCVBDC MoHFW and health departments of respective states. Disseminated integrated awareness on malaria and covid-19 using IEC & BCC modalities across 12 states, 1307 sub-centres and 6535 villages in India. Project No. 3: Royal Commonwealth Society for Blind The project "Rahi Drishti Kendra" was awarded by SightSavers under Royal Commonwealth Society for Blind to TCI Foundation on approval of proposal submitted by the organization. The project was initiated in 2020 aimed for vision correction of long distance truck drivers at Transport Nagar Ludhiana. The project is in continuation in succession for three years after annual evaluation by the grant agency. The project is subject to annual audit by third party auditor appointed by the grantor as well as submission of monthly SOE and UC to the grant awarding agency. Rendered vision correction services to 5537 truck drivers, out of which 2198 spectacles have been issued for correction of near and distant vision. Ludhiana, Punjab Project No. 4-13: Government Projects Targeted Interventions on Bridge Population & Composite Populations The Government granted projects are awarded based upon the competitiveness, standard of medical proposal, credibility, organizational capacity, and public health expertise of professionals in the organization. These projects are on annual award basis and are given extension for next year based upon the performance of the project in preceding year monitored and evaluated by the Government through various agencies. The budget and activities of these projects are pre-defined by the Government. The projects are subject to quarterly/annual audits by the government appointed: 1. Third party audit firms. 2. Accounts officials of State Government. 3. Technical unit of Central Government. 4. Comptroller Auditor General Office. Every month the statement of expenditures and utilization certificates duly audited by the third-party auditors are submitted to the Government. Rendered health services to 4,21,123 bridge population and composite population as enacted by NACO MoHFW through Khushi Clinics granted by the Governments at following locations. 4 Targeted Intervention (T) Targeted Intervention (M) Chandigarh 6 Targeted Intervention (T) Ludhiana 7 Targeted Intervention (T) Haridwar 8 Targeted Intervention (T) Rudrapur 9 Targeted Intervention (T) Jalgaon 10 Targeted Intervention (T) Haldia 11 Targeted Intervention (T) Delhi 12 Targeted Intervention (C) Raebareli 13 Targeted Intervention (C) Chandigarh Punjab Uttarakhand Maharashtra West Bengal Delhi Uttar Pradesh Chandigarh 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mainpuri Each of these projects are also audited under statutory audit conducted by the third-party auditors appointed by TCI Foundation. Additionally, these projects are evaluated and graded once in two years by the technical and financial committees constituted by the Government of India, on passing of the grades, these projects are subsequently extended by the Government. Project No. 14: GAIL - Public Sector Undertaking Project - MoPG Pata, Distt. Ayuriya (Uttar Pradesh) Targeted Interventions on Bridge Population & Composite Populations TCI Foundation has achieved excellence in collaboration with PSU-GAIL with establishment of Khushi Clinic at GAIL plant in Uttar Pradesh. The clinic renders medical services to the truckers (drivers and helpers) visiting GAIL plant on daily basis. In addition, the clinic also serves village Served 13,981 truckers (drivers and helpers) in accordance with MoHFW regulations and standard operating procedures. CONFIDENTIAL Page 3

The project ended on 31st March 2024 after expiry of its

communities around the plant by conducting medical camps

in respective villages. The project is awarded on annual basis upon the performance evaluation of the preceding year by the technical evaluators and approval of the Board of Directors of GAIL. The project is primarily focused on AIDS, TB and General Health of truck drivers and their assistants. The project is evaluated on quarterly basis by third party audit firm appointed by GAIL. Project No. 15-20: CSR implementation - Transystem Logistics International PL Kavach Health & Vision Centers Transystem Logistics International PL awarded its CSR implementation to TCI Foundation based upon the proposal submitted by TCIF and approved by the Board on yearly basis. The projects under TLI-CSR are focused on general health and medical care of long distance truck drivers specifically on communicable, non-communicable diseases, occupational ailments and vision corrections. Three health centres and three vision centres have been established on the national highways adjacent to Belagavi (Karnataka), Krishnagiri (Tamil Nadu) and Bilaspur (Haryana). • • • • It is uniqueness of TLI-CSR that all these health centres and • vision correction centres have been established on national highways to cater the services to long distance truckers, no other corporate or government has yet initiated this program on national highways for truckers. 15 TCI Foundation was instrumental to conduct occupational ailments research study on long distance truck drivers and the data of 21 months have been captured amongst truckers from 7 states and is under analysis. The findings of the research will be published in national and international scientific journals and shared with MoHFW for their consideration to integrate occupational ailments in the national truckers programme being implemented by NACO across the country. The project is audited on quarterly basis by the third party auditors appointed. The impact assessment of the project is underway for the year 2022-23 and 2023-24 by a third party external agency appointed. 16 17 18 19 20 Served 1,71,141 truck drivers through Kavach Health Centres. Vision correction services to 32,235 drivers through Kavach Vision Centres 6667 truck drivers were provided spectacles for near and distance vision corrections to avoid accidents on highways as well as to safeguard the lives of drivers and others on the roads leading to road safety drive by TLI under its CSR initiative. Provisioned occupational ailment recovery medical services to 11,102 truckers. The research study on diabetes and hypertension amongst truckers conducted on 31,726 individuals. Kavach Health Centre Kavach Health Centre Kavach Health Centre Kavach Vision Centre Kavach Vision Centre Kavach Vision Centre 1. 2. 3. Karnataka Tamil Nadu Haryana Belagavi Karnataka Krishanagiri Tamil Nadu Bilaspur Haryana Belagavi Karnataka Krishanagiri Tamil Nadu Bilaspur Haryana Project No. 21-25: CSR implementation – Transport Corporation of India Limited Group Achieving the CSR objectives as defined under TCIL-CSR Policy, the Board has approved following activities enlisted under schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 for the FY 2023-24. 21 22 23 24 25 Artificial Limbs Centre Bihar Urmila Sports Academy Rajasthan TCI-DAV Public School Jharkhand TCIF-Skills Development Centre Jharkhand Environment India Preventive Health Sports Development TCIL Group through its CSR activities reached to last mile population in the country and provisioned education, sports and preventive health facilities at par with standards. Preventive Health Sports Development Education Rural Development Fauna & Flora TCIL Group CSR activities are implemented through its institutions as well as through external agencies having all Education CONFIDENTIAL 1. 2. 3. 4. Bihar Rajasthan Jharkhand States and UTs Served orthotic and prosthetic 1442 beneficiaries Swept all medals of weightlifting state championship, won gold, silver and bronze medals in various tournaments and championships conducted in the current year. No data available Page 4

communities around the plant by conducting medical camps

authorizations to implement CSR activities on behalf of

corporates or as corpus in their activities aligned with the objectives of TCIL Group. Skills Development No data available Highlights 2023-24 TCIF Health Services 2023-24 2400000 2300000 2200000 2100000 2000000 1900000 1800000 1700000 1600000 1500000 1400000 1300000 1200000 1100000 1000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 2200000 1553913 11102 Vaccination Healthcare Services 37772 8865 1442 Occupational Ailiments Vision Correction Spectacles Artificial Limbs Highlights of year 2023-24 Healthcare 1. Health awareness was disseminated amongst 72 lakh individuals across the country using various modalities approved by the MoHFW GoI. 2. Vaccinated 16 lakh individuals during COVID-19 pandemic in 18 states and 105 districts using the services 200+ medical and para medical staff members. The project covered rural, destitute, physically, and mentally challenged, jail inmates, old age homes, airports, slums and dwellers, people having no IDs, school children, female sex workers, truckers, migrants, and many other populations. Reached hard to reach areas where even government officials could not reach to serve the communities. 3. Rendered medical services to 22 lakh individuals belonging to different underserved communities including truckers, rural population, migrants, female sex workers, intravenous drugs injectors, transgenders, and general population. CONFIDENTIAL Page 5

authorizations to implement CSR activities on behalf of

4. Provided occupational ailments recovery therapy to 11,102 truckers by medical experts.

5. Developed unique National Learning Management System for NCVBDC MoHFW in technical collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeITY) to impart training to health workforce of millions in India. 6. Training needs assessment was conducted in 6 states to develop learning management system as per requirements of all cadres including assessment of infrastructure and technology up to sub-centre levels. 7. Imparted technical and medical training on malaria elimination to 13296 ASHAs, 180 Lab Technicians, 23 Entomologists and 169 Medical Officers at NCVBDC MoHFW and through Regional Offices at Nagaland and Mizoram. 1,07,414 government staffs have registered themselves for online training through LMS developed. 8. Established state of the art National Training Centers (70 seaters, 40 seaters and 30 seaters) at NCVBDC MoHFW Delhi and 12 Regional Training Centers across India. The National Training Centre is at par with international standard with use of latest technology to connect with the world and to conduct online, offline, virtual, instructor based and self-paced trainings and meetings. The system can also be used during vector borne diseases outbreaks in India. 9. Strengthened National Entomology Lab at NCVBDC MoHFW with provision of entomology kits for entomologists, insect collectors, equipment, furniture & fixtures, stereo zoom dissecting microscopes etc. 10. Strengthened National Reference Laboratory at NCVBDC MoHFW with provision of technical equipment and penta head training microscopes. 11. Strengthened NCVBDC MoHFW with provision of 582 imported microscopes at central, regional, and state levels viz. penta-head training microscopes, stereo-zoom dissecting microscopes and binocular microscopes for early and correct diagnosis of malaria cases in India. 12. Developed a cadre of 283 malaria elimination specialists and 36 lab technicians in the country for nationwide intensified malaria elimination. Their services government can avail as and when required for the nation. 13. Disseminated integrated C19 and Malaria IEC & BCC in 12 high malaria endemic states, 5752 villages, 1253 sub-centres, through informative 5752 wall paintings, 22400 sun-boards and 10042 ASHA plates. 14. Vision corrections of 37,772 truckers were done those plying on highways, thus contributed in to minimize road accidents and road safety. 15. Spectacles to 8865 truckers were provided free of cost, thus contributed in better health and vision. 16. Free 1442 orthotics and prosthetics provided to needy and deserving population by TCIF Artificial Limbs Centre Patna. Medical Research 17. TCI Foundation was instrumental to conduct occupational ailments research study on 31,726 long distance truck drivers for a period of 21 months in 7 states. The research data is under scientific analysis. The findings of the research would be published in national and international scientific journals and shared with MoHFW for their consideration to integrate occupational ailments in the national public health policy especially for targeted population of truckers in India. CONFIDENTIAL Page 6

4. Provided occupational ailments recovery therapy to 11,102 truckers by medical experts.

18. TCI-CMC Research Scholar Program: The project started as a pilot from February 2022. More than 1500

patients’ data was recorded at Trauma Registry in Christian Medical College Vellore. The study has been conducted on CT overuse in patients; ambispective study on the functional recovery of kidney following high grade renal trauma; non-operative management of traumatic penumothoraces; tube thoracostomy; early recovery in rib fixation; non-operative management of grade-v renal injury in tertiary care; prediction of mortality in trauma and other trauma cases. Sports TCI Foundation unit “Urmila Sports Academy” in Rajasthan has strived its excellence with development of elite sportspersons in weightlifting, wresting, and boxing. In the preceding years the female sportspersons of the academy brought laurels at international, national, and state levels. In the year 2023-24, the academy sportspersons unfurled the national flag 48 times in various competitions, listed below. Sport Weightlifting Wrestling Boxing Gold Medals 30 1 Silver Medals 9 Bronze Medals 6 1 Total Medals 45 1 2 1 Currently, the academy is equipped with all modern training facilities and equipment required for Olympic sport competitions along with best calibre sports staff and sportspersons, listed below. Administrator: Mr. Mohan Lal Upadhyay Weightlifting Male Female Coaches: Mr. Jaspreet Singh Sportspersons: Ms. Arshdeep Weightlifting Boys Girls 7 7 Wrestling Male Female Mr. Pappu Ms. Mansi Wrestling Boys 11 Boxing Girls 3 6 Wrestling – 2 Weightlifting – 2 Boxing – 2 41 Boys 9 Girls 4 Boys – 27 Girls - 14 Coaches Sportspersons Boxing Male Female Mr. Sanjay Ms. Ayushi Mishra Bhatt (M&W) (M&W) (M&W) Education: No data is available Skills: No data is available CONFIDENTIAL Page 7

18. TCI-CMC Research Scholar Program: The project started as a pilot from February 2022. More than 1500

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