Hywaves Jun-Dec 2023

जून - दसिंबर 2023

जून - दसिंबर 2023

June - December 2023 भारत इले��ोहन� हलहमरे ड – है दराबाद की गृह पहत्रका House Journal of Bharat Electronics Limited - Hyderabad Hyderabad Unit wins the CII EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence

जून - दसिंबर 2023

My Dear Colleagues, Reviving the publication of our in-house journal, Hy-Waves after a long break due to COVID-19 pandemic is indeed a joyous moment. In the past, Hy-Waves has enriched us with a plethora of articles and activities from BEL-Hyd. We are eagerly looking forward to experience even more. I hope BEL-Hyd will ride the Wave alongside the new edition of Hy-Waves. With warm regards, (K Srinivas) Unit Head & General Manager Contents ‘ Visits 01 Cover Story 04 Celebrations 06 Artificial Intelligence Aided Ew 12 QCC Awards 14 Hindi Article and Puzzle 16 CSR 18 Vigilance Awareness Week 19 Retirement 20 Editorial संपादकीय Dear Colleagues, सप्रय िासियों, It is a happy occasion to restart the publishing of in-house journal Hy-Waves. Over the past few years, BEL-Hyd has expanded its product portfolio including Drone segments. The growth has been fuelled by the inspiring motto “Protecting the Nation by Providing Pioneering Products Indigenously” (P4I). There were many events, occasions and achievements which happened during the past year and some of them are covered in the current issue. हमारी आं तररक गृह पसत्का का प्रकािन पुनः प्रारं भ करना एक ख़ुिी का अविर है । सपछले कछ ु वष� में बीएल है दराबाद ने डोन िंड िसहत कई � अत्ाधुसनक तकनीकों तक अपने ग्राहक आधार का सवस्तार सकया है । प्रेरक आदि्य वाक् "स्दे िी रूप िे अग्रणी उ�ाद प्रदान करक राष्ट� की रक्षा करना” े (सप4आई) िे इि वृख� को बढावा समला है । सपछले वष्य क दौरान घसटत हुए कई घटनाएं , अविर और े उपलख�यों में िे कछ को वत्यमान अंक में िासमल ु सकया गया है । The major event was the achievement of CII-Exim Bank Excellence Award. Hy-Waves congratulates each and every employee for their hard work and commitment to the unit’s achievement. Message from Unit Head & General Manager इनमे महत्वपूण्य घटना िीआईआई-एखक्ज़म ब�क उत्ष्टता पुरस्ार की उपलख� िी। अपनी ृ कड़ी मेहनत और यूसनट की उपलख� क प्रसत े प्रसतब�ताक सलए प्रत्ेक कम्यचारी को हाई-वेव्ि े बधाई दे ता है । The other awards won by BEL-Hyd include Green Channel Certification, Best Organisation supporting QC movement, Financial Award, Six Sigma Award, Cost Reduction and Indigenization Award. बीईएल है दराबाद द्ारा जीते गए अन्य पुरस्ारों में ग्रीन चैनल प्रमाणन, क्ूिी सगसतसवसधयों को िमि्यन प्रदान करने वाली उत्ष्ट िंगठन, सव�ीय ृ पुरस्ार, सि� सि�ा पुरस्ार, लागत में कमी और स्दे िीकरण पुरस्ार िासमल है । The annual Quality month celebrations and Vigilance awareness week were also conducted. Reaffirming our commitment to Quality and Vigilance, various events were conducted during the Quality month and Vigilance week celebrations. वासष्यक गुणव�ा माह िमारोह और ितकता ्य जागरूकता िप्ताह भी मनाए गए। गुणव�ा और ितकता क प्रसत हमारी प्रसतब�ताकी पुसष्ट करते ्य े हुए गुणव�ा माह और जागरूकता िप्ताह क दौरान े सवसभन्न काय्यक्रम आयोसजत सकए गए The most eagerly awaited and joyful event, Unit formation day was celebrated with verve and gaiety. Everyone participated in the event rejoiced as Shri Bhanu Prakash Shrivastav, CMD, BEL and Shri Shrikant Walgad, CVO joined the celebrations. A cheerful cultural cum entertainment by the children of the employees enthralled one and all. Feedbacks improve quality. HyWaves invites its readers to give their valuable suggestions and also contribute articles/ anecdotes to improve our house journal. I sincerely thank Mr. K. Srinivas, Unit Head & General Manager for his kind support and guidance for reviving in-house magazine. And also I thank Mrs. V. Srikala, AGM (QM), Mr. Madhumurthy, SDGM (D&E) and Mrs. Sujatha Nagalakshmi, Member Secretary, Hywaves for their support. With Best Wishes AVV Sivannarayana Editor email: editorhywaves@belhyd.in अत्सधक उत्ुकता िे प्रतीसक्षत और मनोरं जक घटना यूसनट थिापना सदवि हष्य और उ�ाि क े िाि मनाया गया। श्ी भानु प्रकाि श्ीवास्तव, िीएमडी, बीईएल और श्ी श्ीकां त वा�ाड, िीवीओ का िमारोह में आसित् क िाि काय्यक्रम े में िासमल िभी लोग आनंसदत हुए। कम्यचाररयों क हँ िमुि ब�ों द्ारा े एक िां स्सतक एवं मनोरं जक ृ काय्यक्रम ने िभी को मंत्मु� कर सदया। फीडबैक िे गुणव�ा में िुधार होता है । हाई-वेव्ि पाठकों िे अपने बहुमूल िुझाव आमंसत्त करता है और आग्रह करता है सक वे हमारी गृह पसत्का को बेहतर बनाने क े सलए लेि/उपाख्ान भेजकर अपना योगदान दें । इनहाउज़ गृह पसत्का को पुन��ीसवत करने में िमि्यन एवं माग्यदि्यन प्रदान करने क सलए में े श्ी क श्ीसनवाि, महाप्रबंधक व यूसनट प्रमुि को े आभार प्रकाट करता �ँ । इिक अलावा म� श्ीमती े वी श्ीकला, अ.म.प्र. (गु.प्र.), श्ी मधुमूसत्य, उ.म.प्र. (सव. एवं अ.) एवं श्ीमती िुजाता नागल�ी, िदस्य िसचव, है -वेव्ज़ को भी उनक िहयोग क सलए े े धन्यवाद �ासपत करता �ँ । िुभकामनाओं िसहत एवीवी हशवनारायण िंपादक



AVM George Thomas AVSM VM, ACAS (Plans) being welcomed by Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager, BEL-Hyd. AVM George Thomas, AVSM VM, ACAS (Plans) having discussions with BEL team at the Conference Hall. Air Vice Marshal George Thomas AVSM VM, ACAS (Plans) visited BEL-Hyd AVM George Thomas AVSM VM, ACAS (Plans) having discussions with General Manager Mr. K. Srinivas and Mr Nikhil Kumar Jain, I/C General Manager-EWLS. AVM George Thomas, AVSM VM, ACAS (Plans) is shown state-ofthe-art EW Projects by Mr Nikhil Kumar Jain, I/C General ManagerEWLS and Mr. Viswanadham, AGM (EWLS). AVM George Thomas, AVSM VM, ACAS (Plans) being briefed about stateof-the-art EW projects by Mr. Nikhil Kumar Jain, I/C General Manager – EWLS at the Display Hall. 1



Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager, BEL-Hyd welcoming Rear Admiral Ajay Patney, ADGQA(N), DGQA at BEL, Hyd. Rear Admiral Ajay Patney ADGQA (N), DGQA and team being briefed on EW (Naval) Projects in the Conference Room. Rear Admiral Ajay Patney ADGQA (N), DGQA, NAVY visited BEL-HYD Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager, BEL-Hyd briefing Rear Admiral Ajay Patney ADGQA (N), DGQA, NAVY on Naval Projects. Also seen are Cmde Varanasi Chanti, CQAO, CQAE (N), Secunderabad. Rear Admiral Ajay Patney, ADGQA (N), DGQA having a briefing session with Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager, BEL-Hyd on Naval requirements and EW projects. Mr. CSU Bhaskar, Additional General Manager (EWNS-Hyd) and other functional heads are seen. Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager, BEL-Hyd explaining about Naval projects and BEL-Hyd capabilities to Rear Admiral Ajay Patney, ADGQA (N), DGQA at Display Hall. 2



Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager, BEL-Hyd, welcoming Major General Vikram Taneja, ADG OS(B). Mr. Ramamurthy, Additional General Manager (D&E) is also seen. Major General Vikram Taneja, ADG OS (B) and team is having discussions with Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager, BEL-Hyd and Mr. Ramamurthy, Additional General Manager (D&E) on various Land based EW Projects. Major General Vikram Taneja ADG OS (B) visited BEL-Hyd Major General Vikram Taneja, ADG OS(B) accompanied by Mr Ramamurthy Damerala, Additional General Manager (D&E) and Mr. Venkat Rao V, Senior Deputy General Manager – MKTG taking a tour around BEL-Hyd campus. Major General Vikram Taneja, ADG OS(B) and team having discussions on Army requirements with various functional Heads of Land based EW Projects. Momento being presented to Major General Vikram Taneja, ADG OS (B) by Mr. K. Srinivas, GM. Mr. Rama Murthy, AGM (EWLS) is also seen. The salient features of the VIP convoy Jammers are being discussed comprehensively by Major General Vikram Taneja, ADG OS (B) with Mr. Ramamurthy Damerla, Additional General Manager (D&E) and Mr. Srinivasa Rao KBSN, Sr DGM-EWLS. 3


Cover Story ........................

CIIEXIM A momentous leap towards CII Business Excellence Award – 2023 Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manger & Unit Head, BEL-Hyd, Mr. Nikhil Kumar Jain, In-Charge GM (EWLS), BEL-Hyd, Mr. CH Viswanatham, AGM (EWLS), Mr. V. Prakash Rao, AGM (Operations), BEL-Hyd, Mrs. V. Srikala, AGM (QM/EWNS), BEL-Hyd are seen with the prestigious award. Mr Bhanu Prakash Srivastava, CMD, Mr K Srinivas, GM, BEL-Hyd, Mr K KAgarwal, In-Charge GM (Corporate Quality), Mr Narasimha Kumar, Sr DGM (CO/Quality) & In-Charge of Business Excellence and team received the prestigious Award for BEL at the Excellence Summit organized by CII in Bengaluru on December 03, 2023. Business Excellence is all-encompassing term which craves about strengthening and optimizing the business processes and continuously improve the performance and create value addition for the stakeholders. Investment for continued success, sustained improvement and maintaining its momentum is an important prerogative in achieving this. The Business Excellence model involves Leadership, Strategy, People, Partnership, Resources, Processes, Products and Services, Customer and People results, Society results and Key Performance results. Excellence is nothing but developing and maintaining value adding partnerships and Continuous Improvement. Hyderabad Unit has won the honor of CII EXIM Bank Business Excellence Award (2023). The Award is the 4 highest level of recognition in the CII-EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence, established by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Export Import Bank of India with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of India Inc. The goals of Business excellence are Sustainable Growth, Customer Delight, and enhancing customer value and maintain competitiveness in the market. The journey of BEL-Hyd started from the Platinum category with continuous improvement, improvement of Processes and facts, adding value to the Value chain and achieving the award of more than 600 Plus points and attaining a Global position in the Market and the coveted CII Excellence award. Also with many certifications like ISO 14001-2015 EMS, AS 9100D QMS, AFQMS by DGAQA

Cover Story ........................

CII Assessors with BEL Team

and CMMI Level 5 for software. BEL-Hyd Continuous improvement journey has been earmarked by excellence and customization to enhance customer excellence, Life cycle support and Process driven approaches as per AS9100 D. The award draws parallels from EFQM-2020 and RADAR Logic. The EFQM 2020 model comprehends three different dimensions. Direction (Why), Execution (How) and Results (What). It enables the organization to identify their strengths and weaknesses leading to more effective and efficient processes. The EFQM Excellence model is based on seven criteria. The criteria includes Purpose, Vision and Strategy, Organizational Culture and Leadership, Engaging Stakeholders, Creating Sustainable value, Driving Performance and Transformation, Stakeholder Perceptions and Strategic & Operational performance. The EFQM model which forms the base for CII EXCELLENCE model has helped for understanding Purpose, Vision and Strategy and creating an Organizational Culture and Leadership. The strategic initiatives of CII and its Portfolio of strategic initiatives will help BEL-Hyd in achieving Organizational Excellence In a massive scale. The CII recognizes Organizations at three levels. Gold Plus (First Level), Platinum (Second Level) and Award (Highest Level). BEL’s Bengaluru Complex was the first PSU to be recognized as Role Model Organization by the CII in 2018 and BEL Ghaziabad Unit recognized as Role Model Organization by the CII in 2022. It’s a matter of great honour that the Hyderabad Unit of BEL has now been recognized with highest level Award. The award citation lauded BEL-Hyderabad’s Beyond the Contract, Beyond the Life Cycle Service approach, strong business performance even during the pandemic, aggressive growth in all domains with focus on R&D, fast-paced technology adoption, customer intimacy, deep-rooted culture of innovation and continuous transformation in pursuit of Excellence. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Bhanu Prakash Srivastava, CMD, said he was happy that the Hyderabad Unit of BEL had received this prestigious Award and recognition for excellence. He said BEL is safeguarding the Nation on all three fronts - land, sea and air. He also lauded BEL’s contribution to democracy through the Electronic Voting Machines and by manufacturing Ventilators during the Covid pandemic. He said BEL’s business processes have been structured for gaining customer confidence and recalled BEL’s business excellence journey in association with CII. Mr K Srinivas, Unit Head & General Manager, BELHyderabad spoke about the transformation of Hyderabad Unit from product manufacturing to making high level systems and system integration. He shared the business excellence transformation in the Hyderabad Unit. He shared the changes in Units Purpose i.e P4I (Protecting Nation by Providing Pioneering Products Indigenously). 5

CII Assessors with BEL Team


INDEPENDENCE DAY PENDENCE Flag Hoisting at BEL-Hyd premises on 15th August, 2023 by Mr. K. Srinivas, GM, BEL-Hyd Independence Day is always an occasion to reconnect with history. It is an ideal platform to assess our present and vision our way forward. India in its 77th Independence day is more confident and playing a crucial role in the developmental agenda. The 77th Independence Day was celebrated at BEL-Hyd unit by hoisting the National Flag by Mr. K. Srinivas, GM & Unit Head at the factory premises on 15th August, 2023. The function concluded with sapling plantation to promote Green environment in the BEL-Hyd campus and the plantation was done by a major section of the employees led by Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager. 6 Mr. K. Srinivas, General Manager addressing employees on the eve of Independence Day celebrations at BEL-HYD Unit


As the Divine Light shines upon us, may we find happiness, peace and good health. Embrace the spirit of Durga Pooja, shedding all fears, embracing love and celebrating courage. “ Dusshera At BEL-Hyd the traditional Durga Pooja is celebrated annually with the colour and hues of beautiful Rangoli embellishing the campus and with verve, gaiety and a festive spirit. The Pooja was performed by Mrs and Mr. K. Srinivas, GM BEL-Hyd along with Mrs. and Mr. Nikhil Kumar Jain, In-Charge General Manager, EW-LS with the participation of all the employees and their families. At BEL-Hyd, the Pooja starts with splendour by decorating the Pooja Hall with flowers and Rangoli. All the employees participated in the function. The Pooja is conducted with pomp and splendour and the blessing of Goddess Durga is invoked. After the festivities, Prasad and sweet packets are distributed. Dusshera is also called as Vijayadasami. Navaratri is replete with symbolism about vanquishing evil and restoring the dharma path. Ayudha Pooja is an Integral Part of Navaratri. It is also called Astra Pooja. On the nineth day of the festival, the weapons and tools are worshipped. After slaying the demon king the weapons were kept out for worship. The principal Shakti goddess worshipped during “Ayudha Pooja” is Saraswati (Goddess of Wisdom), Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth) and Parvathi (The Divine mother). Saraswati Pooja is widely celebrated during Dusshera. It is a very significant and auspicious occasion. It falls on the ninth day of Navaratri, and is dedicated to the Worship of Goddess Saraswati. The tenth day of Navaratri also known as Vijaya Dashami marks the initiation of education for young children. “The victory of good over evil” and the prevalence of righteousness in all fronts. 7


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