


The Heart of Craftsmanship





Gazebos ADD S T YL E T O Y OU R OU T D OOR L IV IN G S P ACE Welcome to Outdoor Living From coast to coast, gazebos grace v illage greens, the backyards of country farmhouses, and the gardens of grand estates. T hey remind us of a simpler time an era when we enjoyed the pleasures of life more and worried a lot less. xplore our handcra ed gazebos and you’ll feel the di erence. ust one look and you’ll be transported back in time. Close your eyes and you might hear the sounds of a brass band p laying from gazebo step s on a sunny 4 th of uly, or catch a whi of homemade apple pie cooling on a nearby window sill. Bring one of these classic gazebos home today and rediscov er outdoor liv ing. 12' OCTAGON V I NY L GAZ EB O C ountry S tyle, C up ola, 5 -V M etal R oof, C omp osite D ecking, E lectrical P ackage & S creen P ackage Your family will thank you. 3



The awareness to preserve our environment is an important element of our company. s a company, we employ various techni ues to keep green. ur gazebos are handcra ed in an environmentally friendly atmosphere. ach cra sman is responsible to hand-select each board and utilize the maximum value of that board. By being vigilant in the selection process, we maximize the value of our natural materials. n addition to keeping green, we use many recycled products. ur composite decking and vinyl products are made from recycled material. We also collect our scrap and send it back to be recycled again. n we installed a solar system on one of our buildings, and followed in with a second solar system. With these two systems combined, we have a large kw system that produces enough energy to help supply a portion of our current electrical re uirements. s a company, we are conscientious of our impact on the environment. Keeping green is more than just adding solar panels and recycling. t is also part of the values and a tude embedded in our company. WOOD QUALITY FEATURES Our standard w ood gazebos are made of p ressure-treated outhern Yellow Pine. ur heavy-duty floor consists of double x joists and solid x wood decking boards. The x posts are laminated as standard, and sup p ort 3 6 " high hand railings. They come with arched corner braces and top spindles. The roof is built with double ra ers, and sheeted with beautiful x tongue groove boards, covered with roo ng paper and architectural asphalt shingles. ENDURANCE STABILITY SUPPORT L am inated Posts Heavy - Du ty Railings x decking means strong construction, plus our hot-dipped galv anized nails are designed to stay seated for a lifetime. 4 Extra Strong- 2 x6 Decking ur laminated posts resist checking and add strength w hile giv ing your gazebo a custom look. The railings on your gazebo are built to last We utilize heav y-duty lumber to resist w ear. QUALITY # 1 Prem iu m G rade L u m ber W e use only the highest quality lumber for your gazebo. W e mill every piece in-house to reduce sp linters and rough edges for a smooth nish and be er feel.


Artisan Vinyl

The Heart of Craftsmanship CRAFTSMANSHIP t the heart of cra smanship lies a strong desire to create something beautiful that will deliver a longlasting satisfaction for the recipient. There is a deep feeling of grati cation that comes from knowing that your e orts have produced a uality product that will be used and enjoyed for years to come. any of our team members grew up on mish farms where they learned the value of hard work and dedication. ur entire team is commi ed to each project and pays close a ention to every detail. VINYL QUALITY FEATURES Our standard v inyl gazebos are made of p ressure-treated outhern Yellow Pine covered with vinyl. ur heavy-duty floor consists of double x joists and thick maintenance-free composite decking boards. The posts are constructed of a white vinyl x sleeve with a solid wood core. They support high rails as standard that come with arched corner braces and top spindles. The roof is built with double ra ers, and sheeted with beautiful x tongue groove boards covered with roo ng paper and architectural asphalt shingles. The underside of the roof is coated with a rich mahogany stain for a beautiful hardwood appearance. ENDURANCE BEAUTY STABILITY MAINTENANCE-FREE Reinf orced V iny l Posts Seam less Corner Caps 9 " Stabiliz ing Screws 1 " T hick Com posite Decking T hese p osts giv e the structure the rigidity needed to weather all the seasons. G iv e the base of your gazebo a seamless look and high- uality nish. T his hidden but v ery imp ortant p art ties the roof and braces together for added lateral strength. C omp osite decking means there’s no need to paint or stain your decking. ong-lasting color matched composite screws hold your decking in p lace. 5

Artisan Vinyl

Vinyl Octagon Gazebos

O ut door Living... ctagons are the time-honored gazebo shape. This style gives you a classic look for comfortable living. Few investments yield as many rewards as our handcra ed gazebos. The richest reward just may be how it brings your family closer together. A A . 1 6 ' V IN Y L O C T A G O N B Country tyle, Cupola, tanding eam etal oof Composite ecking C B . 1 8 ' V IN Y L O C T A G O N Colonial tyle, Cupola, S creen P ackage & iny ite Windows C . 1 2' V I N Y L O C T A G O N Colonial tyle Bell oof D D . 1 4 ' V IN Y L O C T A G O N Country tyle, Cupola, lmond inyl, creen P ackage E . 1 2' V I N Y L O C T A G O N 6 Country tyle, Cupola, Pinnacle oof Create an Elegant Gardening Space E

Vinyl Octagon Gazebos


C ountry S tyle, C up ola, 5 -V M etal R oof, C omp osite D ecking, E lectrical P ackage & S creen P ackage C up ola E lectric nishing touch for the roof of your gazebo. Add an electrical p ackage and enjoy your gazebo well into the ev ening hours. Give the gardener in your life the ultimate gift... an elegant gazebo for their garden. Crown olding dd a nished roof edge to your vinyl gazebo with this crown moulding detail. 7


Wood Octagon Gazebos

F amil y Living... Fire up the grill and get ready for a crowd. The smell of barbecue will draw your family and friends. The comfort of dining in a gazebo will keep everyone close by. A A . 1 2' W O O D O Family time is precious don’t waste a second of it. G iv e your family the v ery best by choosing the p erfect gathering place. You’ll be amazed how li le moments like a family picnic transform into lasting memories your children or grandchildren will remember forever. C T A G O N B C olonial S tyle, C up ola, C omp osite D ecking, V ictorian Braces, ushroom tain B .1 6 'W O O D O C C T A G O N D utch S tyle, C up ola, C edar S hakes & C edar S tain C .20 'W O O D O C T A G O N D utch S tyle, C up ola, M ushroom S tain, & R amp D .1 4 'W O O D O D C T A G O N C olonial S tyle, C up ola, P agoda R oof, & C edar S hakes E .1 0 'W O O D O C T A G O N 8 D utch S tyle, C up ola, C omp osite D ecking & Canyon Brown tain Create Memories in your Space E

Wood Octagon Gazebos

Artisan Vinyl

12' OCTAGON GAZ EB O D utch S tyle, C up ola, S creen P ackage, & C edar S tain D o u b l e2 " x 6 " F lo o r J o is t s 2" x 8 " T o p P l a t e H elp s p rev ent w arp ing ties the ra ers and of j oists and p op p ing posts of your gazebo of floorboards. together for additional T hey allow snow T he comp ression ring for a be er straight down load cap acity and wind resistances. fastening of the floorboard, giving your deck a stronger, longer lasting life. Give your family the very best by choosing the perfect gathering place. Create moments that transform into lasting memories. 9

Artisan Vinyl

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