Mahir Rms

mahir | rms

mahir | rms

Restaurant ERP

mahir | rms


Aspect Details Company Name Established Specialization Clientele Expertise Innovation Product Accessibility Design Philosophy Security Performance Flexibility Customization Support Efficiency Analytics Almahirhub 2015 Customizable Web-Based Software Solutions, Database Applications Corporate Business & SMEs Seasoned Professionals & Domain Experts Continual Search & Practice of New Ideas in Software Development Mahir Rms (Cloud-Based Application) Global Connectivity via Internet, Compatible with LAN/WAN User-Friendly, Cost-Effective, State of the Art Interfaces & Database Design User-Level Password Protection, Enhanced Cloud/Server Security Swift & Accurate Data Retrieval, Powerful Search Engines Responsive Design, Smart Interoperability, Scalable to Workload Real-Time Data Export, Runtime Customizations High-Quality System Support Services Maximizes Resource Utilization, Minimizes Time Wastage MIS Dashboards, Graphical Reporting, Real-Time Data Processing


About Product

Feature Functionality System Type Integrated Restaurant Management Solution Primary Goal Streamline Management and Control of Restaurant Operations Key Components Point of Sale (POS) - Financial Transactions – Inventory Workflow Enhancement Optimizes Restaurant Workflows for Efficiency Business Overview Provides a Comprehensive View of Business Activities Continuous Improvement Facilitates Ongoing Enhancement of Operations

About Product

Mahir Rms Architecture

Mahir Rms Architecture

Key Modules

Description Graph Displays graphical data representations, such as sales trends, popular items, and inventory levels. POS Processes customer transactions, manages orders, and handles payments. Order Taker App An application, enables restaurant ordering through mobiles/tablets Kitchen Manages kitchen operations, including order tracking, recipe management, and cooking schedules. Stock Manage Dedicated to inventory control, tracking stock levels, and ordering supplies. Manufacturing Involves the production process of food items, perhaps in-house preparation or packaging. Wastage Records and analyzes food waste, crucial for reducing costs and improving sustainability. Kitchen Dashboard Provides an overview of kitchen operations, including current order status and staff assignments. Staff Manages employee information, scheduling, and payroll. Accounts Related to financial accounts, budgeting, and expense tracking. Reports Generates reports on sales, expenses, inventory, and other key business metrics. WhatsApp Integration Customer engagement and management updates.

Key Modules


Graph Type Description Revenue Growth Average Check Size Sales by Category Line Graph Bar Chart Pie/Donut Chart Shows monthly or yearly revenue changes. Compares the average spending per customer. Displays the percentage of sales for food, beverages, etc.


Point of Sale

Function Point of Sale (POS) System Controls & Procedures Inventory & Financial Reports Sync Sales Tracking Inventory Management Software Authentication for Management Role-Based Access Control Audit Trails Two-Factor Authentication Facilitates transactions, manages sales data, tracks inventory, records customer information. Cloud-based for real-time data access and analysis. Compares inventory data with sales records to identify discrepancies. Monitors sales transactions and flags unusual activities. Tracks inventory levels and usage patterns to detect and prevent theft or wastage. Assigns specific roles and permissions within the POS system. Maintains logs of all managerial activities within the POS system. Implements additional security measures for managerial activities. POS Layouts Default Standard layout with product/item grid, categories on the side, and payment options. Running Orders on POS Features a live list of ongoing orders on the main screen. Hide Categories Hides the product categories from the main view for a cleaner interface. Categories on Top Displays product categories at the top of the POS screen. Call Center – Delivery Optimized for managing delivery addresses, tracking order status, and integrating with delivery services. Layout # 1 (Categories on the top) Order Taker Mobile Application

Point of Sale

Layout # 2 (Running orders)

Layout # 3 (Categories on the left) Layout # 4 (Call Center)

Layout # 2 (Running orders)

Order Taker Application

Almahirhub’s restaurant ERP system is revolutionizing the dining industry with its Advanced Mobile Solution, an Android app that simplifies order-taking. It boasts robust Order Management capabilities, handling various order types with ease. The system’s Optimized Structure ensures rapid processing of numerous orders, while stringent Security Protocols safeguard operations. Operational Efficiency is at the heart of the system, bolstered by Push Notifications that keep staff updated. Reviews & Ratings features capture valuable customer insights, and Easy Order Placement enhances user satisfaction. Flexible Order Punching and meticulous Unpaid Invoice Management round out the system’s comprehensive features, making it indispensable for modern restaurant management. Key Feature Description Advanced Mobile Solution Order Management An Android-based app designed to streamline the order-taking process. Optimized Structure Security Protocols Operational Efficiency Push Notifications Reviews & Ratings Easy Order Placement Order Punching Unpaid Invoice Management Handles dine-in, takeaway, and delivery orders efficiently via mobile devices. Capable of processing hundreds of orders simultaneously for a swift service. Fortified with security measures to restrict functionalities and prevent mishandling. Essential for modern restaurant management due to its focus on security and efficiency. Provides timely notifications on order status to engage order takers. Enables gathering of customer feedback to improve services and trust. Simplifies the ordering process to minimize errors and enhance satisfaction. Offers flexibility with order punching and updating. Allows tracking and management of unpaid invoices.

Order Taker Application

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